Chapter 2

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"Are you serious?" B/f/n asks in shock and I nod, too surprised to even form words.

"So you're seriously leaving tomorrow at 9am to go to Korea? For how long?" She frowns.

"I'm not sure. I assume they'll tell me tomorrow but who cares, I'm finally meeting bts!" I scream as I'm finally able to speak normally again.

I was so happy I could cry.

"I can't believe you're this excited to go fly all the way out to Korea when you don't even speak Korean." B/f/n mumbles as she makes a face.

"You don't understand, b/f/n. This is seriously the best thing that could ever happened to an army and well you see, Korean is not a barrier when you're as cute as me." I beam and she raises her eyebrows.

"Get it, Because Jimin said... Nevermind." I say, pulling my lips in.

"Just please be careful there. Knowing you you'll probably end up causing some kind of trouble." B/f/n says and I make a face.

"That's not true. I never cause trouble." I defend.

"Yeah right. That's why you punched a kid just because they said they didn't Stan bts." She says and I slowly look away as I pull in my lips, knowing I couldn't deny it.

"That's beside the fact, okay. I'll be fine." I say while giving a reassuring smile but b/f/n doesn't look convinced in the slightest.

"Anyways, you should go. I haven't slept in two days and I need to sleep since I have to be up at 9am." I say and b/f/n nods then says goodbye and informs me that she'll drive me to the airport tomorrow, then leaves.

With that I hop into bed, look at my lock screen which was my boo Jimin, then I fall asleep thinking about tomorrow.
"Do you have everything?" B/f/n asks as we arrive at the airport.

"I have everything, don't worry." I say but she doesn't even seem to acknowledge that.

"Don't forget to text me every day, also, please please please don't act crazy and scare them and just-" but I stop her.

"Everything is going to be alright, you don't have to worry. I'll text you everyday to let you know how things are going, I promise." I say and she lets out a breath and nods.

"Now, it's 9am exactly. Now what?" She asks as she looks around.

I was about to speak but then my eyes landed upon a sign that had my twitter name on it and then two men standing beside it.

One was in a suit and the other one was one of the men I had spent many years obsessing over.


"Why do you look like that?" B/f/n asks from beside me.

"That's him. That's one of the guys from bts. I have to go now!! Okay I'll text you later!!" I say and make my way over to the two guys.

Instantly, they recognize me.

"Aha so you're the lucky winner!" Namjoon says, in English of course.

My heart melted right then and there.

He seemed to be even taller in person and his eyes seemed to glisten a bit.

He even smelt really good.

"Seems so." I smile.

"I bet you weren't expecting to see me here." he laughs.

"They sent me because I'm the one who speaks fluent English, which you probably already knew." he laughs again and I swear it's music to my ears.

"Yeah. It definitely a surprise." I say and he smiles down at me.

"Well we should get going before we miss our flight." he says then the man beside him nods and grabs my bags and walks away.

"Let's go." Namjoon smiles as he motions me to follow in which I obey.
When we finally boarded the plane and got seated the man we had arrived with seemed to completely disappear, leaving me all alone with Namjoon.

Hell yeah.

"So, do you know any Korean?" Namjoon asks after a moment of silence.

"I mean I've picked up on a few words here and there but I can't form sentences or speak it or anything." I say and he gives me a little smile.

"Well that's okay! I, along with the others, will try our best to make you feel at home." He smiles which causes his dimples to show bright and clear.

I couldn't help but to smile.

"Thank you, that means a lot." I say and he nods and turns his head to look out the window.

"Have you ever been on a plane before?" He asks, his voice somewhat quiet.

"Nope." I say and he laughs a little.

"Are you afraid? Usually people are when they haven't been on one before." he says.

"Eh, just a little but it's probably just because I'm sitting next to one of my idols." I laugh which makes a smile appear on his lips.

"Well the plane ride will be over before you know it and you can head over to your hotel and sleep seeing as it's pretty late in Korea right now." he says and I look down at my phone to see the time is currently 12pm meaning it was 2am in Korea.

"Are you tired?" I ask.

"A little but don't worry, I'll be alright." he says as he yawns and I feel a bit bad that he's awake right now when he should be sleeping.

"You can sleep right now if you want. I don't mind just watching a movie or something." I say and he looks hesitant.

"Are you sure?" He asks and I smile a little.

"Of course I'm sure. You're only awake right now because of me." I say and he gives me a sad smile.

"Alright but if you get lonely you can wake me up." he smiles and I laugh and nod.

He gives me one last smile before leaning his head against the window and letting his eyes slowly fall shut.

He truly was a beautiful man.

Ryan was lucky to have a man such as him. (':
"Ah, back in Korea." Namjoon says as he lets out a breath of relief once we finally exit the plane and gather our luggage.

"Shall we go, sir?" The man from the airport back in America asks as he reappears.

Namjoon hums an mhm then we begin to walk.

There was many signs with things written in Korean and let me just tell ya,

I didn't understand any of it but I was happy non the less.

When we arrived at a hotel they escorted me to my room and it was like heaven.

It was hella fancy.

"We'll be going now. Tomorrow I'll come pick you up and bring you to the dorm so you can meet the others." Namjoon says and the thought alone had my heart jumping up into my throat.

"Sounds good." I smile and he nods and smiles before taking his leave.

When he's gone I lock my door and throw myself down on the bed.

I couldn't believe this was actually happening.

I had just met Namjoon, I was actually in Korea, and tomorrow I was about to meet the other six guys I spend all of my time obsessing over.

I pull out my phone and take a photo to post on Instagram and caption it : A dream come true~👀

This was actually happening right now and I felt nothing but pure happiness.

I wonder what tomorrow will hold in store for me.

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