Chapter 7 " more lies "

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[ I REALLY WANT TO THANK EVERYONE for still keeping up with me! People who encourage me makes me feel so good about writing this story! I'm also so close to 2,000 followers WOOHOO! ANYWAYS CHAPTER 7 BEGINS NOW.


Your POV
you woke running to the bathroom throwing up some more. You were so tired to even get up that you placed your hand on the toilet seat putting your chin on the top of your hand. Jimin came in and helped you up
" oh no y/n that's not clean "
He help your life less tired body up. You washed your hand before he bridal carried you placing you on the bed.
" morning sickness huh "
" yeah "
He laid next to you running his finger through your hair.
" you okay "
" not really "
He leaned down kissing the top of your head while holding you close to him.
" are you hungry "
" no not so much, but don't worry I'll be fine it's just morning sickness I'll be fine "
" are you sure "
" yeah you should go to work, they probably need you "
" okay, I'll call you to check up on you later okay "
" okay "
He leaned in to give your lips a little peck before leaving. You felt better after a little while but now you were craving for so many things. You really wanted something sweet like Ice cream or cookies just something sweet. You heard your phone ringing looking at the contact name
From: JIMIN 💕😘
You quickly picked up the phone feeling happy to just hear his beautiful voice.
" y/n are you doing okay "
" yeah I'm fine but I have a little problem "
" WHAT WHAT, are you hurt "
You chuckled through the phone because of how protective he was.
" I'm fine it's just I'm craving for cookie and ice cream "
" well, I can pick some up on the way home "
" that's why I love you "
" so you only love me because I buy you food "
" yes "
" wow that hurt me "
" I'm just kidding dummy, I love you for lots of reasons "
" I love you to "
Every time he tells you he loves you it still always makes you feel all flustered.
" anyways I have to get back to work "
" okay, I'll see you when you get home "
" alright "
I was in a little meeting with Kate about the project me and her were working on. I waited for about 10min until she came into my office. She didn't really look to well she looked a bit tired and pale.
" so Umm are you ready for this meeting "
" yeah "
" are you feeling okay "
" yeah I'm feeling fine "
" okay, then we'll get started "
" okay "
" so if we maybe we collaborate with them we might come up with a better plan "
" yeah sure "
I looked at kate who obviously didn't seem to well. I knew she wasn't really listen to what I was saying.
" I think you should go home "
" I'm fine really "
" no your not, you look really sick "
" I'll just go rest in my office for a bit "
She got up and started walking but suddenly fainted and luckily I was behind her and caught her on time.
I tried shaking her a bit but she wouldn't wake up so I called the ambulance. About 5mins later the ambulance came and lifted her placing her on the gurney.
" who's her guardian "
I got into the ambulance car and went inside with them. I saw her lying there and she looked pale and didn't look to well. I didn't think her sickness was this bad. After we arrived at the hospital they rushed her inside. I had to stay outside while they rolled her inside the emergency room. I waited for about 1hour before the doctor came in.
" how is she "
" are you Kate's husband "
" umm "
I remembered that me and kate are still married and if I say I wasn't her husband it would be weird.
" uhhh y-yes I'm her uh "
" husband "
" yeah husband "
" well she doesn't have any damage to her, she just had a very high fever and it seems she hasn't been eating which she doesn't have energy so I suggest you take good care of her until she came fully recover "
" yes doctor "
I went into the room she was in walking inside.
" hey "
" hey Jimin "
" you okay "
She smiled at me nodding her head ensuring me she was fine.
" sorry to make you worry "
" no it's okay, but why didn't you tell me you were sick and more importantly why are you starving yourself "
She laid down turning the opposite way of me.
" it's just I've been really lonely lately "
" is it because of your sickness "
" something like that, Jimin I have a mental disability "
" what "
" remember when I said I was sick, I have anxiety disorder "
I walked over to her and sat next to her.
" hey don't worry, I'll be glad to help whenever you need help "
" thanks "
I heard a knock on the door and the nurse came in.
" your Kate's husband "
I looked at kate who was going to say something.
" uhh yes, I'm her husband "
" okay will you please sign these papers "
I signed my name on the papers
" okay, as for you kate you can be discharged tomorrow well just keep you here for one night "
" alright "
I looked at my watch and I forgot about y/n and I forgot I promised to buy her cookies and ice cream.
" I have to go so I'll see you in the morning kate "
I was going to run out but she grabbed into my wrist.
" please stay with me "
" I can't, I have some stuff to take care off "
I saw tears in her eyes and she looked at me.
" please just for a little bit longer "
I really didn't want to but she had nobody else so I decided to just stay.
" okay just for a little bit "
I sat down next to her while she laid down looking at me.
" thanks for staying and helping me "
" it's okay, I mean I would've done that for anyone "
" but I'm just glad your here right now and I'm really happy right now "
I felt bad for leaving y/n home alone for this long. I kept looking at the time  I looked at my phone.
" kate, I think I should go "
" is it because of her "
" yeah "
" why won't you just understand how much I love you "
" hey, clam down okay I don't want you to get anymore sick "
" no please tell me Jimin, what can I say or do to for you to actually look at me "
" please not now, not here "
She was about to lean in for a kiss but I quickly stopped her. She looked upset with me and started crying.
" I'm sorry, please don't do this "
I got up and left the hospital to go buy y/n her ice cream and cookies. I came home holding the food, I know she would probably be upset at me being late. I opened the door and she was sitting in the kitchen waiting for me.
" sorry, I know I'm late but I had a reason "
" I've been sitting here waiting and waiting forever "
" I know I'm sorry but I bought what you asked for, ice cream and cookies "
She smiled and walked over to give me to give me a kiss before taking the food from me. She started eating the cookies and a little bit of the icecream. I didn't even question her why she's eating so much because I love seeing her eat it makes me happy. And I understand she is pregnant so I wouldn't want to get on her bad side. After she finally was satisfied she walked over to the couch to lay down. I walked over to and plopped next to her
" so where did you go for so long "
" well, you know kate "
" yes "
" well she fainted a work today and I went and stayed with her a bit just to keep her company for a bit but don't worry we didn't do anything I promise "
" I trust you Jimin "
" that's it, your not mad "
" no, well kinda of but I'll forgive you because I mean she did faint and I would've done the same thing "
" yeah, she's also sick with a disorder or something "
" she's okay right "
" yeah, she's fine but enough about that let's just enjoy each other "
I pulled her closer to me and kissed her forehead.
" so I get this weekend off let's go do something "
" like what "
" what about baby shopping "
" yeah "
She cupped my cheeks giving me a big kiss on the lips.
" I'm so excited "
" you didn't have this reaction when I told you I got a promotion at work "
" well, you know this is our baby we're talking about and baby shopping that sounds exciting "
" I guess it does sound exciting "
I was going to get discharged today and Jimin and his mother were waiting for me outside already. They gave me some prescription before leaving. I saw Jimin and his mother waiting for me. Jimin's mother ran up to hug me
" how is my little kate, are you hurt anywhere "
" I'm fine, I was just sick "
" okay well, let's go home "
We walked to the car and looked at Jimin who was about to walk into his own car.
" Jimin why don't you take kate home "
" umm, I can't "
" ohh come on don't be so rude "
" I guess "
I smiled and got inside the car while he walked to the other side getting in the car. The car ride was quiet but I didn't care because I loved being alone with him.
" are you feeling better now "
" yeah "
I looked around his car and saw a picture of him and y/n and next it was a picture of a baby's heart. I did feel a bit upset and maybe even jealous.
" so I see your going to be a father soon huh "
" yeah "
After 10mim of driving he drove to the front of my driveway.
" do you want to come inside "
" maybe next time, I have this thing to do with y/n "
" coming in for 5min wouldn't hurt "
" I know, but I really have to go "
I closed the door and he drove off and I felt tears leaving my eyes already. I came inside my house feeling upset. I got a call from Jimin's mother
" so how was it "
" it didn't go well he already left "
" that boy is driving me crazy "
" I don't know what else to do "
" I know "
I decided to call y/n and asked to meet up with her.
" hey y/n this is kate, I got your number from my brother but anyways I want to talk to you please "
I went to the little park where I asked to meet with her. I waited for about 15min before she came.
" hey kate, I heard about what happened are you okay "
" yeah I'm fine "
" so what did you want to talk about "
" I wanted to talk to you about Jimin "
" what about Jimin "
I started crying and came closer to her holding her hand.
" please y/n please don't take Jimin away from me "
" what do you mean "
" I love Jimin a lot and I really don't want to lose him so I'm asking you please leave Jimin "
She pulled her hand away from me looking at me
" I'm sorry kate but I can't do that, I have his child and we are married "
" please y/n I'm not asking you to not have this child I just want you to have this child and leave I'll pay you "
" you are ridiculous, how can you just ask me this "
" because he said he still loves me, and still wants to help me and  the reason I only left was because I had a sickness and he said that if I wouldn't have left he would have never married you "
" STOP IT your lying "
" I'm not, but all I'm asking is for you have this child and leave please think about his happiness "

[ I KNOW YOU GUYS HATE CLIFF HANGERS! LOL but for now what do you think should happen next ? ]

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