Chapter 21.

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There I was. In the passenger seat of a rental car I got for the duration of my dads stay in LA. With Jungkook behind the wheel and my father in the backseat. In awkward silence. Where I then realized that having Jungkook do all the talking like planned was not going to work. Realizing Jungkook can't hold a father boyfriend conversation in English and my father doesn't know a lick of Korean. Therefore I would have to be the translator.

Breaking the silence I came out with the classic "So dad how are you!"

"Oh I don't want to talk about me! I want to hear all about you!" He says. No don't talk about me. I'm not ready for that load of information in this car.

"O-oh I thought we would talk about me, ya know back at my apartment" I said trying to dismiss it.

"Oh okay! How about you introduce me to your friend. He hasn't said a word this whole time." He said looking at Jungkook.

"Oh well this is Jungkook he doesn-"

"Hello sir I'm Jungkook it's nice to meet you" Jungkook said with pretty darn good pronunciation. I gave him a SH0_0K Look and he just chuckled at me. That little shit didn't tell me he's been studying.

"Well it's nice to meet you to- what was it- young-cook?" My dad said as I visibly winced

"No it's Jungkook" I said trying to correct him.

"Ch-chung-cook" he said again.

"Getting there but no. Jungkook"


"Somehow you got worse?-"

"J-ung-kook" Jungkook finally said looking almost visibly irritated.

"Yeah yeah whatever. What is that? Japanese?" My dad went on. You see this is the reason I would want b/f/n to be here. My dad is a little how do you say umm...RACIST. He seems like a completely normal person but you don't really expect half the stuff that comes out of his mouth if you don't know him.

"No dad he's-" I try to say being cut off.

"Here let me translate: CHING CHONG BING BONG" my dad keeps going as I can see Jungkook grip the wheel a little tighter.

"DAD! Stop" you finally shouted. You turned to Jungkook "죄송해요(sorry)" you said as he softened a bit.

"I don't know what your getting all mad about it's just a joke sweetie" he said just fueling the anger inside me. I should have just dealt with this on my own and not brought Kookie into this.

Before the talking could go any farther Jungkook turned up the radio. "I'm sorry about my dad. He's a racist asshole and I probably should have told you" you said switching back to Korean. "It's fine. Now I just understand why you were so stressed. His tone is very misleading" he said which made you laugh a bit. You could only imagine your dads confused face in the backseat. Perks of being bilingual.

The closer you got to your apartment the more the nervousness build up in your stomach making you want to puke. Jungkook sensed your worry and put his hand over yours. It did for some reason calm you down.

But there is was. Your tiny apartment in your tiny apartment building. The whole way up to your flat you just saw your dads face twist into more and more confusion. The whole time you were unlocking the door to your flat you could feel his eyes on you.

"So you went for a more minimalistic style. It does save money and space even though I thought you lived with that one girl?" He said as we walked in.

"Well about that-" you started ready to release your bomb on him.

"I guess she would be at work at this time."


"And I guess you aren't home often so you don't need a big house"


"But when you were little you always wanted a big house. Are they not paying you enough?"

"DAD" you finally shouted. "How about you sit down. I need to tell you something" you said. He caught on that it was bad news so he took a seat.

"I'm gonna get you guys some water" Jungkook said as you nodded getting up and going into the kitchen.

"Okay so dad. I'm going to tell you this and you have to promise not to get mad" you said making your dad's face twist into even more confusion.

"So you know how you thought I was going to come here to become a doctor. Well I did too and I had a lot of time to think on that flight here to LA and walking up to that school I just couldn't go. I knew my heart lied within dance and I on,y wanted to be a doctor to make you happy. So I dance on the streets for extra money as well as choreograph and help at a dance studio. I'm plenty stable and well off so you don't need to worry." You blurbed out watching as it settled into your fathers head.

"Oh yeah and as for my friend I was living with ended up committing suicide a few weeks ago." You added even though you doubted your father cared. You quickly saw his concussion turn into anger in his face.

"I came all the way here because me and your step mom got a divorce! I have no money and I was hoping you would be kind enough to share some of yours to your poor old father! Your brother doesn't make enough money to even support his family and I haven't talked to your mom in years! I used the last of my money to fly here and fly back and my last hope! My daughter! Was too selfish and pursued her so called bullshit dreams!" Your dad said standing up quickly towering over you.

"Your worthless you know that! Worthless! Dance?! Really?! I've never heard of something so stupid to peruse! It's a hobby and barely that and you just threw your whole life away on it!" He said raising his hand. I knew this would happen. He hates being lied to and all he does is leach off others for money. He only married my ex-stepmom just for her money. I should just take whatever he gives me I somewhat deserve it.

"Worthless bitch!" He said almost releasing the blow and I closed my eyes. But nothing hit. I peeked my eyes open to see Jungkook grabbing my dad by the wrist visibly angry. VERY angry actually.

"그만둬! 이 놈아! (Stop it! You son of a bitch!)" Jungkook shouted pulling my dad back by his wrist. I don't think I had ever seen him so mad.

"What are you doing kimchi get out of here! This isn't your business!" My dad yelled and turned over to face Jungkook. Jungkook fumed punching my father harder than I thought you could. He defiantly had a nosebleed at the least. But my dad was stronger than that and hit Jungkook back but not as hard.

Before things got too bad I got in between them pushing my dad back just before he was about to hit Jungkook again. My dad gave me a look of anger and almost betrayal.

"Leave" you said as your dad just blinked at you.

"NOW" you said louder as your dad finally got the idea and headed towards the door.

"Fine have a nice time with Ching Chong over there with your dumbass dance career" he said before finally leaving and slamming the door shut.

A/N: WELL HOW WAS THAT FOR A CHAPTER. I'll try to update soon I swear. I hope you enjoyed the chapter and leave your thoughts in the comments. (Not edited)

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