Chapter 3 " I'm back "

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[ SO SORRY FOR THE SLOW UPDATES! But school is just in my way for now. EWWW! lol but anyways I'll be able to update this weekend even more. But I think I've kept you guys waiting long enough and the chapter starts now!

HEY STABH IT!!!! There's a bit of LIGHT SMUT in here!

" so your the girl "
" excuse me "
" I'm Jimin mother "
Your eyes widen at the sight of your husband mother standing in front of you right now.
" ohh how are you "
You quickly bowed to her while she took of her shades and came inside. She looked around our home and thank goodness you cleaned up a bit.
" umm Jimin is still at work, but he'll  be back soon "
She turned around to look at you eyeing you from head to toe.
" I'm actually here to see you "
" ohh, alright well let's talk in the living room "
Then suddenly the front door opened and came in a angry Jimin.
" mother, I specifically told you not to come here "
" well, I said I wanted to meet your wife "
" I already told you "
" I am your mother Jimin you don't talk to me in that tone "
" I don't care you, I already told you not to come here until things were figured out "
" I am your mother and you are my son I can do whatever I want "
You heard a loud slap making you flinch.
Jimin's mother started crying and running out of the house. You looked at Jimin and was about to run after her but Jimin grabbed your hand stopping you.
" don't, let her go "
You walked over to him placing your hand over his red cheek.
" are you okay "
" I'm fine "
You hugged him tightly comforting him. You both walked over to the couch and sat down.
" what was that all about "
" nothing "
" Jimin remember what you said we don't keep secrets from each other "
" your right "
" so what's up "
" I guess I'm just surprise to see my mother and she told me my father and her got a divorce "
You could hear that he really needed to cry in his voice. You pulled him closer to you.
" it's okay Jimin, but you know she is still your mother and yelling at each isn't going help much "
" I know "
" so I think you should at least take it easy on your mother a bit okay, even if she makes you upset just take it easy on her don't be so harsh "
" thanks y/n you always know what to say, I love you "
" I love you too "
He cupped your cheeks while kissing your lips. You woke up the next morning with Jimin arm wrapped around you. You quietly turned around to face him. He looked so peaceful while sleeping so angelic. You touched his naturally long lashes admiring his soft beautiful face. Feeling thankful you get to wake up to his face everyday. You felt him grabbed you hand holding it placing it on his lips pecking the top of your hand.
" sorry, to wake you "
He smiled at you with his eyes still closed.
" you didn't wake me "
His sleepy voice always Mange to sends tingles down your spine.
" you should probably wake up for work "
He pouted and pulled you closer to him placing his head on your chest, while you ran your fingers through his soft brown hair. ( just pretend he has brown hair )
" I don't want to, I just want to lay here with you forever "
He leaned up more kissing your neck and then kissing up higher your neck. You couldn't help but close your eyes feeling his kisses. You immediately stopped yourself before things got farther. You pushed him back a little
" wait Jimin, not now "
" why not "
" you have work "
" well morning sex will be a great way to boost my energy "
You lightly hit his chest.
" fine, I'll go get ready "
He leaned closer to you puckering his lips.
" I need a kiss "
" seriously Jimin "
" yes "
" you still have stinky breathe "
" oh come on, it's not that bad "
He was about to blowing his morning breathe at you but you were quick to cover his mouth.
" JIMIN if you dare blow your stinky morning breathe at me I swear you will never ever see me naked again "
He started laughing at you and your serious expression.
" okay okay okay "
He got up but was quick to leaned in to give you a quick peck.
" I won "
He smiled and went in the bathroom to take a shower. You smiled loving how playful your husband is. You went in the kitchen to make some breakfast. Jimin came out of the shower half naked.
" please go put some clothes on "
" maybe, I should call in sick so we can finish our unfinished business "
" please go get dress so we can eat our breakfast "
He left to go get dress and came back out.
" y/n I need help fixing my tie "
You walked over to him fixing his tie
" what 23 old man can't tie his own tie "
" this 23 old man "
He pointed at himself making you laugh a bit. He walked over to eat his breakfast. He lifted up his sleeve to check the time.
" I have to go now "
" okay, don't go buy lunch today I'll bring lunch to you "
" that sounds great "
He walked over towards you giving you a peck on the lips before leaving for work. You really wanted to make Jimin a really delicious lunch. You didn't want to just make a simple sandwich. You decided that you would make him some kimbap and maybe some Korean pancakes. You had to go to the grocery store to buy some ingredients first. You got to the store and started picking out the stuff you would need. You were rolling your cart and accidentally hit someone's else cart.
" I'm am so sorry "
" y/n "
" dean "
" I see we're always bumping into each other while doing grocery shopping "
" I guess we are "
" so is it just you alone today "
" yeah my husband is at work "
" oh, where does he work at "
" he works at STARZ company "
" ohh really, my sister Kate is coming back here soon and she has a job there to "
" that's great "
" yeah, so umm do mind if we exchange numbers your husband wouldn't mind right "
" no not at all "
You took your phone while he dial his phone number in.
" great, so I guess I'll see you around "
" it was great seeing you again "
" you too "
You said your goodbyes and you went to pay for your things. You looked at the clock and it was 9am and Jimin's lunch starts at 11pm. You had to hurry and started cooking your food for him. You finished cutting up the vegetables and started frying the food. You rolled your kimbap perfectly and cut them perfectly. You grabbed a lunchbox and carefully placed the food inside nicely. You looked at the time and it was 10:30 already. You quickly changed grabbing your keys, purse, and the lunchbox. You headed to your car and drove to his work place. You let the front desk lady know that you were here to see Jimin and you were his wife. They left you in and you went up the elevator to see him. You lightly knocked on the door peeking your head inside. His face immediately brighten up seeing you.
" thank goodness your here I've been starving to death "
You walked over to him and placed the lunchbox on his desk. He opened seeing the good food. He ate one of the kimbap.
" it's delicious "
You watched him eat his food while standing next to him. He grabbed your waist making you sit on his lap.
You were about to get up but he stopped you.
" Jimin Someone might see us "
" so what your my wife, who's going to say anything "
You smiled at him, moving his hair away from his face.
" you know I've had a really rough day today and I could really use some stress reliever "
" uhh no not here "
" but work sex is so much sexier "
" no, someone can just walk in anytime "
" don't worry "
You felt his hand already going up your skirt. He started kissing your neck making you close your eyes. You leaned your head back a bit giving him more access to your neck. You really tried not to make a noise while he kissed your neck. You could feel his hardness through his pants. He went to your lips kissing your lips biting your bottom lip asking for entrance. You gladly let him explore your mouth with his tongue. The kiss got hotter and turned into a make out session. He got up and place you on his desk. Kissing you while touching your thighs and your sweet spot.
" JIMIN, more please "
He smirked at you begging for more from him. You went to your undies and was about to pull them off but there was knock on the door making you to pull away from each quick. Fixing your hair and straighten out your skirt.
" uhh Jimin "
" yes come in "
" ohh you have a meeting in about 10min "
" thanks "
They closed the door leaving you two alone again.
" I guess I should get going as well "
" we'll continue at home for sure "
He leaned down to give you a quick peck on the lips. You grabbed the lunch boxes.
" I'll walk you out "
" okay "
I started walking y/n out to the lobby. I remembered I was suppose to get a new partner today because jinyoung was going to be out for a bit. She was suppose to be meeting up with me soon.
" so I'll see you at home "
" yup "
I heard someone call my name and she walked towards me hugging me. My eyes widen at the sight of the girl that was hugging me.
" Kate "

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