Chapter 16

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A/n: Before I start I just want to thank you guys sososo much for 1k followers!! This means the world to me that 1k people are interested in reading the books I write. Writing is a huge part of my life and with all of your nice and supportive comments it pushes me to write more. Thank you guys so much and I hope to keep producing good quality books!! Once again, thank you.

With lots of love, your author-nim, Hailey

"You're actually dating her?!" The guys ask shocked.

"I am." I say, smiling from ear to ear.

"You do realize that long distance relationships are very hard, right?" Namjoon says and I nod.

"I do understand that but I really like Y/n and I can't just give up because of distance." I say and I see a couple of them smile.

"Then we'll support your relationship. You two are sure to be the cutest." Hoseok smiles and I thank him.

"Plus Y/n said she's coming to one of the concert dates on our wings tour so I can see her backstage then." I smile.

"Really? Which one?" Jungkook asks.

"The one at the end of this month." Tae says and I nod to confirm.

"Well then we'll wait it out and in the meantime you two can talk via internet and slowly fall in love." " Yoongi says and flush a little which causes them to laugh.

I wanted the end March to come quickly so I could see Y/n again...

I missed her so much and it's only been a day.

This is going to be hard.

"You're home!" B/f/n yells as she tackles me to the ground.

"I am." I say as I try to get up but fail.

"I missed you so much. I thought you were only supposed to stay a week." she says.

"I was originally but the flight got pushed back." I say.

"Well at least you're home now!!! What do you want to do now that you're home?" She asks.

"I'm dying for some French fries." I say.

"Then let's go! I'll buy you all the French fries you can eat!" she says as she pulls me out the house with her.

French fries here I come!
"I'm stuffed." I breath out as I throw myself down on b/f/n's couch.

I was gonna stay the night here since I hadn't seen her in two weeks.

"Chad is gonna come over alright." b/f/n says and I nod and pull out my phone.

Chad was b/f/n's guy friend but also her friends with benefits guy.

It seemed a bit complicated if you ask me..

As I was laying there my phone rang from a FaceTime call from Jimin.

I fixed my hair then answered.

"Hey" he says, smiling.

"Hey." I smile back.

"How was your day?" He asks.

"It was great actually. How was your sleep?" I ask.

"I'm glad, and It was nice." he says.

Before I can reply the front door opens and Chad walks in.

"Ayy Y/n, you're back." he smiles.

"Yeah, I just got back yesterday." I say.

"Well it's good to have you back." he says before heading to B/f/N's room.

When I turn back to the screen Jimin is looking back with a confused look and furrowed eyebrows.

"Who was that?" He asks.

"A friend." I say and his eyebrows raise.

"A friend?" He asks.

"Well he's actually my best friends friend but I talk to him sometimes ya know." I say and he pulls his lips in.

"Why? Is my little mochi jealous?" I tease.

"Of course not." Jimin defends but I can see straight through his fib.

"Whatever you say, cutie." I smile and that makes his face blush which makes me mentally awe.

He was so adorable.

"I wish it was time already." he says and I sigh.

"Me too but sadly, it's not." I say.

"I just want a hug, and a real one this time." he pouts.

"When I see you I'll give you all the hugs you want. You don't even have to ask, just hug me." I smile.

"I'll take you up on that." he says and I laugh and nod.

"What are you doing?" I hear and look over to see Chad appear again.

"I'm talking to my boyfriend." I smile.

"Your boyfriend? When did you get one of those?" He asks as he inches closer to the screen.

When I look back Jimin looks confused at the sudden English being spoken.

"Doesn't matter. Go back to b/f/n. We were trying to have a moment." I say as I flick Chad in the head.

"Too bad he can't see you in person. You look good today." Chad says and I make a face.

"Get out of here." I say as I turn back.

Chad laughs before leaning.

When I turn back to Jimin he looks unamused.

"Sorry." I say.

"What did he just say?" Jimin asks, ignoring the apology.

"It doesn't-"

"Y/n." Jimin says sternly.

"He said too bad you couldn't see me in person because I look good today." I say and Jimin's jaw clenches.

"Are you sure he's a friend?" Jimin asks, clearly jealous at this point.

"He's barley even that. He's just an acquaintance." I say.

"Trust me Jimin. I've been loyal to you for the past four years, why would I stop when I finally have you?" I ask and he let's out a breath.

"I'm sorry, it's just that you're not here and now I feel more distant from you than ever. I just feel like if we stay apart too long you'll lose feelings." he says.

"Well I can promise you that won't happen." I say.

"Okay, I'm sorry." he says.

"It's alright. Oh, and jealous Jimin is pretty hot." I say which makes him laugh.

"Anyways, you should get ready for the day. I think I'm gonna sleep." I say.

"Alright, sleep well, okay. I'll text you tomorrow." he says and we say our goodbyes then end the call.

That night I fall asleep with Jimin on my mind.

I love him more and more with every passing second.

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