Chapter 18 " confess "

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[ don't worry you guys that was just and April fools I'm sol going to finish no matter what. Even if all the fishes comes to attack me I'm still finish this story! LOLOL ]

Your POV
everything else got very awkward after you and Hoseok entered the house.

" HOSEOK HUYUNG, when did you get here "
" I got here today, but forget because  I know something that I need to tell you "

You quickly pulled Hoseok away from them.

" Hoseok please, don't tell him "
" why not "
" because, I don't want him to know about it or else he would be even more mad at me "
" y/n think about the baby, why are you doing this "
" I was doing this for Jimin and the baby, I figured if Jimin was with the person he loved then it would be better "
" well what are you going to do "
" just give it some more time, please "
" fine "

Jimin ignored Kate and his mother and walked over to us.

" how come you didn't tell me you were coming back "
" I'm sorry, I was going to come by yesterday by I guess I got news that just made me bit upset "
" what did you mean earlier when you know something and you needed to tell me "
" ohhh, yeah that "

Hoseok looked at you and you were begging for him to keep it quiet.

" nothing "
" no it was definitely something
" it was nothing, also sorry for interrupting I didn't know you had company "
" no they were just leaving "

Jimin started walking closer to you but you really didn't  want to see him right now either. He tried grabbing your hands but you pulled back a little standing next to Hoseok.

" y/n how long are you going to stay mad at me "
" I'm not mad, I just need time to think Jimin "
" please just stay "

Kate and his mother walked over to you and Jimin, you pulled your hand away from his quickly.

" we'll be on our way then, we'll talk some more later "

Before Jimin's mother left she glared at you before she left and you knew she was going to talk to you later.

" well I'll come by and see you guys tomorrow then "
" wait Hoseok, can you drop me off "

You looked at Jimin who looked upset, Hoseok probably noticed to and told you to stay.

" y/n, I think you should stay "
" why "
" I know, you are upset with him but I really think you should stay and talked things out with him "
" but I don't want to "
" I'm sorry y/n "

He left leaving you and Jimin alone in the house. He started walking towards you and this time you didn't rejected his touch.

" please don't be mad at me "
" Jimin, I'm not mad okay "
" then why are you acting so cold towards me "
" I'm just confused right now "
" about what "
" about everything "
" well please talk to me, that's all "

He started walking closer to you afraid you might reject him. But you left him kiss you. He pulled you in for a gentle kiss. You didn't pull away because to be honest all you wanted right now was to feel his lips. He pulled away placing his forehead against yours.

" I really didn't mean any of the things I said "
" I know you didn't but please just give me a little time to figure things out "
" but promise me something "
" what "
" please don't leave me "

You bit your lips trying so hard to hold back the tears.

" if you don't think about me please think about our baby "
" please don't say that "
" why not "
" because it makes it even harder "
" make what even harder "
" nothing, but I'll stay here tonight "

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