Chapter 10

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After having my little emotional break down I gained my voice back and told Jungkook what happened with fr/n. I could tell he didn't really know what to say but when he did speak he said the right thing. A part of me wanted to know more about what happened but the other part was saying I couldn't handle it. That happened a lot, it felt like my mind was always split.

Jungkook was sitting against the mirror of the dance studio and I was sitting between his legs as he had his arms around my shoulders. We didn't really pay any mind to our position it kind of felt, natural?

"So what do you want to do? If you want to do anything?" He said in an almost whisper. He probably thought I was still a mess. Yeah I was depressed but after letting it out I feel a little better. I didn't want to hold Jungkook here too long so we could just do something then he could go. Not that I wanted him to I just knew he was busy.

"I don't know maybe get something to eat, I'm kind of hungry" I wasn't lying. Crying can makes you hungry.and dancing wasn't going to bring back any good memories.

"Where do you want to go?" He asked

"McDonalds? I'm not really in a restaurant mood" I say getting up out of his arms. I already kind of missed the warmth.

Soon after we where on our way to the nearest McDonalds which is not that hard. They are everywhere.

We sat down at the first one we found. We where at a booth in the back with my gorgeous double cheeseburger and a gorgeous man in front of me. Almost perfect if the reason I came here wasn't just because of a friend death. Little too soon to be thinking about this.

After Jungkook realized that he had almost nothing non generic to say when I was sad we decided to play twenty questions while eating.

"Favorite food?" He asked

"Mac n cheese"

"Favorite song?" He asked

"House of cards. You should know who it's by" I said and he laughed a bit. It was the song that introduced me to the group so it made sense.

"Favorite color?" I asked


"Favorite food from Korea" I asked

"Can't decide" He said and I laughed. I had never been to Korea but it had been a goal for me.

We played a little bit longer until we finished our food. We were now standing in front of the McDonalds.

"You sure you'll be okay. I can tell the guys I'll be late tonight." He said with sympathy in his voice

"No I'll be fine, no need to worry" I said sort of lying threw my teeth. I didn't want him to leave but I didn't want to hold him back. This is his vacation.

"Well if your sure. I'll be going then, I'll text you when i get back to the hotel." He said

"Okay" I said assuming that would be it and walk back to the buss. He he caught me off guard when he brought me into a hug. I felt so safe and almost happy. Until he pulled away and I already missed it.

The whole buss ride I just thought. I thought about Jungkook. I thought about fr/n. I thought about our times that we shared. By the time i entered the apartment all the tears just rushed out of me again.

I sat on the couch snuggled up with one of fr/n's stuffed bears watching her favorite kdrama and listening to her spotify Playlist on the account we shared. It sounds stupid but it helped a bit.

My phone buzzed on the night stand. I picked it up and looked at the notification.

You okay?

Not really

It's not like he could help me now anyways. Might as well tell him the truth. A second later I got a call from him. I picked up

"Hey what's up. Are you okay?" He asked threw the phone

"Not really. Just a few memories came back. You didn't have to call" I said threw my crackled dry voice from crying.

"From listening to your voice it seems like I did. I'm not just going to leave you to cry." He said in a serous voice.

"Shouldn't you be doing idol things?" I questioned.

"We're done with our schedule today. Hyung just wants us to stay in the hotel room."

"Well what about your hyungs? Don't they question who your talking to?" I don't want to get even more on their bad side if I'm even on it already.

"Not if they think I got homesick and called my mom"

"Who talkes to their mom like this?"

"The hyungs are in Jin and rapmon's room so it's just me in me and Jimin's room"

"You just have an excuse for everything don't you?" I ask as a smile crept onto may face without me even knowing.

"Yes. I. Do" He said as I could hear the smirk in his voice. I could tell this was probably his way of making me happy. But it was working

Before I knew it we had talking all night until I had fallen asleep I guess. We had talked for hours about random stuff. I guess the boys all stayed in jin's room because I never heard them come in and we talked until 1am. Why would he take that much time to talk to me? Whatever it is I'm doing I hope I never stop doing it.

A/n sorry I haven't written in a while and this chapter isn't even that good. I've been trying to get back in the writing mood so if you have any suggestions for what u should write about tell me. I also wrote this on my phone so I might have a lot of spelling errors

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