Chapter 7.

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Me and Jungkook arrived at the Korean BBQ place and sat down. On the way there we talked a lot. We talked about what it was like to grow up where we where. He asked why I learned Korean and being too embarrassed to tell him it was just for kpop and drama, I just told him I had a friend who was Korean so I learned it for her. In all actuality I have never had any for real friends accept (friends name).

Me and (friends name) have known each other since kindergarten. Crazy I know but we just never really fought. We have so much in common it's like she's another half of me. And I'm lucky to have her as a roommate.

Me and Jungkook ordered then just went kind of silent. We sat by a window so I looked out it to look at the people on the streets.

All the sudden I felt something hit my forehead. I looked at Jungkook to see that he had blown a ball of napkin at me threw his straw. I furrowed my eyebrows looking at him confused "what was that for?!" You asked as he started chuckling not even answering.

You picked a piece off your napkin and a blew a piece at him that hit him in the nose. He smirked at you then blew another piece at you. "This is war Jungkook" you said in a confident tone. Before you knew it you had waged a full out spit ball war.

That was until you accidentally hit the person behind Jungkook in the head. The man turned around looking angrily at you. You where kind of scared since he was an older man. "Hey kid who do you think you are spitting a spit ball at me! Where you raised in a barn!" He yelled as you became more scared. "I'm sorry sir it won't happen again" you apologized. "Yeah whatever...dumbass" the man said turning back around.

You had slouched in your seat. Jungkook had looked at you concerned "what did he say to you?" He said as you remembered he probably didn't understand the mans english. You told him what the man said and he seemed to be angry. "Well it was only an accident. He could have been less rude." He said with a sigh.

A few minutes later the food arrived and you began to eat. One challenge you would always face eating Asian food was chopsticks. No matter how much you practiced they just seemed to hate your hands. So eating in front of Jungkook might be embarrassing.

"Ya your not eating?" He said concerned. "Oh, um" you said picking up the chopsticks. You put them in your hands the best as you could and tried to eat. It looked like a crab with Brocken sticks for claws.

Jungkook noticed your struggle then laughed a bit. He reached over across the table then took a hold of your hand unexpectedly. He fixed the chopsticks in your hands then sat back down demonstrating how to use them. Your cheeks went a bit pink from him touching your hand but you shook it off trying to use the chopsticks. Surprisingly you actually were able to pick up a piece of bulgogi. You wore a smile as you ate it.

"Thank you, you have no idea how long I've been trying to use these" you said continuing to eat. "Well I don't know where you learned it because that defiantly was not the right way" he said laughing a bit. "Oh that's how my friend showed me" you said mentioning that friend that didn't exist. You couldn't tell him you went off a YouTube video that would be embarrassing.

After you ate for a while you heard Jungkook speak. "I meant to see you dance but I got caught up in some stuff with the guys. But I guess I got good timing" . "Yeah totally. My bag might have been gone if you got any later. But my dance was nothing special so don't worry about it." You said wiping the BBQ sauce off your mouth with whatever was left of your napkin. "I bet it was good. If it wasn't for the fans freaking out I would dance with you more often. Like how we did at that dance practice." He said smiling down at his lap.

I felt a smile creep on my face as well "yeah that was fun. The girls won't leave me alone about it anymore but it's better then if it never happened." You said with a chuckle. "Well maybe I could teach you a dance. You can't possibly know ALL of BTSs' dances." He said looking at you. "Your right I don't. And dancing with you does sound fun. But where would we dance, public isn't an option" you said as you looked back at him. " Come on you seem to know a place for everything don't you know anywhere we could dance" he said smirking at you.

"Well I do know that the old dance studio that my dance company used to use is still open. It's a little old but not awful. We could dance there. I still have a key." You looked down at hands nervous at the option. "See, you do know a place for everything. sounds good but I have to go back to the boys. Text me where it is and maybe we could meet up there tomorrow." He said getting up. "Okay I'll text you later then" you said as he left.

It was weird

He was smirking when he walked out

You thought a little longer till you realized....

He left you with the check........jerk

A Secret Dance (Junkook x reader)Where stories live. Discover now