Chapter 26.

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A/N I'm really really sorry for not writing and I know I say this a lot but summer break just started for me so I'll have a lot more free time. Hopefully I can write a lot more.

By the time we landed in Seoul it was morning in Korea and my body was ready for night time. I fell asleep on the trip to the dorm and was awoken by an almost equally as tired kookie.

"Come on babe, it's time to go inside. The guest room is already set up so all you have to do is unpack your stuff." He said with a tired voice. The nickname caught you off guard making you blush a bit but you still got up.

"How long am I staying with you guys?" You asked closing the car door and walking into the apartment building. "PD님 says just for a week to get the paperwork on your place done. You'll need to sign some stuff then you'll be fine. The place is pretty close to here if you miss me" Kookie added in the last part with a cocky smile that made you scoff.

Once you walked in you realized how big their place was which wasn't that surprising. We're talking about one of the biggest kpop groups ever here. Kookie directed me to where my room was to unpack. I unpacked some of my toiletries into the bathroom  connected to my room and plugged in my chargers and stuff.

Clearly everyone was also feeling the jet lag because everyone was sitting in the living room almost passed out while listening to PD. He was going over rules of me being there. Most were directed at Jungkook who was basically already in dream land. Lucky for me PD had already talked to me about being their choreographer while I was wide awake.

Everyone basically slept for the rest of the day but were up bright and early the next morning. I was awoken by the heavenly smell of food and the sound of multiple voices. I guess it's been a while since I lived with anyone because it's been a while since fr/n died. It felt like I woke up and I was back home with my family and it was sort of calming. Like I wasn't so alone anymore.

I got up out of bed and didn't think too much before I walked out into the living room/kitchen area in my pajamas and bed head. The creaking of the floorboards alerted Jungkook and Jimin to turn their heads in my direction. After a few seconds they both bursted out into laughter.

"What?" I said in a tired voice walking towards them. "Nothing, it's just, your hair" Jungkook said trying to stop himself from laughing. I looked into the mirror that was hanging in the hallway to see basically all my hair sticking out in curls and tangles. I made myself laugh with how stupid I looked.

This caught the attention of Jin who was talking to namjoon "oh hello y/n! Would you like some breakfast?" He asked with a big smile. How could someone be so happy this early in the morning I thought. I sat down on a stool at the breakfast bar and began to eat the Korean breakfast in front of me. "Man this stuff is way better than what you get in America" I said. "We know" everyone said at the same time which made me laugh.

After eating I got ready for my first day of teaching. The thing about this whole choreographer job is I mainly work for bighit but I can also work with other companies. So when I'm not teaching I should be working on other choreographies. Ya know since I won't always be teaching BTS I'll need other things to make me money. I'm teaching BTS the dance to one of their new songs off their new album. I estimate if we have productive classes it should only take a few weeks.

And god only knows what could happen in those few weeks.

A/n: again I'm sorry for not writing and hopefully I can write the next chapter tomorrow. And sorry for the end of this chapter if you've read this far then you know I'm not the best at closing out a chapter.

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