Chapter 15

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It felt lonely.

Being at home and not with all of the guys.

I decided to go on my Instagram.

When I looked at the picture I posted I noticed many many comments.

Some from rude people and most comments from my lovely followers telling me how happy they were for me.

I missed the guys but now I'd have to return to my normal fangirl life.

I decided to post another picture I had taken, one with Jimin.

The caption was all of my emotions rolled into words.

It read: In these past two weeks of seeing you in person I've learned that my love for you only continues to grow stronger but now that I'm home and no longer there with you I feel sad and empty. I miss seeing you and your cute little smile every time I said something that made you happy. I really miss you and I hope to see you again someday my love. Always remember, I love you Jimin.

I post it then lean back on my bed.

Since it was currently 3am here B/f/n had no idea I was back so I decided that instead of sleeping I'd just be hella emo.

Now that I was back home I'd have to feel alone and sad.

I'd have to see Bts through a screen and love Jimin from afar as I always had.

I put in my headphones and blasted spring day and without consent, I began to cry.

I was in my feels and I already missed them more than anything.

Just as I was about to drift to sleep my phone buzzed and I picked it up to see a text from Jimin.

I quickly clicked on it and read it.

~Jimin: I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner. I didn't know how and I didn't want to freak you out. I really wish you were still here and we could be like a real couple. Now you're very far and I miss you like crazy and it's only been a couple of hours. I miss seeing your smile, I miss hearing your laugh, I miss you..We all miss you..

My heart seemed to stop as I read that.

Was I seeing straight?

Was this actually happening?

Was Jimin, The Park Jimin, actually confessing his feeling to me?

This was every Jimin stans dream.

This was my dream.

Before I could even reply my phone began to ring, a FaceTime call to be exact.

It was Jimin.

I took a deep breath before answering.

When Jimin appeared on the screen my heart beat picked up and I started to feel nervous even though I was fine just moments before.

His hair was messy and his eyes looked tired almost if he had been crying.

"Hey." I say and he smiles a little.

"Hey." he says.

"What's up?" I ask and I could sense the awkwardness.

"Just chilling. All of the guys are in a sad mood so we're not doing much." he says.

"Oh really? I'm sorry." I say and he nods while pulling his lips in.

"What time is it there?" He asks.

"3am." I say and his brows raise.

"I'm sorry for calling..It's just that after my text I just wanted to, Ya know, See you." he says and I can't help but smile a little.

"Yeah well about that text." I say.

"Yeah?" He asks, leaning forward a bit.

"Well I just wanted you to know that I miss you too and even though I'm far away I'm never going to stop feeling how I feel for you, Jimin." I say and he smiles.

"Then since you like me and I like you shouldn't we date?" He asks confidently even though I could see he was nervous.

Before I could answer the phone gets snatched from his hand.

"Y/n!!! I miss you!" Tae yells as he runs away from wherever Jimin was.

"I miss you too, Taetae." I smile and he sniffles.

"When are you coming back. Everyone is so sad." he frowns.

"I just left, Tae." I remind.

"Exactly. So come back." he says as if that's the most obvious thing in the world.

"You know I can't do that Tae." I sigh and he frowns again.

"But Jimin just asked you out which means you two are dating right?? That means you have to come back to see him. Mainly to see me but ya know." he pouts and I laugh a little.

"I promise you'll see me soon but just not any time soon." I frown.

"What do you mean? How will we see you again?" He asks and I see Jimin coming up behind him.

"I have tickets to a concert that's part of your tour." I say and I see Jimin's eyes widen a little as Tae's do a lot.

"When? What stop?" He asks.

"The one at the end of March." I say.

"Awe but it's only the beginning of March!" He whines.

"Yeah but it's not that long. It'll go by quickly." I say and he sticks his bottom lip out.

"Can I get a kiss when I see you again?" He asks but before I can answer Jimin does.

"Aish, don't say stuff like that." he says as he slaps Taehyung upside the head and takes his phone back.

I laugh and watch as Jimin retreats back into his room and shuts the door and locks it behind him.

"Sorry about that. He really missed you." Jimin says and I smile.

"It's alright. I miss him too." I say but that makes Jimin frown.

"More than me?" He asks.

"I miss all of you the same." I say.

"Well I'm your favorite so you should miss me the most." he pouts.

"Okay, fine. I miss you the most." I say which makes him smile.

"And about your question earlier, yes." I say and he looks a bit confused.

"You asked if we should date and my reply is yes." I say and he slowly grows a huge smile.

"So then now I can go brag to the guys that you're mine?" He asks, smiling widely.

"Brag to your heart's content." I grin.

"I will. For now, rest. Text me when you wake up and I'll reply when I can." He says and I smile and nod then we end the call.

I lean back into my bed with a smile glued to my face.

I was actually dating Jimin.

The guy I had fangirled over all of these years..

This was actually happening...

It felt like a dream that I never wanted to wake up from.

I was happy.

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