Chapter 35.

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Zayn pov :

I don't want to see you nor the kids ever again.

I didn't understand why I said it , everyone knew I loved both the twins and Sophie.  But every night since that day I'd replay those words that I've said.

I felt guilty for the words that I had  spoken on that day , I wish I could've somehow erase what I said and start over. But to do that I'd need a time machine , which was unrealistic. I've did nothing ever since then that includes sleep , attend meetings, or shower. The only thing I did was stay on my bed waiting for a text from the person whom makes heart race and is reason why I wake up every morning.

I heard a knock on my bedroom door ,but choosed to ignore it . I didn't want any lectures especially from Liam, without my consent Niall came in and sat at the edge of my bed. I covered my head and ears with my pillow for I knew that he was another Liam.

" You know , you could either stay in here and starve to death or you could come and eat breakfast with the rest of us " He sighed when he saw that I hadn't answered , the pillow wasn't helping reluctantly I removed it and sat up on my bed.

"I'm not really hungry , I think I'll pass "I finally replied , but he was exaggerating I'd eat... Sometimes.

"You can't just expect me to be fine with this your pratically killing yourself , you can't expect her to be crawling back to you... Send her a note or something to see if she loves you back or not. If not you need to move on. "Then it clicked , it all made sense now. I hugged him but instead of returning the hug,  he scrunched up his nose in disgust.

"Go take a shower! And I'll be back in 20 minutes with your breakfast " Niall said  before leaving the room , I got up and took a shower.


I've never took such a long shower and feel so clean and refreshed. I entered my room and saw a big plate of pancakes and bacon , my stomach grumbled . I hurriedly placed a shirt and pants on even though my body was still wet and dived into the food that was in my bed.


After finishing my breakfast , I grabbed a pen and paper. A note would be perfect since sometimes I could be a bit... Shy. After what seemed like forever I began writing.

'Every since I met you , I knew you were the o-' I crumbled up the paper , it  sounded to cheesy. I grabbed another sheet of paper and started writing once again.

'It was by chance that I've met you and in that time I've fallen madly in love with you. I've always been the person known to hide my feelings and I've allowed you to love another .You brung out my true side , a side that I've never shown somebody . I can't seem to live without you it's tearing me apart, I know this seems cheesy but if you do have feelings for me don't head back to Florida meet me at the restaurant called 'Nandos', it's not the same 'Nandos ' we went to first but it's where I first fell in love with you . If you don't come I'll move on although it'll be hard.

Sincerely , Zayn

P.s here is the address (********)

I placed the letter in the envelope and went into the kitchen to hand it to Harry. He gave me a confused look , and turnt it around to see where I put Sophie's name

" Why are you giving a letter to Sophie? You know she is engaged , as in she is getting married soon "He explained making me sound dumb.

"It's my ticket to happiness,  I'm not saying anything else and yes  unfortunately I do know that "I said,  I gave it to him because he was going by Sophie's house getting ready to drop them off at the airport.

" You know that there is a huge possibility that she might not be in love with you "He explained once again.

"Well , I'm willing to take my chances"


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