Chapter 6

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The following morning consisted of me getting ready for the day but that was until I heard a knock on my hotel door.

When I opened it I came face to face with Jimin.

Why is he here by himself?

My mouth instantly felt dry.

In person he wasn't the mochi I remembered.

His eyes were dominating and fierce.

They were intimidating and made me feel insecure.

None the less this was the man I was in love with for years.

"Jimin? What are you doing here?" I asks and he thinks for a minute then speaks.

"The guys wanted me to bring you to the dorm." he says and I smile and nod then follow him out so he doesn't have to say much more.

When we get to the dorm the guys all turn my way.

"Good morning, did you sleep good?" Namjoon asks.

"I did, thank you. You?" I ask.

"Pretty good actually." he says.

"That's good." I smile.

From behind me I hear Jungkook say something, his voice hissed.

"Now, the youngest are on the whole who is your bias spiel so if you could just say who your bias is maybe they'll stop." Namjoon says and I turn to look at the maknae line to see them all waiting for my response.

"My bias.." I say, starting to feel flustered.

"Well, I love all of you of course but when I first got into bts I just fell in love with Jimin so yeah, Jimin is my bias." I say and Namjoon tells them.

I notice Jungkook frown but Taehyung hugs Jimin and says something to him.

"Also, Jungkook brought up the idea of me teaching you some Korean so you can interact with them more. If you're up for it I'm willing to teach you as much as I can in this week." Namjoon says and my face lights up.

"Really?? I've always wanted to learn it but I always ended up giving up because it was hard and I didn't have anyone to teach me correctly." I say.

"So I take that as a yes?" Namjoon asks and I nod.

"Of course! I'll really try my best to learn!" I say which makes him smile.

"I like that positive attitude." he says and I blush a bit at the praise.

He tells the guys what I'm assuming is my answer and that seems to make Jungkook smile.

If I could learn Korean before I leave I could tell all of them, in detail, how much they mean to me.

"Also, one more thing." Namjoon says to gather my attention.

"What is it?" I ask.

"We also would like to know how old you are." he says.

"I'm twenty." I say and he smiles.

"That's close to our age. No wonder we click with you so well. You're really calm for being a fan too. Usually our fans are asking for autographs, freaking out, and stuff like that." he says.

"Well I'm freaking out too, just on the inside." I laugh which makes him laugh too.

"Well I'm sure the guys will be happy to hear that you're close to our age." he says and I nod.

He then proceeds to tell them.

As he does they look a little surprised.

I mean I guess I did look a bit younger than I actually am but what are you gonna do?

"Now I have a question." I say.

"What is it?" Namjoon asks.

"Well, I have a fan account. To support you guys and all. Is it alright to take a picture with you guys and post it there?" I ask.

"Of course it's okay but you know how army gets." Namjoon says.

"I know but my followers are really kind people." I say and he smiles and nods.

"Then okay, let's take a picture." He says and the guys gather around me and we take the picture.

It looks adorable and there was no denying that.

"Thank you. Now I'll always remember this." I say and I felt like I could cry because I was so happy.

I posted the photo with the caption: My seven favorite people in the world.

"No problem. Now today we should start the lessons. We were gonna go shopping but I assume the guys will like this plan better instead." Namjoon says as he stands.

"Of course. Let's do this." I say and he smiles and nods.

I will learn Korean and speak to my smol babies.

Wish me luck.

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