Chapter 13

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The days seemed to be passing quickly.

Tomorrow was the day I leave and I was sad.

I was grateful enough to have stayed for an extra week but now there was no more extensions, I had to leave.

I felt sad and I'm sure the others did too by the atmosphere here.

"Stop being so gloomy, you're making me even more upset." I whine as I sit down beside Jimin and lean back into the couch.

"We're just upset that you're leaving." Namjoon says.

"I'm sure I'm more upset but I've been here past the time I was supposed to be and I'm grateful for that." I say.

"We're really gonna miss you." Tae pouts.

"I'll miss you guys too but I'll text you guys and we can FaceTime." I say.

"I don't want you to leave." Jimin says from beside me.

"Awe is my smol mochi gonna miss me?" I ask.

"Promise you'll keep in touch with us." he says, avoiding my previous question.

"Of course." I say and his brows furrow.

"You didn't promise." he says.

"I promise." I say and he nods and turns his head away from me.

He seemed so stubborn lately.

"We should do something before you leave." Jungkook says and I glance over at him and smile.

"Like what?" I ask.

"I don't know. Let's play a game." he says.

"What type of game?" Namjoon asks.

"I have an idea." he says then pulls out a pack of Pepero.

Oh. I see what he's doing.

Let's do this!

Pepero? What was Jungkook up to?

This kid I swear.

"Do you know how to play?" He asks.

"Of course I do. I've watched plenty of videos." she says.

"Then okay. Who will start?" He asks.

"You two should. I mean you chose the game." Taehyung says and I glance over at Jungkook who looks a little taken back by his answer.

"Well let's do it." She says and he nods and pulls out one and puts it in his mouth.

I watch as they lean forward and Y/n takes ahold of the other side.

They eat it until they reach each other and then he turns his head and goes farther until he stops and breaks it.

"You guys got so close!" Taehyung laughs.

"Okay, next is you two." She grins as she points to Me and Jungkook.

"But why?" Jungkook asks.

"Because Jikook is a blessing, that's why." she grins.

"I'd rather do the game with you." I say and she looks a little taken back.

"I'm 100% Okay with that." she says and Jungkook hands her the Pepero and she sets it in her mouth and turns to me.

I lean forward and take the other end in my mouth then eat it as she does.

When her face gets close to mine I feel my face heating and I hope and pray it's not obvious.

At one point she tilts her head and bites it then moves back.

I move back too and see the tiny piece that was left.

We really got close seeing how small it was.

If only I had leaned a little closer...

I really like this girl.

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