Chapter 6.

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It was the day after and you where getting ready to dance. Your friend wouldn't be coming today since something came up with family but you chose not to ask. But it looked important.

You had gotten dressed and grabbed your bag. You remembered you where meeting up with Jungkook later and wondered what he would look like.

You made your way down to the train station and set up your music. You put down your bag in the corner and stretched. Some people gathered around seeing you about to dance. You turned on 'Converse High' by BTS (shocker) which was a new song you found. You where just going to freestyle today since you where alone. you where pretty good at that.

You starting dancing getting plenty of moola from the people walking by. Some just gave you weird looks since the song wasn't in English but it was their opinion.

You had plenty clapping for you when you finished. You bowed in a cocky i-know-I'm-good sort of manner and turned off the music. You went to get your water bottle after unplugging your phone from the radio. When you looked to where your bag was you saw someone picking it up like the person was about to steal it. No that has my wallet and ID on it along with a bunch of dance stuff! You chased after him approaching the stairs to get up back to the streets.

"Hey stop! Give that back!" You yelled running up the stairs while he kept running. You tripped on a stair but a second before you hit the ground you saw a figure. He zoomed past you while his hood fell. You noticed it was none other than jungkook.

He ran after the man who had still been running. Jungkook grabbed the man by his hood and pulled him back down the stairs. He quickly snatched your bag from the thief's hands throwing it over his shoulder. Jungkook quickly ran back towards you abandoning the thief. Serves him right.

He grabbed your wrist to help you up. You where still in a sort of shock of what happened. Adrenaline still pumping threw you veins. As you stood up you saw your knee was bleeding from the fall. He noticed it too and became kind of panicked.

"It's okay, I have a bandage in my bag." You told him trying to calm him down. "Oh yeah" he said noticing he still had your bag and handed in back to you.

Rush hour was about over so the stairs where fairly empty. You sat down by the rail and scavenged threw your bag to find your first aid kit. You grabbed a big bandage and was about to put it on.

"No I got it" Jungkook said all the sudden grabbing the bandage out of your hand. "No you don't have-" you where interrupted by him. "Please just relax" he said in a sort of caring voice. He resumed putting the bandaid on your knee.

You had sort of pink cheeks but you didn't know why. You didn't want to know why. All you knew is you didn't want him to see. You turned away to look up the stairway. "Thank you....for getting back my bag and everything. I'm sorry we couldn't hang out in a more normal setting." You said not looking at him.

"It's fine. Trust me, as long as I got to see you I'm fine" he looked at you but you didn't look back. At that point he would see your face as red as a tomato. "Why did you want to see me bad?" You asked because the question had been on your mind since yesterday.

"I don't know actually. Your just really interesting and cool. Something told me I just needed to see you more. Plus in a foreign land like this it's nice to have a resident that speaks your language." He told you crumbling up the bandaid rapper and putting it in his pocket. "Well I hardly think I'm that interesting for someone as famous as you to care about me. But it's nice to know I was your choice for a foreign friend." You said looking back at him.

"Well I'm glad I chose you. How about we get something to eat. I mean your choosing since I have no idea where anything is here but I'll still pay." He said showing you a smile. It felt weird. Like a different type of fangirl but it was more in your heart. What is this sorcery?

"Sure sounds good. I know a Korean BBQ place around here" you said grabbing your bag and standing up. "Oooo home country food" he said standing up as well still with a smile.

A/N sorry it's been a while since I wrote. It's kind of a eventful chapter (didn't spell check)

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