Chapter 1

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"Oh come on, stop fucking with me. Don't you think I would know if Park Jimin were at my school." I say over dramatically as I walk down the long hallway of my highschool.

"See for yourself." my best friend, (b/f/n), says as she moves out of the way.

Standing there on the opposite side of the school was in fact, Park Jimin.

This is not real.

There's no way this is actually happening.

"Go introduce yourself." (b/f/n) says and I look at her like she's crazy.

"Yeah right. He's surrounded by girls." I say but she doesn't seemed fazed as she pushes me forward.

"Fine, I'll go." I say and make my way over to him.

I tap his shoulder as my heart hammers against my chest.

When he turns around I come face to face with his beautiful brown eyes.

"I know this might sound weird but I love you."

Face palm.

"I mean, I know you from Bts. I love you guys." I quickly correct and he smiles.

I know he speaks a little bit of English but not much.

"Thank you. We love all of you guys too." he says and visually seems to relax.

"Wait, your English has improved." I say with a smile.

I mean he was my ub after all.

"Yeah, Namjoon-hyung taught me a lot before we came here." he says.

Came here..? They're here too?

"How about we hangout after school." he says flashing a bright smile.

Then I wake up.


The first thing I do when I wake up.

I had been having that same dream ever since I was 16 and I'm 20 years old now.

It's a sad reality that I, an international fan, will never meet my biggest idols ever, aka,Bts.

No matter which way I thought about it, I was screwed.

All I could do was live my life stalking them on the internet but It's okay though because they're my precious little children.

I grab my phone and sigh at the thousands of notifications I had missed while I was asleep.

This was a daily thing. I'd wake up to all of the things they did while I was asleep then I would cry a little and move on with my day.

It seemed pretty normal to me.

While scrolling through what I missed my eyes widen as they catch sight of something important.


I clicked on the link faster than you could blink and as I read my eyes grew wider.

The Bangtan Boys! With many international fans they don't get very much interaction with them so we are hosting an opportunity for one lucky international fan to come to Korea and meet the boys on an all paid expenses flight and hotel room! You may enter as many times as you'd like but we will choose one person randomly! We will announce the winners in two days! Good luck!

Was I dreaming? This can't possibly be happening right?!

Once I come to my senses I enter the contest multiple times as instructed.

I had to win this if it was the last thing I do.

Thinking of actually meeting Bts was a dream come true and I wanted that dream to become a reality so badly it hurt..So I kept entering and I didn't stop.

"Come on Y/n, It's been two days. Let's go out and do something." My best friend, B/f/n, says as she places her hand on her hip.

"Can't. Busy." I say as I continue to press the button.

I hadn't slept at all for two days and I had done nothing but press the enter button.

I was determined to meet them.

"It's almost time for them to announce it, right?" She asks as she sits down beside me.

I just nod, too busy to answer her.

That's when my phone buzzed with a notification from the official page:

We would like to inform our International army that the lucky fan has been chosen!
We will personally tweet them and give them the information on how to proceed with this. Thank you to everyone who participated and we hope to see the lucky contestant soon!~

"Looks like you didn't win. It's a shame. Now let's go out." B/f/n says standing up.

I felt my heart breaking in my chest.

This was my only chance to meet them and it slipped through my fingers just like that.

I was never going to meet them.

How many times will I actually be able to fly to Korea and meet the loves of my life?!

Yeah, never!

Just as I was about to sulk more my phone buzzed and I jumped on it.

When I opened my Twitter my eyes widened.

There, in my inbox, was a message from the Bighit official Bts page.

I open it quickly and read.

~Congratulations! You are the winner of the contest! All you have to do is arrive at the airport tomorrow morning at 9am and we'll take care of everything from there! See you soon!~

Then I screamed louder than I have ever in my whole entire life.

"What?! What's wrong?!" B/f/n asks frantically as she stares at me with wide eyes.

I felt tears of pure joy welling in my eyes.

"Well, what is it?" She asks and the words that come out of my mouth seem like a dream.

"I'm finally going to meet Bts!"

(A/n): So here's the new story!! I really worked hard for this story and yes, I already have it finished since I binge wrote it. I'll be updating everyday unless I'm busy and don't have time to do so. Other than that I really hope you enjoy the story because I know I do! Also, I just want to forewarn now that I'm basically writing this as my own hopeful experience and what not. I'll be relating the character as if it were me.😂 Also, this story will be a Jimin x reader just so you know((; ((side note, I'm not 20😂)) Until next time,

Your Admin-Nim, Hailey. ~((:

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