Chapter 22

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When I woke up next my head was pounding.

I checked the time to see that it was 3:30am.

I groan and go to my texts to see a couple from Jimin and some from Namjoon.

~Jimin: Are you alright?? Please call me when you see this.
*Jimin: I hope you're alright.

~Namjoon:Call Jimin when you wake up. He's really worried.

I smile a little and go to Jimin's contact then click call.

It rings and then he answers.

"Y/n? Are you alright?" He asks and his voice is full of worry.

"I'm fine, I promise. I just drank too much is all." I say.

"It's early there isn't it?" He asks.

"Yeah, it's 3am." I say.

"You should go back to sleep." he says.

"Well now I don't want to." I say and he smiles.

"Please?" He asks and even though he can't see me, I shake my head.

"I want to talk to you. Your voice is soothing me." I say and he laughs a little.

"Like you've said to me before, if you don't sleep not a single kiss." he says.

"You can't do that." I whine.

"But I can." he says.

"Okay fine." I say and he goes silent for a moment.

"Wait you'd actually not kiss me?" He says and I laugh.

"Well yeah that's what you wanted." I say.

"It's not." he says and I laugh at his sudden change in voice.

"Please rest Y/n." he says and I groan.

"Fine." I sigh.

"Goodnight Y/n." he says and then the line goes dead.

I let out a breath and try to go back to sleep.

I just wanted to see Jimin.
When I woke up next I had to drag myself from the bed and head home.

It was around 2pm meaning Jimin was already asleep long ago so I couldn't talk to him until tonight.

I figured I'd use this time to recuperate.

I went home and showered then laid down on my couch with blankets and turned on YouTube videos.

My mind was only on Jimin though.

That was my mind 24/7 but now I just missed him like crazy.

I just wanted it to be the time for the concert. When that time came I could spend one night and two whole days with him.

Even a couple seconds with him would be all I need right now. I just want to see him in person.

I shake the thought and focus on watching Wolfieraps on YouTube.

I end up doing that for a solid four hours and by then it was 6, going on 7pm.

Meaning it was almost 9am in Korean which meant Jimin would be waking up any time now.

I stand up and head to my bedroom and sit down In my spiny chair and turn on BTS.

Soon enough my phone was going off with a FaceTime call. I don't think there was ever a day so far where I hadn't talked to Jimin when he woke up or when I did.

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