Chapter 9 " what does this mean

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I'm finally back! ALSO PLEASE READ REMINDER! This is a fanfic so events that happen in this are just made to make this fanfic super interesting so please don't take it so harshly.  Also I really appreciate you guys for reading my stories! ALL MY A1 to those who read
" love game "
" arranged love "
" House of cards "


After Kate left you really didn't want to be home, you just needed some time to yourself. You didn't know what you were doing at the moment but this seems like it was right. You walked around the park letting all your emotions out that you didn't even notice it was already time for Jimin to come home. You then got a call from jimin.
From: JIMIN 💕
You wiped your tears and answered the call trying not to sound like you just cried.
" hello "
" babe, where are you "
" sorry I just went out for a bit "
" well I have a surprise for you "
" you do "
" yup, so hurry come home quick "
You both hung up the phone and you decided to go home. You took a deep breathe before you entered the house with a smile on your face.
" Jimin, where are you you "
" I'm in here "
You heard him calling from the baby room. You walked inside and he turned around and smiled at you. He had a tool belt around him standing next to the nicely built crib.
Seeing this moment made you want to burst into tears. You finally couldn't hold on your tears any longer and started crying. Jimin looked worried when he saw you burst into tears. He came to hug you tightly
" what's wrong did I build it wrong "
" no it's not that "
" then what is it "
He cupped your cheeks wiping your tears away with his thumbs. You smiled at him making him feel better.
" I'm just really happy that's all "
He pulled you in for a hug but you were mostly upset because you won't be able to see any of this. Later that night you couldn't sleep at all. You got up and went to the baby room. You took out the scrape book that you were making as memories for the baby. You opened it seeing your little peanut heart beat. You smiled while touching the picture.
" I'm sorry mommy couldn't be a good mom, but I'm sure you'll love your daddy and Kate "
You were going to be making the scrape book up until the day you have your baby. You couldn't help but let tears roam down your face. Happily ever after isn't meant for everyone. You looked down at your stomach which is already starting to show a little bit. You couldn't wait to find out the gender of your precious baby. You were already two months pregnant and next month you get to know the gender of your baby. After looking at the picture you put it back going back to your shared room with Jimin. You climbed Into bed next to Jimin. You took his arm placing it under your head as a pillow. He probably felt you next to him so he pulled you in closer to him wrapping his arm around your waist.
" where did you go "
His raspy sleepy voice never fails to send tingles down your body.
" sorry I had to go pee "
He pulled you in closer, you could smell his fresh scent on him. You loved sleeping this close to him it makes you feel secure around him. The next morning you woke up early to use the bathroom. You were pass your morning sickness. You went to the kitchen to make some tea. You were standing by the water that was getting heated up. You felt Jimin snake his around your waist placing his chin on your shoulders. He started rubbing your small little baby bump.
" I don't want to leave for work, I want to stay here with you "
" I know, I don't want you to go either "
" should I just stay home "
" I would say yes, but you need to go because they might need you "
" but you need me more "
" I know, but I won't want you to skip work just because of me "
" I would do anything for you "
You turned around giving him a peck on the lips.
" no more morning sickness "
" nope "
" good, now I can go to work without having to worry so much "
" hurry and go shower "
He left to go do his regular morning routine for work. You poured the hot water into your cup with the tea bag in it. You blew on it to cool it down a bit. You took a sip of the tea and it felt so nice.
" I'm leaving now "
You heard Jimin call from the living room and walked over to him.
" I'll see you later "
" okay "
You leaned in and he kissed your forehead.
" I love you "
" I love you too "
I came into my office and Kate was already in my office.
" what are you doing in here "
" I was waiting for you "
I walked over to my chair and turned on my laptop and started typing things down. She sat on my desk touching my tie.
" please let's be professional here and not do this "
" Jimin, you need to feel great full that I came back for you "
" no thanks, now would you please get off my desk and we have to really talk about this project "
" I want to talk about us "
" look, if you aren't going to do any work I'll just take your name off the work "
" fine go ahead I don't care because I'm here just to get you back and as long as I get to see you like this everyday I don't care if you take my name off the work "
She got off siting across from me, while starring at me.
" you just wait, everything will be back to normal later "
" what are you talking about "
" you'll find out soon "
She was going to get up and leave but I grabbed her arm stopping her.
" please, Kate I'm begging you and my mother to not do anything "
She pulled her arm away from my hold.
" Jimin, I won't stop until you realise me feelings even if I have to do things  to get you to realize it "
She walked out of my office, I walked back to my chair running my hand through my hair.
Your POV
I was sitting down deciding to drink some more tea when you heard the door bell. You went over to look through the peep hole seeing Jimin's mother.
" hello, please come in "
She glared at me alittle before walking into the house.
" what brings you here "
" we have to talk "
" of course "
You two went to the kitchen and sat down while you went and poured her a cup of water. You place the water down next to her before walking to sit across from her.
" so you really are pregnant "
" yes "
"  did you by any chance talk to Kate the other day "
" uhh yes, I did "
" well did she ask you for a favour "
You were a bit hesitant to answer he question.
" uhh yes "
" well I have to let you know that I also agree to that deal, to be honest here I don't like you "
You looked down to your fingers fiddling them around.
" why did I do wrong, please tell me "
" you stole Jimin from my Kate, and you only went to marry Jimin because of money "
" no please, I really do love Jimin "
" I don't believe in gold diggers like you "
" please believe me, I will never use Jimin like that "
" okay, well if you love Jimin a lot by the time you have this baby you must leave immediately I know Kate already talked to you about it but I just wanted you to remember the deal and I'll pay you "
" no, I don't want the money I just want Kate to love my baby and Jimin that's all I'm asking from this deal "
" yes, of course she will "
" don't tell Jimin about  his ever "
" I promise "
She got up from her chair but accidentally knocking the cup of water on the ground spilling it everywhere.
" don't I'll clean that up "
She got up and left, you went to close and lock the doors. You walked back to the kitchen but the cup of water spilled further then you thought. You slipped on the water that was on the ground. You suddenly felt pain in your stomach. You were feeling extreme pain, you tried to reach for your phone that was on the table. You grabbed it dialling Jimin's number.
Jimin POV
I was in my meeting and I kept hearing vibrating in my pocket. I looked at it 13missed calls from y/n. I suddenly felt uneasy about it because y/n wouldn't call me 13times in the middle of the day.
" excuse me but may I step out to use the bathroom "
" of course "
I stepped out of the meeting room and called y/n back.
" what's wrong, what's going on "
" I need your help, I slipped on wa- "
The called ended and I was now worried. I forgot about the whole meeting and left. I ran past Kate who tried calling my name
" Jimin "
I ran to my car and got inside, driving as fast as I can. I finally got home and opened the door. I saw y/n on the ground crying
" Jimin ah "
" y/n, what happened how did this happen "
" There was water on the ground and I slipped "
I bridal carried her to the car and drove to the hospital. As soon as I got inside they let me take her to the emergency room. I had to stay outside, I would never forgive myself if something happened to y/n and my baby.
[ CLIFF HANGER! OH NOO stuff bouts to go down! lol 😭😭 LAST REMINDER! You guys stay awesome! Don't be afraid to message me for anything! 😘😘💕 ]

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