Chapter 22.

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I yawned there was only a few minutes left till we land ,and as for me I was excited to start a new life , with the twins. As we were landing my ears felt as though it was bleeding but I knew that it always happened with people. I  quickly chewed some gum and I soon felt better, and as for the twins they were sleeping with drool sliding down their mouth.  I shook them awake and pointed to the land outside.

" Look where here " I said as there face looked outside their face lit up , I guess we were all happy.

All passengers we have landed safetly , thank you for following the procedures you were given . Thank you for choosing American Airlines ( not my name I used to go on this to go on vacations )  .

And with that everyone was clapping and I joined,I got up took down our hand bags and followed the line with Hadden and Hailey exiting the plane.

It was a hassle getting all my luggages but we , I mean I finally got them and as I was searching for a taxi driver i then I saw a sign with my name on it . Sophie Abraham . I made my way cautiously to the man with the sign holding both hailey and hadden's hand .

"So , your my ride? " I questioned.

" Your Sophie Abraham right ? come right this way "He said leading us outside and soon we reached the car. He held the door open and I entered.

" So umm , who sent you here to pick me up " I asked staring at the man that looked old.  Probably around his 50's.

"That information is unspoken of , the person called my company and hired me for today. I uhh forgot the person's name ,sorry "He said as he started driving .


I was left infront of a house , a large one at that. I made my way towards it and felt something that was probably under the mat.

A key and a letter.

I unlocked the door , and the house inside looked better then outside . I placed the suitcases on the floor and opened up the letter.

I see you followed what I said , good job . Here I leave you with a house , I'm being a bit too nice , not for much long. Enjoy it while it lasts , for now bye. 

-I've always loved a little hide and seek..

- C

I sighed, who could it be? I then snapped out of my thoughts when I saw that both Hadden and Hailey wasn't here .. I panicked and quickly searched the house. I ran upstairs looked in the closets , the rooms , bathroom . And I went back downstairs in the living searching every little inch.

"Hadden.. Hailey where are you guys ? " By now I was sweating amd my heart was beating rapidly. Tears began to fall out of nowhere. I soon stopped to see a door opened leading a staircase going to what i suppose a basement , I didn't hesitate going down and there I saw both of them running after one another . I sighed in relief.

"Don't you ever scare me like that , okay. Oh and don't come down here again it's dangerous " They began crying because of me yelling at them , I quickly took them upstairs and gave them their pacifier . I know I'm spoiling them , but I hate when they cry.

I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair .


I ordered some things for the house , since it was empty.  Finally I got everything I needed and the house was back in shape. As I opened the fridge I saw yet another letter.

I told you I'll let you see your parents , all you have to do is follow this address ( airview street between 8 and 9  . There you will meet your mother , Anne Cox. They are staying here for only a short period of time , so I'll hurry if I was you.


Isn't that the famous Harry styles mother? this must've been fake , she played me. Again.  I sighed in frustration , how could I possibly be related to the famous harry styles? Could I?


Could Sophie be Harry styles sister? Who is "C" ? Can this be a scam?  Do pigs fly ? The world may never know ;))))

lol soorryyyyy for the lattteee update , I'm a horrible person

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