Chapter 23 | Final

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Finally the time for the concert had arrived.

The concert was today and I couldn't be more ecstatic.

I was over joyed.

Today would be the day I got to see Bts live and see Jimin again.

I was super happy and I just couldn't seem to stop fangirling.

I was currently singing along to BTS as I showered.

Luckily this concert was where I live so I didn't have to take planes or anything.

I was dancing around In the shower and getting lit to silver spoon.

After that I got out and got dressed in my brand new outfit then did my hair and makeup all nice and pretty.

I was excited and it was showing.

Happiness was rolling off of me in gigantic waves.

The thought of finally seeing Jimin and the others today was over baring and I wanted nothing more than for it to be time for the concert.

After I finished getting ready I sat down on the couch and called Jimin on FaceTime.

When he answered I wasted now time in letting all of my happiness out.

"Today is the day!!" I say cheerfully and I see a giant smile make way to his face.

"I know. We've been waiting forever for this moment and it's finally here!" I say which only causes his smile to grow bigger.

"I want a really big hug as soon as you see me, alright?" he says.

"That twas the plan!" I grin.

"You look very beautiful today by the way." he says and I bite my lip and smile.

"Thank you. It's the new outfit I bought for this special day." I say.

"Well it looks amazing on you." he says and I thank him again before running my fingers through my freshly curled hair to loosen up some curls.

"Are you guys excited for your concert?" I ask and he nods.

"Very. Everyone is a bit anxious but we're all really excited to perform and we're of course excited to see you." he says.

"Well I'm glad you guys are excited to get back on stage. I'll be watching from the crowd and then I'll just have to somehow find you guys afterwards." I say and he makes an mhm sound.

"I hope you enjoy our performance. We've put a lot of time and effort into this." he says.

"I already know it will be amazing so of course I'll enjoy it." I grin.

"We all know the best part will be after the concert though."

"Obviously." I laugh.

"It starts at 8pm right?" I ask and he nods his head as he looks down at his watch.

"Are you tired? I know you're not use to being awake right now so I imagine you must be sleepy." I say and he replies with a yawn.

"Yeah but my excitement is making me stay awake. Plus I'm even a bit nervous." he says and I laugh a little.

"Really?" I ask.

"Of course. I haven't seen you in almost a month and now we're dating so it feels different from the last time I saw you ya know." he says, biting his lips.

"Yeah but in a good way. It'll feel better to be next to the one you care about and actually be open about your feelings." I say in which he smiles.

"About that, there's actually something I wanted to say to you." he says and my eyebrows raise.

"What is it?" I ask, a little nervous now.

"Well maybe it'll be better to say in person." he grins and I let out a breath.

"Then why bring it up? I don't wanna wait." I whine.

"I'm sorry but this is actually something I should say in person. Trust me, it'll be well worth the wait." he says and I nod understanding.

"Then I guess I shall wait." I say and he smiles a little.

"I have to finish getting ready for the concert so I'll see you tonight alright." he says.

"Mhm. I'll text you after the concert so we can find a spot to meet up." I say and he says a soft okay before we say goodbye and he hangs up.

After that I stand and look at the time.

It was going on 5o'clock now so I decided to watch more Wolfie videos to pass the time.

I felt very anxious now since time was coming closer and even more so because of what Jimin had said.

I wonder what it was that he had to tell me..Was it good? Was it bad??

All I know is I really wanted to know.
Hours had passed and it was finally time to leave.

I was skipping down the streets blasting BTS through my headphones, BTS ticket in hand.

I was the happiest I had been in weeks and I was trying to get to the concert as quickly as I could.

As I turned the corner I heard someone scream and next thing I know I feel an excruciating pain in my head, my legs, my arms, my ribs.

Everything was burning in pain.

I screamed as I felt my body becoming numb.

The feeling was something you couldn't put into words.

It was a pain that no matter how you explained it no one would ever be able to feel exactly the pain you were feeling in that moment.

Then I wake up.

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