Chapter 10

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"What seriously?!" Y/n asks over excitedly after Namjoon tells her about what I had done. "L

I nod and without warning she runs to me and wraps her arms around me.

I'm really shocked at first but when I finally come back to reality and go to hug her back Jungkook and Taehyung pull her away from me and hug her.

I missed my chance.

"You actually went to pd nim just to beg him to let her stay longer?" Yoongi asks and I nod.

"You like her don't you?" He asks, a smirk on his lips.

"Like her? What no." I defend and he laughs.

"Whatever you say." he grins as he turns back to look at his phone.

I turn and look as the two keep Y/n tight in their arms.

I wonder what she's thinking right now..

I'm in a Vkook sandwich!!!

You'd probably think I was thinking of something else but nope.

The only thing on my mind in that moment is that I was in the middle of two very hot, and slightly homosexual, kings.

"Aish that's enough, let her breathe." Namjoon says in English and pulls them back.

Awe my Vkook sandwich...

"No, it's okay. I don't need to breathe." I grin as I re extend my arms but Namjoon stops them from coming to me.

"So what should we do now that you're staying for another week?" Namjoon grins and I smile.

"Well I want a hug from you for starters." I laugh and he laughs too and holds his arms open which I gladly throw myself into.

Bitch smelled good as fuck.

When I pull back I see Jimin looking at me along with the two other maknaes.

I wanted to hug Jimin again but he didn't even hug back.

Sad face.

"We should teach you more Korean today so hopefully you get the hang of it before you leave." he says and I nod.

"I'm up for that. Let's go." I say and with that we learn.
That's how I ended up here.

I had stayed up all night for three nights straight and let me tell ya, I knew basically everything I needed to know.

When the guys spoke in Korean I understood it.

It was a blessing, a dream come true.

Now for the next four days I can actually communicate with them properly.

I was so happy.

"I can finally speak your language." I say to Namjoon in full out Korean.

"I'm proud of you but you really need to sleep. It's been three days where you didn't." he says back in Korean.

"You're right. Spread the amazing news with the guys and I'll see you guys when I wake up tomorrow." I laugh and he nods as I head to Jimin's room to sleep.

I was finally fluent in Korean.

It's like a whole new world.

Now time for me to show my true self.

"Where's y/n?" Taehyung pouts as he throws himself down on the couch beside Namjoon.

"She went to sleep because she stayed up for three days straight." Namjoon says.

"Why would she do that?" I ask.

"Well let's just say, you guys can chat with her to your heart's content." he grins.

"Wait, she can speak fluently now?" I ask and he nods with a smile.

"Awe now I wanna talk with her." Tae pouts.

"You can talk to her for the next four days but right now she needs to sleep." Namjoon says.

"I agree. We're lucky as it is that she's still here." I say.

"And how exactly did that happen?" Jin asks.

"I got the flight pushed back." I say.

"And how much did that cost?" He asks.

I mumble it under my breath.

"What was that?" He asks again.

"It was $600 okay." I say and they look at me with wide eyes.

"Jimin, seriously? I understand you didn't want her to leave but that's really expensive." Jin says.

"Yeah well we all spend more than that just on accessories." I defend.

I mean it was true.

"Okay yeah but still." he says.

"Well it's already done and over with plus I work hard for my money and this is something we all wanted so." I say.

"I'll help pay." Tae says.

"Me too." Jungkook adds.

"I will too." Namjoon then says.

"Thank you guys but I should do this." I say.

"Well we want her here just as much as you do so we'll help split it." Namjoon says and I smile and thank them.

They were all such caring people.

I wonder why Y/n picked me as her bias and not one of them.

Either way, I'm glad to know them.

I'm glad that Y/n chose me, and I'm glad that she's here.

Now when she wakes up I can finally talk to her and get to know her better in the next four days she'll be here.

I'm happy.

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