Chapter 36.

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I'm so sorry , for the wait . I made a mistake and downloaded this game called Flappy bird . It's addicting that I've stop eating and sleeping , please , please  bear with me . Thanks. To top it off my story got deleted ,  somehow.


I waited

and waited

But there was no sign of Sophie anywhere,  maybe she got stuck in traffic. With that possibility in mind , I continued to wait. My stomach growled , hesitantly I ordered food without her and not to long after my food came. But I didn't eat , what if she came and couldn't find me and decide to leave, I wanted to be the one to see her as soon as she walk through the door. It's only been an hour ,I'm sure she'd come , she is.

"Here is your check and I'm sorry you need to leave soon other people need to have a seat sir"The waitress said unaware of who I was, mainly because I had a hat on or something because no one here seemed to bother me for photos or signing things. And I wasn't complaining, I looked around and saw that the majority of the people here are a bit.....old.

" Sure , just please give me a few more minutes I'm waiting for somebody" Simply she nodded , and left to go visit another table. I looked around once again, joy filled within me as I saw a woman with brown hair enter , I couldn't see the face but I knew it had to be her. It's been about 2 hours , I literally ran towards her not caring about other people's reactions. Since she was facing the other way I tapped her shoulder , it wasn't her. 

Instead it was someone whom was pretty but wasn't exactly Sophie. I frowned , and my heart felt as though it was ripped to pieces . In that moment , I had to accepted the fact that she wasn't coming. Tears fell down my cheeks , quickly I wiped them.

"I'm sorry , I-I thought you was someone else" I said looking down at my feet.

"Well , I'm sorry I was such a disappointment. If you don't mind me asking why are you upset?" I wasn't up for a conversation, especially about telling a complete stranger my problems.

"  I don't think telling strangers my problems, is a good idea but uhh thank you anyways" I said giving her a weak smile and was getting ready to leave , when she continued her conversation.

" People tell me their problems everyday , believe me I don't mind. Incase you haven't already figured it out I'm a therapist" She smiled ,  I was about to decline her offer when she pulled my arm and we were outside on the sidewalk.

"I still don't think it's safe , why would you leave a restaurant just to try to listen to my problems? You could be a crazy fan for all I know " I said now deciding whether to run or call the cops.

" Do I look like a crazy fan ? And I had to do anything before my date came back from the bathroom and besides you seem.... interesting" Reluctantly , I took my chances seeing that I didn't have anything left in my life to do , it'll be nice talking about how Sophie rejected me. I guess,  maybe it will get some stuff off my shoulders. 

-Hesitantly , I told her the story.


"So your telling me you were willing to go on a date with her even though she had children? " Amber asked licking her icecream that we had gotten moments ago.


"And she is engaged to the guy that broke her heart and left her with the twins by herself. He only apologized the same day she gotten engaged to him? "

" Uhh yea , that seems about it "I shrugged , as I stood at the doorstep of my flat.

" Well , if I was her I'd choose you over the other guy anyday. Anyways I gotta go before my friend has a heart attack " She said getting out  her phone to call a cab. 

" I could um drop you home with my friend's car" I said throwing out the remainder of my icecream in the the trash can outside.

" Oh no , it's too late. Now go inside I could handle myself" Reluctantly I opened the door and got inside but didn't close the door.

" Are you sure? "I asked again.

" Yea , and thanks I really enjoyed the walk with you . Don't forget to save my number on your phone!"She said going into the cab that arrived to quickly and it drove off.

"Me too "I whispered before closing the door.


Who watches the Superbowl? and what team do you vote for to win? idk , I'm a girl that's dumb when it comes to sports. So comment below. 

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