Chapter 9

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"So what do you want to do for your last day in Seoul?" Namjoon asks.

"I'd actually really enjoy just sitting here with you guys all day and relaxing, watching a movie or learning Korean with you guys." I say and he smiles.

"I have an idea then." he says and I raise my eyebrows.

"What's the idea?" I ask.

"Well we can all just hang out and chill while I speak in Korean and English, to teach you some things." he says.

"Sounds good." I say and he smiles and pats the seat beside him.

"I'm really gonna miss you guys." I say in sort of a whine.

"We'll miss you too. You have all of our numbers though so we can FaceTime and what not. If I have the time I can probably even continue the lessons." Namjoon smiles.

"Thank you, Namjoon. That means a lot." I smile and he nods and looks up as someone enters the room.

I notice that it's Jimin.

His hair was messy and his eyes weren't really even open at all.

I didn't even mean to do it out loud but I awed which causes Namjoon to laugh and my face to heat a bit.


"Morning." I say and he glances over at me and smiles as he runs his fingers through his hair.

"Morning." he says back and I smile at his cute English.

When he sits down beside me out of all of the other many spots to sit I can't help but to smile.

Knowing I couldn't speak it well I took out my phone and typed a message to him.

~You must still be tired after staying up till 2amㅋㅋ

He smiled and laughed at the message then typed back.

~Yeah ㅋㅋ are you this tired?

Instead of typing I just laugh and shake my head no.

"You two seem friendly. It's cute." Namjoon says from beside me and I cant help but to smile.

"Good morning!!" Taehyung yells as he runs into the living room.

Why did he have so much energy right now after staying up till 2am?

Jimin whines something from beside me and even though I don't know what was said it was still adorable seeing as he cuddled into the couch afterwards.

Plus everything he does is adorable.

Soon enough the rest of the guys follow and we're all in the living room.

Namjoon says something then turns to me and translates.

"I told them our plans for your last day here." he says and I nod and frown.

I really didn't want to leave.

This was a dream come true and a once in a lifetime opportunity and I didn't want it to end.

How many times was I actually going to be beside Jimin as he's just waking up and looks adorable with his cute little bed head!!

I have to use every bone in my body to resist the urge to push back the strands falling into his face.

I'm internally screaming.

I didn't want this to end.

I watch Y/n as her and Namjoon talk about whatever it is they're saying.

I understood some of the words but not many.

I did hear the word home which made me sad.

I didn't want Y/n to leave.

I still wanted to talk to her and yet if she left I'd never get that chance.

I wonder if pd nim would extend her stay a little longer...

Maybe I can convince him if I pay for it...

I pop up and everyone turns to me.

"Where are you going?" Namjoon asks.

"I have something to do real quick I promise it won't take long and I'll be right back." I say and zoom to my room to get ready.

After I get ready I head to bighit entertainment building.

Even if she could stay an extra two days at least I'd get more time to talk to her...

When I get to his office I knock.

"Come in." he says and I push the door open and head in.

"What brings you here, Jimin?" He asks, smiling a bit.

"I just wanted to talk to you about Y/N." I say and he looks a bit taken back.

"The international fan? What happened? Is everything alright?" He asks.

"Everything is fine. I just wanted to talk about tomorrow." I say.

"Oh yeah, when she goes home." he says.

"Yeah, that's the thing. Well you see..." I start and his eyebrows raise.

"What is it?" He asks.

"Well the guys and I really want her to stay longer. Even if it's just for a couple of days." I say and he lets out a breath.

"Her flight is already set for tomorrow and it won't be cheap to cancel that. Flights are not cheap you know ." he says.

"Then I'll pay for it. We all just really want her to stay." I say and he looks up, eyes set on me.

"Are you sure it's the others that don't want her to leave?" He asks, his tone suspicious.

"Well yeah.." I say.

His eyes search me then he lets out a breath.

"You know how expensive this is, correct?" He asks.

"Yes and I'm willing to pay whatever." I say instantly and he looks over at me then picks up his phone.

"Cancel the flight for tomorrow and please schedule a next one when there's an opening." he says then sets the phone down.

Instantly there's a text and he looks up at me.

"The next flight is in a week. You got lucky kid but it'll cost you big bucks." he says and I nod.

"I understand, thank you." I say and bow.

"Now, get back to that girl." he says and smiles a little.

I nod and head out.

As I was walking I couldn't stop the smile that was forming on my face.

Y/n was gonna be staying for another whole week....

Why did I feel so happy even when my pockets felt so empty?

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