Chapter 28.

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When you told the boys last week that you were moving out today you didn't think they would offer to help. But yet here you are with 7 boys that look like a bunch of emos with their masks and hoods helping you with your boxes. You were moving into just a small one room apartment so there wasn't much to move but nonetheless they persisted with wanting to help. Which is fine I mean it's less work for you.

"Ow! Son of a biscuit that hurt!" I heard namjoon yell from the kitchen. You ran out of your new room that you were setting up in to see that he dropped a box of dinning-ware on his foot.

"Oh my god I am so sorry y/n god I hope nothing broke" he said in a panic scrambling to open the box to see the damage.

"Oh don't worry about it I'm sure nothing broke" you said calmly although you were worried but you didn't want to panic him more.

"Nice going namjoon hyung- crap" Jungkook said walking through the front door with a lamp hitting the top on the doorway. Almost knocking the lampshade on top of it off before you caught it.

"You're one to talk Kookie. How about we all just be careful?" You suggested putting the lampshade back on the lamp.

Yoongi came walking throw with another box. "This is one of the last boxes, the others are bringing up the rest" he stated putting the box down. Soon after the others came in with the last boxes.

"Well thank you guys so much for helping me. I think the best way to thank you guys is for me to go pick up some food for you guys, so make yourself comfortable on some boxes and I'll be back soon with some fuel." You said picking up your purse to leave as the other boys expressed their excitement towards the food.

"I'll come with you" Jungkook said following you. "Really you don't have to, you can relax" you said not wanting him to feel obligated to come. "No I want to" he persisted as you guys left the apartment.


You and Jungkook arrive at what you agreed what be a good place. Panda Express. No one had noticed him yet so that was a relief. A group of fangirls isn't exactly what you want to deal with even if they are calmer in Korea. You and Jungkook were now in the back of the line at the particularly busy restaurant.

You felt a weird feeling on your back until you realized it was Jungkook draping his arms around your shoulders hugging you from the back. It put a big smile on your face and made your cheeks sting red. "You know if someone sees you, you're in trouble" You reminded him even though you didn't want him to stop.

"I know. But I'm starting to realize that the more I'm around you the more I stop really caring." He said close to your ear finishing with a kiss to your cheek. The butterflies in your stomach making you feel like throwing up, but in a good way. He starts pushing you forward making you realize the line was becoming shorter.

After getting the food you and Kookie were now on your way home. You didn't know you had been holding hands the whole drive home until you realized it was time to get out. Once you two got into the elevator Kookie quickly pushed the button to close the doors. This action confused you till he pulled you into a kiss making you drop the food bags you were holding. You hadn't thought about it till that moment how long it had been since you had kissed. You didn't do it around the guys and you two were almost always around them.

Kookie had definitely been paying more attention to that time cause he was kissing you like a starved man and it was hard to match his pace.His hands rested on your waist while yours were placed around his neck tangling into his hair on the back of his neck. The kiss would have lasted a lot longer but alas you needed oxygen and started pulling away. You could feel him smile against your lips as you pulled away. His hands snaked up your body to the back of his neck to pull your hands away and intertwine your fingers with his. He began kissing all over you face like an excited puppy making you giggle.

"Kookie!" You laughed out. "What! No one is around let me show you my abundant affection" he pulled away smiling his big bunny grin.

"I would love for you to show me your abundant affection but I'm afraid this elevator ride is over" you said pouting making him sigh. He left one last kiss on your nose before you picked up the dropped Chinese food and you both left the elevator both smiling blushing messes.

The sad part is that I know we won't hear the end of it from the others.

A/n: I realize I haven't updated in forever so I thought some fluff was in order

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