Chapter 18.

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*click* "They are adorable!" *click*

"He's gonna get mad at you when he wakes up"

"So? He can't delete them"

The sound of voices alerted me awake. I slowly opened my eyes a little to see hoseok sitting in front of me with his phone camera and Jimin standing next to him. I glance down and noticed I was on someone's lap so I quickly turned to see who I was on. When I turned I was met with jungkook's face leaning back onto the bed behind us. I quickly sat back up making the iron man blanket on me fall off my shoulders. The boys laughed at me and the quick movement woke up Jungkook.

He just groaned as he lifted his head up off the bed. He held his neck in pain as the boys laughed more.

"Rise and shine love birds! Sorry y/n but me, Jimin and Kookie have a schedule in an hour." Hoseok said as I checked the time on my phone. I noticed that I had to leave for work in a few minutes too.

"CRAP" I shouted and I shot up onto my feet.

"What" Jungkook said in a sort of raspy voice while getting up. Dang he's hot. NO NOT NOW Y/N. I thought

"I have work and a few minutes and I don't think I can make it home in time to change and get there" I said putting my hand on my head to try to sort out what to do.

"Well didn't you buy new clothes yesterday just change here and we can drop you off" he said searching through his suitcase most likely to pick out clothes for the day.

"Good idea!" I said rushing over to where we dropped out shopping bags. "Where are you guys going today?" I asked just out of curiosity.

"Great question, hyung, where are we going today" Kookie asked Jimin.

"To some dance studio to help with a class, teach one of our songs coreo." Jimin said sitting down on the bed.

Both me and Kookie paused in our tracks realizing where he was talking about. My studio is one of the only studios in our area. We both just started laughing at the realization.

"What?" Hoseok asks getting out of the bathroom in a new outfit.

"Oh nothing, it's just we are going to the place y/n happens to work. Most likely same class" Jungkook says grabbing his clothes and walking towards the bathroom.

"Really?! That one place that girl got a video of you? I didn't know it was the same studio" Hoseok says jumping onto one of the beds.

"Yup! I'm gonna get ready then you can y/n" Kookie says walking into the bathroom as I nod.

"SUP CHILDREN- oh hey your still here y/n" Yoongi says busting into the hotel room.

"Yup, she's coming with us! Turns out she's works at the studio me, Jimin, and Kookie are going to today" hoseok says

"Really? Cool" yoongi says sitting down on the desk chair.

Me, yoongi, Jimin, and hoseok talked until Jungkook got out of the bathroom. His hair was still wet and in his eyes a bit. He had a white T-shirt on and a pair of grey joggers. I could feel my face getting hotter. He's I don't really know how to describe him.

"You can get in now y/n" he said taking the towel in his hand and drying off his hair.

"O-okay" i said as my voice cracked a bit. I don't know why but it always does that. (A/N for real though my voice does that a lot:) I got up with my clothes and grabbed a new towel that Jungkook offered me.

I was lucky that I had bought new dance clothes yesterday and not a dress or anything. I was also lucky to be in a hotel room of boys who are care about their hair enough to have good shampoo even though I may smell like axe body wash now. When I got out of the shower I changed into a black sports bra and a white crop top sweatshirt. I never really got the point of them but they were cute. I also got nice new black leggings. I dried my hair to my best extent and brushed it with a comb. Luckily I always have a hair tie around my wrist so I just threw my hair into a pony tail.

The boys were all ready to go so we left right after I got out of the bathroom. We arrived at the studio in a few minutes but it took forever to get through the crowds in girls at the entrance. I managed to tip toe into the studio and set up. I was a little late but I doubt anyone would notice because they are all outside.

Once everything settled down we finally started class. The boys introduced themselves the best they could even though I don't think they needed to. Since we where learning the choreography from one of their songs they took the lead I just helped put a bit. But luckily I already knew the dance since I had did it before so we did it before we started teaching.

(The choreography :))

We only taught them some of the dance. Enough to take videos of and post places. I was super tired and so were the students. After the class basically everyone was on the floor except from hoseok.

After everyone gained their strength back people got in lines to take pictures with them so I waited to leave. After the pictures were done the boys made their way out of the building. I tried to follow them out but I was trampled by some girls. Before I hit the ground I landed in someone's arms. I looked up to see jungkook's face VERY close to mine. I zoned out into his eyes as did he. We were only interrupted by the other members telling us to hurry up.

"O-oh uh. Do you need a ride home?" He asked as I stood up straight again.

"N-no I'm fine. I can just take the subway home" I said tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.

"Are you sure? We can just take you" he said crooking his head to the side.

"No trust me I'm fine-"

"Come on!" Jimin yelled over the people.

"Oh, okay, well I'll text you later" he said while walking away taking the sea of girls with him.

"Remember my dad is coming tomorrow!" I shouted over the crowd now that I remembered. I saw him nod and shoot up a thumbs up over the crowd.

I smiled and started walking away to the subway station close by.

A/N dang I'm really bad at ending chapters sorry. Trust me I have a story line I'm just not good at ending things. Plez don't give up on meh. Hope you liked it (not edited)

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