Chapter 9.

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It had been a few days since I saw Jungkook. He said he's been busy which makes sense. But we've been texting back and forth a lot. He's really funny, I introduced him to English memes and he caught on quickly. So it's always entertaining to get those texts.

We finally decided on meeting again later today after I dance. I've been practicing the dance he taught me when I have free time. Not to get cocky but I think I'm pretty good at it.

The subway station isn't back up yet so I had to do my dance by a coffee shop on a corner. It was a nice little place. Maybe I should pick up some coffee for him on my way to the dance studio. I actually don't even know if he likes coffee, there's a lot that I don't know. But I don't know what I expect, I can't just assume he'll tell me everything.

You know what they say about assuming it makes a ass- out of u- and me-

I decided to dance to 'A' by got7 since it's one of my new favorites. The crowd wasn't as good and there was a lot more rude people but that never stopped me before. After finishing I counted the money while in line for my coffee. Not my best idea but who steals in a coffee shop with a bunch of people? No one. I hope.

I didn't get that much but it was okay. I just need to work more classes at the studio. But that mean less time with Jungkook. Dang I hate money, it fixes and ruins everything. I get the coffees and put the money in my bag.

The walk wasn't very far to the studio. But then again zoning out can make time go by wayyyyyy faster. I tend to zone out a lot just thinking about stupid stuff. Just a way out of my boring/ not so boring life. Like how many girls can say that they text a kpop star? Not very many.

When I arrive I see that the lights are already on. Guess Jungkook beat me here. I walk in and put down my bag by the door trying not to spill the coffee. "What's that?" I hear Jungkook say from across the studio. "Oh um. I brought you a coffee. If you want it" I say nervous for some reason. He makes me nervous and I don't know if I like that. "Oh thanks! I'll pay you back" he says walking towards me to get his coffee. "Oh no it's my treat. I guess it's payback for the lightbulbs and air freshener" I say handing his to him and taking a sip of my own.

"Well I guess we are even then. We can drink this then get started. Do you still remember the dance?" He says taking a sip. "Yeah I practiced in my free time" I said walking over to the ballet bar that was in the back facing the huge mirror in the front. I leaned back on it while drinking my coffee. "Good. Sorry I've been really busy for these past few days. We have a concert coming up soon" he says walking over to the bar and leaning against it next to me. "Really? Cool, I would go if I had the money but ever since the subway shut down my usual dance crowds haven't been that good." I let out with a sigh. "Well maybe I could get you a ticket." He says looking at me. "Yes because the other members aren't going ask questions when you ask for a ticket for your own show. I thought they didn't know that we hang out?". He takes a drink then sighs "your right, the hyungs don't know. But I wish I could see you there. Nice to see a familiar face in the crowd".

I don't question why he doesn't tell the members that we hang out. A part of my thinks they are sort of mad at me for causing that drama when they first came to the US. I hope they are not but it's understandable.

Me and him finish our coffee and where about to start stretching. I heard my phone vibrate so I ran to my bag to check it. It was a call from (friends name). She hadn't called or even talked to me ever since she left to see her family a while back. Worried I answered

You: hello? (Friends name)?

???: hello is this y/n?

You: um. Yeah
I'm kind of worried now. I don't know who's on the phone

???: well I'm sorry but we found this phone from (friends name)'s body and now we are texting and calling her contacts.

My heart is doing backflips. What the hell is going on?

Me: what happened to fr/n=(friends name)?

???: we found fr/n ......dead. By a building. Presumed to have jumped to her death

Right then.....I seriously thought my heart stopped. I don't even know my surroundings anymore. I probably look dead on the outside. I soon felt warm streams falling down my face.

I just stood quiet as I hung up the phone. Falling onto my knees in shock. I'm crying but I can't feel anything. I just feel like a part of my heart died.

"Y/n? What happened? Are you okay?" I hear jungkook's voice coming closer to me. I can't speak my voice is just gone. I just look down at the floor eventually just closing my eyes and let it all out. I feel warm hands wrap around my body and my head hit a comforting yet hard chest. I now know that Jungkook is hugging me. It feels so strange and new but comforting. I never want to let go. He doesn't even care that I'm ruining his shirt with my tears. He just stays there comforting me.

He doesn't even know me that well and I don't know him. But I already trust him so much and I don't know if he feels the same. But this hug is what I need right now. My mind still distracted with every single thought that is possible I don't pay attention to the fact that I wrapped my arms around him hugging him back. I hope I never have to move.

A/n: dun dun dun! Something big happened. I hope you guys didn't like fr/n too much. And if the whole thing is depressing I'm sorry. I also know my writing sucks and I didn't spell check. I kind of left at cliff hanger but at least they hugged. I hope you enjoyed it and I hope to write soon

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