Chapter 2 " expect the unexpected "

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WOOHOO! I'm finally posting the next chapter!

" what, what do you mean I'm still married "
" well, it says you never got a divorce "
I thought about it and I knew exactly what was going on.
" I'll call you later Anna, I'll let you know about it later "
" wait bu-"
I grabbed my coat before quickly leaving the cafe. I took out my phone and luckily I didn't delete the text message my mother sent me. I clicked on it and called her
" I knew you would call "
" hey, I am your mother why are you yelling at me "
" yes, you are my mother but you were never there for me and now I want to know why you didn't take care of it "
" there's a reason why I didn't do it "
" why "
" I'll let you know soon, I'm coming back "
" your coming back "
" yes "
" well I don't want to see you guys "
I hung up the phone and put it back in my pocket. I felt bad for being rude to my mother but it's just they hurt me so much that I can't control my anger around them anymore. I got in my car and went back home. I really just wanted to see y/n right now. I opened the door seeing y/n sleeping on the couch. I smiled and walked over to her. I moved the hair out from her face. She looked so peaceful while sleeping. She must have felt me move her hair and woke up.
" hey your back "
" yeah sorry for leaving so suddenly "
" it's okay "
I sat next to her pulling her close to me and kissing the top of her head. I hate keeping things from her but this something I have to keep from for just a while Until I get things figured out.
Your POV
you loved just being in Jimin arms, you could still smell his fresh scent of cologne.
" hey, we need to go grocery shopping "
" right now "
" yes right now, unless you want to starve for dinner "
" but I just got home "
" it's okay you can stay home to rest, I'll just call Taehyung to come help me "
You got up knowing that would work.
" No no no, I'll go "
" okay, let's go "
" wait one question "
" what "
" why do you have Taehyung phone number "
" oh you know for emergency purposes "
" what does that mean "
You chuckled while looking at his worried face.
" don't worry, it's not that serious "
" well it's serious for me "
" would you hurry up and get your shoes on "
He plopped back down on the couch again.
" ugh I will if you give me a kiss "
" hurry up "
He still didn't get up.
" you know I'm starting to think if I have a baby, I'll just have to two babies to take care of "
" I need a kiss to regain my energy "
You walked over to him giving him a peck on the cheeks.
" wait, what's was that "
" a kiss "
" no, on the lips "
" I will, after you get up "
" fine "
He stood up waiting for you to kiss him.
" let's go "
" wait "
" fine "
You leaned in to kiss his lips but he wrapped his arm around your arms trapping you and kissing you longer. He pulled away looking at you
" you know sometimes I question myself if you really are an adult "
" I love you "
" I love you too now let's hurry "
" let's go "
We got in the car and he drove to the grocery store. We got inside and his job for grocery shopping is pushing the cart while I picked the stuff.
" should we get some ice cream "
" we already have some at home "
" it doesn't hurt to stock up on some more "
He placed the bucket of ice cream in the cart. You went down another aisle to pick something out. You told him to go find the bread so it would be faster instead of just you doing it. You were looking through the spices and was trying to reach for one of them but you couldn't. You felt someone reached for it.
" Jimin, if I can't reach it then you can't reach it "
You turned to only be facing someone who isn't Jimin.
" oh sorry, I mistook you for someone else "
" it's okay "
He handed you the spice and you thanked him
" thank you "
" you don't remember me "
You looked at him trying to remember
" umm no sorry I don't "
" it's me, dean "
" DEAN, from middle school "
" yeah "
" oh my gosh you've changed "
" so did you "
You went in for a hug
" so how you been "
" I've been good "
" Y/N "
You heard Jimin call your name, he walked over to you.
" ohh dean, this is Jimin my husband "
" ohhh I didn't know you were married "
" yeah, she's married and I think it's pretty serious because we're buying grocery together "
You lightly poked Jimin side to get him to stop.
" well congrats for you too "
" thanks but I think we'll be leaving now, we have some unfinished " business " to take care of "
You poked him harder making him flinch a little.
" well I'll see you around dean "
" you to "
" what was that "
" why are you flirting with other guys we're suppose to be grocery shopping "
You couldn't help but smile trying to keep in your laughter.
" are you jealous "
" yes I am "
He crossed his arm trying to be mad at you.
" let's hurry and pay because you know we have some unfinished " business " to take care of at home "
He smiled trying so hard not to let you see. You two finished paying and went home. You cooked the dinner for the both of you.
" do you need help "
" yeah can you cut up the onion "
" okay "
You were cooking while he cut the vegetables. You heard sniffing and walked over to Jimin
" are you crying "
" yes these onions just made me cry "
You laughed at him while he was trying to cut the vegetables. After you made dinner, you two ate together as always. He later helped you do the dishes and finally finishing and getting to just rest.
" I have to tell you "
" what "
" umm "
You got up and looking at him feeling worried.
" did you cheat on me again "
" WHAT, of course not "
" then what "
" remember in highschool that one time I was sick and you came to help me and I said my parents are always gone "
" yeah "
" well there're coming back "
" what's wrong with that "
" nothing it's just I don't want you to meet her "
" why not "
" well she isn't the nicest person out there "
" don't she know we're married "
" she does "
" then it shouldn't be a problem "
" you don't understand I don't want her to say anything to you "
" it's okay Jimin "
" well, just give me some time to talk things out with her then I'll let you meet her "
You smiled and nodded while your hands were behind his neck touching hair reassuring him not to worry.
" thanks "
He leaned in and gave you a peck on the lips.
" should we go to sleep now "
" but this time we'll just sleep "
" but- "
" no buts, we already did yesterday "
" fine "
We went to our shared room and went into a sleep slumber. The next morning you woke up before Jimin you looked at the time and it was 6am and Jimin was suppose to wake up in bit for work. You woke up to take a shower and make him some breakfast before he left. You were so busy cooking you didn't notice Jimin waking up. He wrapped his arm around your waist placing his chin on your shoulders.
" good morning "
" good morning "
" did you sleep well "
" yes "
You finished making breakfast setting the food on the table. He rushed his breakfast a bit because he didn't want to be late. He went to put on his shoes. You walked towards him helping him fix his tie a bit.
" have a good day at work "
He smiled at you before pecking your lips and leaving.
I looked at my watch and it was almost 7:30. I got in my car trying to get to work as fast as I can. I finally got to work and luckily I made it in on time.
" excuse me Mr. Park "
" yes "
" there's someone waiting for you in your office "
" who is it "
" I don't know she said she's just someone visiting "
" alright thanks "
I didn't know who would visit me so unexpectedly. I opened the door I froze for a moment.
" mom "
She turned around looking at me.
" why are you here "
" is that any way to greet your mother "
" what are you doing here "
" what do you mean I'm here to be with you "
" why now only "
" I'm sorry, I was busy so I never had time to come back "
" or is it more like you ran out of money and decided to come back "
" of course not "
" where's dad "
" your dad isn't coming back "
" why what happened "
" we are taking a break "
" what do you want from me "
" nothing I just want to be in your life "
" your lying "
" I do, but enough about me I heard you married someone "
" yes, and we are very happy together so I don't need you to ruin it "
" of course I won't ruin it but what about Kate "
" what about Kate "
" don't you still love her "
" I never loved her "
" well I think you getting back with Kate would be better then you with that other girl "
" don't you dare try anything, because I don't want her to be upset I don't want to hurt her "
The door open getting both of our attention.
" oh sorry to interrupt but we have a meeting "
" I'll be right out "
" I see you must really want to be with this girl "
" yes so don't do anything "
" well at least let me meet her "
" no, I have to go to my meeting "
I left my office clenching my fists into a ball. The meeting ended and I went back to my office. I sat down running my fingers through my hair.
" Jimin "
" oh jinyoung what's up "
" umm so earlier you were in your meeting and some lady came to ask for your address "
" what who "
" she said she was your mother "
" did you give it to her "
" yeah, was I not suppose to "
I quickly opened the door and ran to my car trying to get home first.
Your POV
You were sitting down on the couch starting to feel drained out from doing the laundry. You then heard a knock on the door. You were a bit confused because Jimin doesn't come home this early. Maybe he came home early. You looked through the peep whole seeing a woman who looked rich. You opened the door smiling at her
" hello, are you looking for someone "
She didn't answer me but kept looking at me up and down
" so your the girl "
" excuse me "
" I'm Jimin's mother "

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