Chapter 19.

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I thought about what I said. When I said my dad was coming tomorrow. It really hit me that I had to tell him. Then it hit me how much I actually had to tell him. About how I didn't go to medical school and I actually became a dance teacher/ street dancer. About how I didn't lie that I was moving in with my friend but that she's dead now. About how the guy there next to me is a friend from a world wide popular kpop group that happened to meet me. Something so different from what my dad would expect.

That kind of stressed me out so when I arrived home I took a shower to clear my mind and because I was sweaty. After the shower didn't completely knock the thoughts out of my head I decided to clean. It needed to be done anyway if my dad was coming. I turned on some music on my Bluetooth speaker and began.

After cleaning a little bit I broke out into a dance break. That's how it usually goes. Start cleaning, dance while cleaning, eventually stop cleaning and just dance. I got a few notifications on my phone but I was too in the zone to notice them.

A few minutes had passed by and I was dancing to D half moon by DEAN. I heard a creak of the wooden floor in the living room but didn't think anything of it. The apartment building is old.

I kept dancing until I heard a familiar voice sing the chorus of the song. I quickly turn around a blush of embarrassment evident on my face. I see a smirking Kookie leaned up against the doorway to my room with his arms crossed. 

"When did you get here?!" You yelled.

"Bout a minute ago" he said calmly keeping that smirk on his lips.

"W-why?" You said pausing the music then walking up to him still leaning against the doorway.

"I texted like half an hour ago telling you I wanted to hang out at the studio and that I would pick you up" he stated.

"And after I didn't text back you decided to come anyway?" You said sitting down on your bed.

"I assumed you where so excited you couldn't text back?" He said unsure of his clearly bullshitted answer. 

You sighed "well I sort of planned on cleaning" you said leaning back on you bed legs still dangling over the edge.

"Well how's that going" he said knowing you had slightly procrastinated. He jumped onto you bed that was thankfully made and most of your room was clean stomachs first next to you.

"Well I'm a little stressed" you said finally realizing that was mostly your dilemma today.

" your dad?" He guessed correctly.

"Yeah. I thought about him and all the stuff I have to tell" you say sighing.

"Well how about I pretend to be your dad and you tell me what you plan on telling him." He says sitting up facing you.

"That's a little childish isn't it?" You said sitting up to.

"Just do it"

You sighed "okay" you took a deep breath in. "Okay dad. I know you thought I came here to LA to become a doctor and all that but hear me out. I may have not done that and became a street dancer/ dance teacher.-" you were about to continue but you were cut off

"WHAT?!?! MY ASPIRING DOCTOR DAUGHTER BECAME A DANCER?!?! HOW DARE YOU LIE TO ME?!?!" Jungkook yelled being super extra

"Ugh Kookie! You were supposed to take the seriously!" You said slightly annoyed but laughing. You pushed his chest back with both of your hands a little to hard. He fell onto his back still on the bed but he took you with him grabbing onto your wrist. He pulled you on top of him so now you were straddling his legs and both your hands on either side of his head. Faces weirdly close to each other.

A Secret Dance (Junkook x reader)Where stories live. Discover now