Chapter 8 " am I doing the right thing ? "

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Your POV
" if you love him you'll think about his happiness "
Those words that kept echoing in your head. You can't just give up on Jimin like that. But your question was does he still have a little bit of feelings for her. I mean you can't just forget your first love like that especially when you married her once. You were confused right now you really didn't know what to think. You touched your little growing belly looking at it. This baby, this baby right here you can't just have this baby and leave it's yours. You heard the bedroom door open making you jump a bit.
" hey, I was looking for you "
You smile at him while he walked in with a smile on his face. He sat down next to you kissing the top of your forehead.
" hey, what's wrong "
" nothing I guess I'm just feeling a bit tired "
" well, you know if you need anything you can always ask me "
" I know "
" so are you really okay "
You didn't answer his question instead fiddling your fingers not looking at him.
" is there something wrong y/n "
" can I ask you something "
" of course anything "
" so, tell me a bit about Kate "
" what, why "
" I just want to know, I mean you did marry her once and I want to know how you really feel about her "
" but- "
" please, I promise I won't get upset "
" is this a trap "
" no, I'm serious just tell me for a minute just pretend you weren't married to me and this was the situation right now what would you do "
" well, I guess kate was my first love and when I was with her everything all the stress was gone. I really did love her a lot she did make me happy and the moment she left and said she was going to divorce me and never come back again it broke my heart a lot. I was a mess all I did was thought about her. Maybe I still have a little bit of feelings but I would never leave you I promise you that. But You know what they say you never forget your first love right, but then things changed and I met you and I never thought I would find love again "
You couldn't help but let a tear down while looking at him. He looked up to see you already having tears stream down your eyes. His eyes widen when he saw you cried he hugged you right away.
" hey, I didn't mean to hurt you I just did what you asked me to "
You pulled away looking at him, he looked really worried and scared. You wiped your tear away smiling at him.
" I'm not mad or upset, hearing you say those words just sort of  made me feel emotional but not because I'm upset but because how much you've also been through "
He pulled you closer to him hugging you close to him. You thought to yourself, you never heard him sound so serious when talking about someone before. He was being sincere this time he sounded as if he meant every one of those words he said. Maybe you don't have what it takes to be his wife. Maybe you should let him return to his real happiness.
" are you okay y/n, why are you asking me all this "
" I'm fine, it's just I never really got to know your true feelings and I just wanted to hear them "
" okay, well let's think positive because we're going baby shopping tomorrow "
" right "
" I'm excited to just spend the day with you and my little baby "
" me to "
He pecked your lips making you blush a bit.
Jimin woke up early to get ready to go shopping. He seems more excited about this then you are which makes you even more upset.
" wake y/n, let's go "
You rolled to the other side of the bed not wanting to get up.
" five more minutes Jimin, we have all day "
" come on, I really want us to spend this whole day together "
You lazily pulled yourself out of bed and into the bathroom to take a shower. You didn't close the door because that became a habit of yours after you and Jimin got married. He sat on the bed waiting for you to get ready for today. After showering you came out of shower to get dress. You finally finished getting ready.
" are you done "
" yes I'm done "
" okay let's go "
Your stomach suddenly started growling.
" I see my two babies are hungry "
You nodded while he pitched your cheeks.
" okay well get some breakfast on the way "
You two walked to the car while he drove to a near by restaurant. We walked inside sitting down while they handed us the menu. your appetite was acting up so you got a lot of things. You ended up getting a plate full of pancakes, eggs, bacon, and sausage. 
" you must be really hungry "
" I'm eating for two now "
He smiled at you before eating his food. After you both ate you went to the mall. You went into all the baby store and Jimin was looking at all the little girls baby stuff.
" Jimin you don't even know if it's a girl or boy yet "
" it's okay, if it's a girl then we were lucky and bought the right stuff but if it's not, I mean we have many years together and we can always have more babies in the future "
You smiled at Jimin but hearing that made you want to cry a bit. You watched Jimin as he picked out little pink and purples dresses. He picked out this pink flowery dress and pair of cute baby boy shoes.

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