Chapter 4.

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You woke up around 8:30 the next morning to get ready for your dance class. You wore a band T and a pair of black leggings with a flannel tied around your waist. You had to take the bus to get to the dance studio so you listened to a little BTS before remembering something. You where about to see Jungkook today for your class and you totally forgot.

You wondered how the others at the studio where going to react but you did a pretty good job introducing your students to kpop. You hoped they weren't going to give him that hard of a time and class could go smoothly. You tried to snap out of it and just enjoy the bus ride and thought about everything being okay.

You entered the studio to hear screams coming from one of the class studios. But they weren't just any screams, no. They were fan girl screams. You jogged over to the class to see a crowd of girls around someone. "Excuse me!" You said wanting to get the classes attention.

You then saw a hand raise from the middle of the crowd. "Hey dancer girl!" You heard from the crowd sounding like Jungkook. The crowd dispersed a bit to show him looking at you with a smile. You smiled back then set your stuff down by the wall.

"Hello everyone I assume you have met Jungkook  from the popular kpop group BTS" you said in a assertive voice getting everyone's attention. "Yeah!" You heard most of the students say. "Well he will be helping me teach you the moves to today's dance." You said out as some people cheered.

"Yes and I expect to be treated the same as any other student/teacher okay!" He said in the best American accent as possible. It was kind of funny since he wasn't that good. Some people laughed as they got ready to dance.

We did some stretches and girls fangirled almost every time Jungkook did something which was a little annoying but understandable. The student were about 13-15 year olds and they where pretty good. Before you had gone to bed last night you sent Jungkook the dance you would be teaching and he said he would try to mostly get it down before today. You hoped he was right since it was difficult.

You started the music and got in positions. You wanted to introduce the dance before teaching it so you and Jungkook where going to dance first.

(Watch first dance. You and Jungkook are the ones dancing accept you look however you want. I do not own the video)

After you finished dancing everyone applauded for you and Jungkook. You felt almost normal dancing next to him. It just felt natural but maybe it was just because he was so good.

You and Jungkook took a break and drank your water. "You where really cool. Didn't think you would have learned it that quickly" you set your water down. "Just a fast learner I guess. But you where really good too I could tell the students really look up to you." He said wiping the sweat off his forehead. "Heh not when your around. Your the real star". "I'm always the star let me compliment you dancer girl" he said drinking his water. "Whatever lets go teach. Oh by the way is dancer girl really the best you could come up with" you said walking back out to the floor. "For now" he said with a smirk.

After class was over you and Jungkook went to go eat lunch. "So where are the other guys" you said eating a sandwich you got from a food truck. "Oh they're at the hotel. They where all jet lagged but I was ready to go out." He said eating a sandwich too. "Well thanks for helping me out today". "No prob-" Jungkook paused when he was looking at his phone. He looked shocked. "Hey is everything okay?" You said before he shoved his phone in front of you.

You looked at the article. It was a video that one of the students posted of you and Jungkook dancing with the headline 'Jungkook dates foreigner in America'. You became shocked too at the sight. "Y-your fans should know that isn't true right?" You said asking dumb questions out of fear. "I don't know I have some pretty crazy fans but the guys are going to kill me" he said putting down his phone and covering his face with his palms. "Why would they be mad?". "Cause it's gonna start a bunch of drama and it's harder to deal with when your in a different country" he said leaning back in his seat. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have invited then maybe she wouldn't have gotten the video" you said looking down at your hands on your lap. "Nah don't be sorry I wanted to see you not really thinking about how others might react".

When he said that it you hit you like a ton of bricks. He couldn't even hang out with some people because of what others will think. It's like he couldn't have a personal life at times and it made you kind of upset.

"Hey I gotta go and talk to the guys they've probably already seen the news" he said as he got up. "Yeah, I'll text you later?" You said wondering if he still wanted to talk after this. "Yeah I'll text you. See ya" he said walking off as you got up to leave to go back to your apartment.

You thought on the whole way home how bad you kind of felt for what might happen in the future.

A/N hey Pepe's don't really have anything to say but here's a long chapter

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