Chapter 3

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When I woke up the previous morning I instantly thought of what today had in store for me and the other members.

Then something else came to my mind..

I didn't even know her name.

I had completely forget to ask yesterday.

I groan and slap my hand to my forehead.

Way to go Namjoon.

I stood up and made my way out to the living room where I found the guys all laying there while Jin stayed cooking in the kitchen.

"So how was it? What is she like? What's her name? Is she pretty?" Taehyung showers me with questions once he notices me.

"Woah calm down there, killer. Give him some time . He just woke up." Jin says as he appears from the kitchen with a bowl of cut fruit in his hands.

"But seriously, how did it go?" He asks as he sits beside Yoongi.

"It went well. The only problem is I forgot to ask for her name." I say.

"Way to go." Yoongi replies but I just brush it off.

"So when do we get to meet her? I was up all night because I'm so excited!" Jimin beams as a huge smile forms on his lips.

"I was gonna go pick her up after I get dressed." I say and everyone seems to start their own conversation about her.

"I want to come with!" Jimin says and I nod and hurry back to my room to grab clothes.

I quickly shower then meet back up with Jimin.

"Ready?" I ask and he nods and skips out behind me.

Now I have to actually figure out her name.

Upon waking up the next morning I showered and began to get ready.

I wanted to look good seeing as I'd be meeting the guys I was basically in love with today.

I did my hair all nice and curled, I put on simple makeup, then I put on my causal clothes consisting of a black tee, a green bomber jacket, ripped black skinny jeans, and my vans.

I think I looked pretty damn good if I do say so myself.

I assumed it would take a while but after about ten minutes I heard a knock on my hotel door.

I make my way over and open it and when I do my heart stops.

There I see Namjoon standing in front of me with the love of my life, Park Jimin, at his side.

He was even more angelic in person.

"Hey." Namjoon says, in English ofc, as he gives me a big smile.

"Hey." I say back and return the smile.

"I'm sorry I never asked yesterday, but I didn't catch your name." he says and that's when I realize,in fact, I hadn't told him my name.

"Oh yeah aha. It's Y/n." I say and he smiles.

"That's pretty." he says and I thank him then rock back and forth on my heels.

"I'm sure you recognize Jimin." Namjoon then says.

"Of course." I smile as I try to contain my feels.

I had been dreaming of this moment for years.

Having the one and only Park Jimin right in front of me seemed so surreal.

"Well I'm sure you want to meet the others so we're gonna head over to the dorm." Namjoon says, knocking me from my pure bliss.

"Sounds good." I say and step out of my hotel room and lock it behind me.

When we get outside I'm placed right between the two guys.

Having both of them beside me was something I never imagined would happen.

I'd definitely be posting about this on my fan account later.
When we finally arrived at the dorm I started to feel anxious and hella nervous.

In only a couple seconds I'd be seeing the rest of bts and I didn't have much time to prepare myself, Not that I'd ever fully be prepared.

When Namjoon pushes open the door and walks in I follow behind the two guys like a lost puppy.

The dorm was a bit bigger than I had imagined and actually a lot cleaner than I imagined too.

When we walk into the living room I see the other five guys spread out on the couches.

I felt like I was dreaming. It didn't feel real. I had to be dreaming.

Okay Y/n, time to wake up.

"My name is V." Taehyung says as he appears in front of me.

The way he said it in English about killed me.

His voice was a lot deeper in person which of course was sexy as hell.

"Hi." I say a bit shyly.

I wasn't usually as shy with new people but of course I was going to be around my seven favorite people in the whole entire world.

The guys begin to whisper amongst each other and I catch the word "pretty." and I blush a little.

Namjoon begins to say something to them and then converts to English.

It was a lot harder when you didn't have subs.


"The guys and I are going to speak English to you so you can understand, of course." He says and I nod and thank him.

That would make being here a lot easier.

"It's nice to meet you." Hoseok says as he flashes a huge smile that melt my heart.

"It's nice to meet you too. I love you guys so much." I say as my fangirl slips out.

A couple of the guys laugh while smiling.

"We don't ever really get to interact with our international fans so I'm sure all of the guys are pretty happy." Namjoon says and I look to see all of the guys with a smile on their face, even my smol baby Yoongi.

"Well I'm glad to have gotten this opportunity. I know a lot of other people would have really wanted this." I say and Namjoon smiles.

"Well we'll make sure to make this trip something you'll never forget." he says and I can't help but to laugh.

"Just seeing you guys in person is enough for me to remember to the day I am no more." I say and Namjoon smiles again.

"Thank you." he says.

"We have so many things planned too though so where shall we start?" He asks.

"The amusement park!" Taehyung and Jungkook yell together and I mentally awe.

Vkook moment is bless.

I glance back at Hoseok who looks terrified and I can't help but to think back on the last time they went on rollercoasters.

Please pray for my man Hobi.

He's gonna need it.

((A/n:: I updated earlier than usual because I'm moving today and won't have time to update later. Also, I probably cannot update tomorrow since I won't have wifi??? I don't know when they're coming to do it but if I can I will for sure update !! Until then,

Your admin-nim, Hailey. ~

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