Chapter 17

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When I wake up the next morning I have a long text message from Jimin.

It said:

~I know you're asleep but I just wanted you to know how much we miss you, how much I miss you. I want you to wake up and see this then have a good rest of the day. I hope you smile today and make sure to eat lots!! I can't wait to FaceTime with you later so I can see you but until then I'll sleep and you have an amazing day, alright!! I'll dream of you so please, have fun for me!

I smile at the text message and reply back.

~How cute. I'm dating the cheesiest guy alive. ㅋㅋㅋㅋ Sleep well though and I'll talk to you later !! Goodnight! 😘

With that I get up and grab my things before heading home.

When I get there I shower and get ready for work.

Yes, I had a job outside of fangirling.

Even though fangirling was my #1 Job and the thing I was best at.

I worked at a store in the mall so it was quite busy every day but I made good money so all was well.
After a boring day of work I simply walked around the mall and went clothes shopping.

I wanted to buy a new outfit for when I see Jimin again.

I already missed him so much and the thought of seeing him again made me really happy.

When I saw him again we could just sit there for hours in each others arms and talk about whatever we wanted and no one would say anything.

I let out a dreamy sigh as I search around for some new clothes.

After finding around three new outfits I decided to head home.

By now it was around 6pm meaning it was 8am in Seoul.

I tried to think back to when I was in Seoul and Jimin didn't usually wake up till 9am so I guess I have an hour or so till I can see him.

I sit down on my couch and scroll my Instagram.

There was a couple people who lived in Seoul there too.

I mean they lived alone now too.

I live alone so I mean if I really wanted to I could just move to Seoul...

Too bad I don't have the money for that.

I plan to move there eventually though and I had ever since I discovered the place was filled with such amazing people and things.

One day I'd move there and I wouldn't have to feel so far away from the guys.

I wouldn't have to feel so far from Jimin.

The only problem with that idea is that then I'd be far from B/f/n so either way, I'll miss someone I care about like crazy.

I quickly post on Instagram then go make some food to pass the time.

Around 7:30pm my phone goes off with a FaceTime call and I practically jump on my phone.

When I answer it I'm greeted with not only Jimin but the other members too.

"Y/n!!" Tae says happily from inside of my phone.

"Hey." I smile as I wave.

"How was your day?" He asks, pushing his way In front of the camera so only he was visible.

"Well I worked and then went shopping that's about it so pretty average. How did you sleep?" I ask.

"I slept great!" He says and I laugh a little as his smile continues to get bigger if even possible.

"What are your plans for today?" I ask once he backs up.

"Well actually I wanted to talk to you as long as I possibly could since we have a free day." Jimin says and I can't help but smile.

I was willing to stay up all night for him.

"Really? Well I'm ready to talk all night then." I laugh and he smiles a little but I couldn't get past how adorable he looked with his semi bed head.

"Did you sleep well?" I ask.

"I told you I'd dream of you so of course." he says and a couple of the guys groan.

"That's so cheesy." Yoongi says and I laugh along with a couple of the others.

"It's cute, sh." I say which makes Jimin smile.

"How have you been?" Namjoon asks from beside Jimin.

Namjoon and I had become pretty great friends in the time I was there so even though Jimin was my boyfriend, I still felt the closest friendship connection to Namjoon.

"I've been good. Aside from missing you guys I've just been living each day as I always do." I say.

"Well I'm glad you still think of us." he smiles.

"Of course. Why would I not?" I laugh and they laugh too.

"We're all really excited to see you at the end of this month." he says and I nod.

"I'm excited to see you guys too. I even bought new outfits." I grin.

"I'm sure Jimin is excited to see those." Namjoon laughs and Jimin grins a little.

They all seemed so happy and energetic even though they had just woken up.

"I hope so. I mean I do look pretty good in all of them." I say.

"Of course you do. You look good in everything." Jimin smiles.

"Thank you." I say as I try to hold back a blush.

"Okay you guys can go now. I want to speak with her privately." Jimin announces.

"Aish, so greedy." Taehyung says as he pulls Jungkook away somewhere.

The others wave goodbye before leaving the room.

"You look so cute today." he says and something about it made me laugh.

"You waited till they left to say that?" I ask.

"Don't worry, you look cute too." I grin.

"I really miss you." he says.

"I had a dream that you came back and just came straight to me and hugged me tightly and I was actually happy that you called me your small squishy mochi." he says with a pout on his lips.

"Awe baby." I say and he smiles even more at that name.

"I stand corrected, I like that better than small squishy mochi." he says and I can't help but to laugh.

"Is the whole oppa thing necessary?" I ask and his ears seem to perk up, almost like a dog.

"Well it's not necessary but it is nice to hear." he says and by the effect it has on him I smirk and imagine that I'll be able to use it against him when I really have to but until then, baby will work just magnificently.

"When I see you next what are we gonna do? I mean how long are you gonna be there because I know I'm staying in the area for two days." I say.

"We are two, actually. Maybe you can stay the night with me." he says and he looks hopeful.

"Only if the guys want." I say.

"Oh they want." he says and I laugh as he points the camera to the door where I see the guys all standing by the door listening on and thinking they've gone unnoticed.

"Then okay, I'll stay the night with you." I say.

"Good because there's something I want to do when I see you and I don't want you to just leave afterwards." he says and my eyebrows raise.

"Well, What it is?" I ask.

"I should keep it a surprise." he says and I shake my head.

"Tell me. I need something to look forward too." I say and he stops for a minute then speaks.

"I want to kiss you."

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