Chapter 27.

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Teaching the boys was

An day the least.

Don't get me wrong, they knew what they were doing but the way they went about it was very different from when I taught the kids. The kids were very much students. They waited for my instructions then did them. But with the boys I'm basically just teaching my friends. I definitely haven't ever laughed this much at a practice.

I worked with the boys a lot while teaching them, as in I was sort of tailoring the dance to them. I came in with an idea and of course all the moves written down but they kind of chose how they wanted the dance to be portrayed. What vibe it gave off.

I was teaching them the dance I had choreographed for the song 'magic shop'. A very magical song that means a lot to both BTS and armies, therefore the dance had to match its grand, spacey vibe.

I usually have them after every chunk of the dance that I teach, go from the top until they can make it through without stopping or messing up. Every time they do so I restart the music. It is really interesting to see how they react towards the person who messes up. By interesting I mean all the boys are currently trying to sit on Namjoon.

"Okay okay guys you can get off of him now! I think he got the message that he messed up, now from the top!" You shouted over to the pile of boys.

"But y/n I'm D Y I N G" Taehyung groaned Getting off his leader.

"Shhhhh Tae just think of the armies" I tried comforting him but it's kinda hard to sympathize while I get to sit in a chair and watch it happen. "I only get you guys for a while longer anyways so you can power through for another 20 minutes" I said restarting the music.

I watched the boys re-do it a few more times before I decided to give them the last 10 minutes to chill. They were currently all laying on the ground gripping a bottle of water.
I walked over to the group and looked over them.

"You're an evil woman you know that y/n" whined Jungkook as he fake cried like a baby.

"Oh come on ya big baby your fine. A little sweat never hurt anyone" I said sitting next to him on the ground.

"Easy for you to say your just sitting by the stereo most of the class" he complained looking up at you.

"Hey I've done a fair share of dancing believe it or not. I've been you before, practicing for hours and hours in a practice room hating on my teacher for how many times she would make us re-do it. I did competition dance for a year before I went to high school and before that I had been taking dance classes since I was 4" I said thinking back on how long I've actually been doing this. How much time I've actually spent in these rooms.

"Really?!" Chimed all the boys

"What? Did you think I just decided to become a dance teacher when I came to LA?" I asked getting a weird look from Jungkook "okay yes I guess it was sort of sudden but I knew it in my heart long before that" I told him making him chuckle.

"No it's just, I didn't think you've been dancing for that long. Why did you stop before high school?" Hoseok asked.

You pondered on the question for a while. You knew the answer but you didn't know if you wanted to tell everyone. Only Jungkook knew and even then he doesn't know the full story. "Oh I just thought I needed to start getting ready for a really job, like something that paid well, I almost went to medical school but now look where I am!" I said realizing how much of a 180 my life has taken in only a short amount of time.

I had already been in Korea for 2 weeks now and I'm already going to be moving out of the dorm soon since I had found a place that was in my price range. It was nice living with the boys and everything but I do somewhat miss being alone or with another girl. Living with 7 boys isn't all that ideal even if they are BTS.

"Well we're glad you didn't go to med school cause that trip to the US would have sucked a lot more" seokjin commented.

The boys and I talked for a bit longer about what it was like to do competition dance before their manager picked them up for they're schedule.

"Same time tomorrow!" I shouted to the boys as they left the studio earning a unison "UGH" to come from all of them.

(Not edited)

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