First fanfic so don't judge. When a street dancer meets her idol in the states a lot can happen. People can fall in love. Fights can start. And trust may fall weak.
Y/n POV -ㅅ- It had been a few days since I was sick so I feel much better. Jungkook making me soup was really nice even if he did have to leave. I woke up today to a text from Jungkook about me being invited to a photo shoot today as an extra model. The shoot was for a clothing line they were sponsoring. I never thought of myself as a model but I guess I should go. I had nothing els to do today.
The place we were shooting was a cute caffe. When I walked in I was automatically thrown into makeup. I heard the person that was supposed to be the model bailed at last moment. There were cameras every where and the lighting things. All the other members got girls that they were going to pose with. It was a whole matching outfit thing. You could tell I wasn't a professional like the other girls cause I had no idea what to do.
After makeup they told me and the other girls to change into the more feminine versions of what the guys were wearing which I hadn't seen any of the guys since I got here so I have no idea. I got changed and the staff told us to go wait with the guys while they set some more stuff up.
When I got over to where the guys were I saw what Jungkook was wearing so I knew we would be paired up. It really was a cute outfit on him. The couples outfit:
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When he saw me he smiled and motioned for me to sit next to him on the couch he was sitting on. The other members were sitting on chairs or standing. The other models started talking to the other members. One thing I noticed was these other models didn't know Korean so it was kind of awkward.
"Hey" Jungkook said to me while putting his hand on my head to mess up my hair.
"Hey stop it! Do you know how much time this took to do." I said while hitting his hand off my head. He put the arm around my shoulder so normally. Like it didn't effect him that we were so close to each other.
"Probably not as long as it took to do mine. I've been here since 9 and it's 12 and we haven't even started." He said looking a little tired.
"Oh you poor baby." I said with sarcasm. I did feel bad but I wouldn't let him know I felt that way.
"Calling me baby are we?" He said cockily with that stupid smirk I would like to slap off his face.
"Shut up." I said crossing my arms and looking away from him.
"Oh lighten up. How do you feel for your first photo shoot?" He asked
"Out of place" I said looking back at him.
"How so? I feel like you fit right in here. As long as you look good and know how to pose there's not really much to it." He said calming my nerves for a bit.
You would think as a person who dances in front of people all the time wouldn't have social anxiety but, I do. I've been dancing for so long that I've used it as a way to express myself without speaking. I'm not great with new people and getting out of my comfort zone.
I was going to reply but they told me and Jungkook to go up and pose around different parts of the cafe. We first went to the counter where you order and did a pose there. We just had to look like we were talking to each other. Pretty easy cause we do that a lot.
We went to one of the tables with a fake drink and did a pose there which wasn't really a pose, just us sitting. They told us to look at each other like we were in love. Something about them telling me that was weird. We just looked at each other like normal but the photographer said it was perfect.
We did a few where we were just standing next to each other to show case the clothing more for the line. The photographer told us to do a pose that I was happy but nervous about. He told us to do a pose where it looked like we were about to kiss. He told we didn't have to if we were uncomfortable but my heart was beating too loud in my head for me to hear him. Before I knew it Jungkook said it was okay and was right in front of me.
The photographer told him to put a hand around my waist and he did so with almost no hesitation. Like he wanted to. He told Jungkook to lean in and he would tell him when to stop. Jungkook got closer and closer to my face and I probably looked like a tomato. It wasn't till there was about a thumbs space between both of our lips that he told him to stop. We were looking each other in the eyes like there was no one around. His eyes flickered down towards my lips like he was about to close the gap but the photographers voice interrupted saying we were done and it was time for the other members to go. Jungkook looked a little annoyed to pull away but did.
He walked away but I still stood there. Still blushing like a fire truck in a weird state of shock. This is the second time this has happened and the second time it hasn't happened. Jungkook stoped at the doorway of where he was going.
"You coming to look at the pictures or are you gonna stay in la la land?" he asked and pulled me out of my trance. I just smiled and nodded following him.
When we looked at the pictures the photographer did a good job at doing angles that covered my face. It's probably for safety reasons so crazy fans don't come after the models who are in it. And I can do without another dating scandal.
They looked really good for not being edited yet or any filters being put on them. When we came to the one where we almost kissed we both kind of blushed and skipped over it. But rest looked really cute and couple-y. We both sort of made fun of them for being cheesy but I think we both knew we thought they were cute.
We had to wait for the others to finish up and since we were the first to go it will be a while. I left to use the bathroom and left my phone on the couch.
When I came back Jungkook told me "hey you missed a call while you were in the bathroom"
"Who was it?" I asked walking other to the couch.
"It was your dad" he said calmly but those words made my heart drop to my stomach. I sat down on the couch next to Jungkook and checked my phone.
"Are you okay?" He asked. I guess he could see discomfort in my face. I wasn't really hiding that he was the last person I wanted to call me.
"Uh yeah just give me a moment. I'm gonna him back" I said getting up from the couch and walking out of the cafe. I sat on the bench outside and dialed the numbers with the shakiest hand.
The call picked up almost instantly "hey sweetie! I have some work up where you are so I thought I'd come see you"
A/N: yo! Almost 100 votes that's pretty lit. The call she got sound real nice but just keep reading cause I got stuff planed. (Not edited)