Chapter 1.

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Your POV
"Hey did you bring the radio" you heard someone say walking down the stairs of a subway station to see your friend waiting leaned against a wall. "Yeah I got it. Not very many people here today." You said looking around the station then back at your friend. "By the time we set up it'll be rush hour so don't worry" she said as you handed her the radio. She set it up by a pillar and turned it on. You started stretching and looking at your phone scrolling threw Instagram.

You scrolled past BTS's post seeing something about them being in L.A. You quickly scrolled back up to see the post about them being there to research for music. You looked in awe as you happened to be is LA.

"Hey did you see BTS is in town" you said continuing to stretch. "Oh really" your friend said concentrated on the radio that was messing up. "Yeah, wouldn't it be cool if we saw them" you said hearing loud steps coming down the stairs of the station.

Your friend had just figured out the radio and hooked her phone up to it. You saw a stampede of people coming down the stairs for rush hour. "You ready?" Your friend called as you stood up. "When am I ever not ready (friends name)". She laughed a bit then started to the music.

She started playing DOPE by BTS and smirked at you because of the familiar topic. You and her started dancing the choreographed dance from the video perfectly adding some of your own moves in every once in a while. You had a baseball cap on the floor that suddenly started to collect money. The people normally didn't know the music to it attracted more attention and won the hearts of the people who knew it. Soon enough you and her had a circle around you of people throwing money into the hat and clapping. You loved to dance almost more that anything in the world.

"Hey that's our song!" You heard from the way back on the crowd. You tried to look back at the people while keeping up the dance. You caught a glimpse of a group of boys mostly covering your face. You thought the voice sounded familiar but shook it off. "Jungkook get back here!" You heard from the same deep English voice sounding even closer now. You didn't even realize the name you just heard.

All of the sudden a boy bursted threw the crowd and walked by you and your friend. Your friend was dancing facing the other way to entertain the crowd on the other side. You were tempted to stop the dance but kept it up since the song was halfway done. The boy you saw started to dance along to the music perfectly In sync with you nailing every move. You were surprised but the crowd went wild. You tried to shake it off but you couldn't keep your eyes off him. He looked into the crowd at everyone not even noticing you.

You finished the dance then saw I group of guys making there way to the dispersing crowd. You looked to the side of you to see the guy taking off his mask. Then you looked at the guys in front of you taking off theirs too. You and your friend gasped at the sight of them. You two knew exactly who they where.

"Jungkook you pabo" one of them said grabbing the boy next to you wrist. "Oh my god" your friend managed to get out it a voice that was almost a whisper. The boys looked at you in your shocked faces. "We're sorry for him" the one said in English as there was yelling in the background in Korean.

Your friend was paralyzed and you finally got the courage to say something. "A-are you rap monster?" You said to the guy who said sorry. Her looked shocked then went into a smirk. "So you've heard of us I see". "Um yeah your um" you gulped "BTS?" You said nervous for some reason. "Yeah!" You heard the boy who you found was jungkook say over the rest yelling. "There really here" you heard your friend say in the same almost whisper. Rap mon laughed a bit "you guys are the first American fans we've met since we got here. You're guys' dancing was really good". You couldn't believe you just got complimented by the leader of the group. The yelling in the background finally died down as the rest came up to greet you. "Oh um th-thank you. It's really nice to meet you" you said worried about running out of things to say. "It's nice to meet you too!" Junkook said smiling at you and your friend who looked like she was about to pass out.

"I'm sorry if I caused you any trouble by butting into your dance. I just really like dancing to that song" jungkook apologized trying his best in English. It was a good thing you took Korean language lessons in college. Mainly for understanding kpop actually which was kind of embarrassing. "No it's fine you actually got us more money" you replied in Korean to make things easier. The rest of the members looked surprised. Your friend decided to count the money giving up on trying to talk at all.

"Your really good at dancing" Jimin said to you smiling. You where packing up your stuff as you talked deciding if you said to much you might make a fool of yourself. "Thank you I've been dancing since I was 5". "Wow that's young" Jhope replied back.

"Say we've been walking around a lot today and are pretty hungry. Do you know any  good places to eat here" rap mon said. "Um yeah there's a good pizza place by (blank) street". "Oo pizza sounds good" Suga added. "Yeah sounds great. Hey if you want you can come with us you seem like pretty chill people" rap mon replied. "Really?" You said kinda shocked. "Yeah I mean you guys are probably hungry after dancing" he was right your stomach had been growling. "Yeah um sounds great." "Hey (friends name) you gonna come" you asked turning to her. "Nah I'm good" she said sounding out of breath. She was probably fangirling in her head trying to keep it in. You pulled your back onto your shoulder then looked at the boys. "You guys ready?" You asked. "Yup!" Jungkook replied as you guys started walking out of the station.

A/N   Sorry this first chapter is long if you don't like those. If you like the story please tell me and I'll make more chapters whenever I can. This is my first fanfic so ,y writing may be bad and I also don't spell check.

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