Chapter 8

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You decided to go to the dance studio early since you had extra time. You finished your dance by the subway early since there was a security thing going on. They didn't say much about it just that I had to leave.

I unlocked the old dance studio and turned on the lights. The lights flickered a bit then went out. You had forgotten how old the building was actually getting. You also noticed it kind of smelled bad. You took out your phone and decided to text Jungkook

Me: hey if it's not too much trouble can you pick up some lightbulbs and like.....some sort of air freshener

Jungkook: yeah sure....the place isn't gonna like cave in on us or anything right?

Me: no it will be okay. I promise

With that you swept the floor a bit and set your radio down. You put on your dance shoes. You know the shoes that you don't necessarily wear outside where they can get messed up. Not ballet shoes or anything just a different pair of sneakers.

You began stretching before hearing the door open. You looked over to see Jungkook holding a grocery bag. He looked really nice. Like he just got out of an interview. "I got the light bulbs and the air freshener. Your right this place does need it." He said. "Thanks." You said getting up and taking the bag.

You took out the box of lightbulbs and took out a lightbulb. The place had a step stool so you went up to change one of the lights....but the thing were still too short. You where only 5'4. You where short.

All the sudden you felt two hands grip your waist and lift you up. "Shorty" Jungkook mumbled as he helped me. "Shut up" you said changing the lightbulb with a pink tint on your cheeks.

He set you back down after changing it. "You can change the rest" you said handing him the box not thinking you could take being lifted any more. You would explode. He chuckled a bit then took the box. You took the air freshener out of the bag and sprayed the building a bit. It was a lemon scented fabreez, not exactly the best scent but better than the scent of rotting building.

When you two finished cleaning up you started to stretch. "So what are we gonna dance to?" You asked wondering if he had any plans. "Welllllll me and jimin just finished a dance to a song and that's whats fresh in my mind so if your down we could do that." He said stretching his arms not looking at you. The thing knew exactly what he was talking about. The BTS YouTube channel had posted a dance that jimin and Jungkook did to 'own it'. You where actually excited since you like the choreography."yeah sounds good!". You got up after stretching your legs to where he was.

"I have a sneaking suspicion that you already know what the song is" he said laughing a bit. "As a fan I feel like it's my duty." You said as he walked over to plug in his phone to the radio.

He got up and started showing you the beginning of the dance. You picked it up pretty easy since the beginning of a dance is always the easiest to you. Before long you where both dancing to the music. It felt so normal and smooth to dance with him.

After learning a few more moves you where almost half way threw the portion of the song you where dancing to. You where gonna run through it one more time before Jungkook had to leave. In the beginning you and him where dancing in sync but you where so into the dance you closed your eyes. It was like nothing was moving except you. Not even the air.

When you opened your eyes at the end you saw Jungkook in front of you with his arms crossed leaning against the wall looking impressed. He wore a smile on his face and he just looked at you. You where embarrassed but you smiled back and chuckled a bit. "That was great" he said. Whenever anyone els said that to you. It felt like they where lying just to make you feel better. But when he said it, it felt real. "Thank you, but it can't be that good" you said trying not to be cocky like you where when others told you you did good. You knew when they said it, it was fake so she just went along with it acting all confident.

"No seriously. It was really good, you got it down sooner than I thought" he said walking towards you. "I'm just a fast learner. But thank you, for teaching me. It's always fun to learn new dances" you looked down at your feet smiling. "No need to thank me. It was really fun teaching you. Should we resume tomorrow?" He asked walking to unplug his phone. "Yeah totally. This dance is really fun" you said changing your shoes. "Great. Well I gotta go but hopefully we can meet up soon. Text me" he said walking out of the studio.

You locked up the studio then left with a beaming smile on your face that you had been trying to keep inside ever since he arrived. You must have looked crazy on the streets but they would be smiling too if they knew why you where smiling in the first place.

A Secret Dance (Junkook x reader)Where stories live. Discover now