Chapter 28.

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A babies cry woke me up , I rubbed my eyes and lazily made my way towards their room . When I entered I saw that Hailey was coughing uncontrollably . She wasn't choking , but every time I rocked her she wouldn't stop.  She didn't want a bottle  ,or did she need to change. I became insanely worried because she wouldn't stop crying , hadden on the other hand looks healthy and calm. 

I quickly dressed them and headed towards the car, it took every thing in me to stay calm . Usually they wouldn't get sick,  so I was in no way used to this. I quickly turned the corner , as I viewed the hospital.  Maybe it's a false alarm ,  I mean Hailey can't get a fatal sickness out of nowhere ... can she? I shook my head in denial, and entered the hospital.  I made my way towards the desk , with Hadden and Hailey in the car seat.

"Hey, my daughter Hailey seems to be  couphing alot. I don't seem to know exactly w-" I began , but she cut me off with a 'I don't care' facial expression .

"Someone will be right with you in a minute, now I'm sure you can sit in the mean while. Can you? " She said sarcastically , i quickly filled out the paper at the desk and handed it to her while  rolling my eyes and made my way to the waiting area . Luckily , there wasn't alot of people there so I took an empty availabe seat.

I looked at Hailey , whom face was red due to all the coughing . Tears streamed down my eyes  , it hurt knowing I couldn't do anything to help her. At that moment I felt helpless and an horrible mother , I impatiently tapped my foot on the floor waiting for the doctor to announce Hailey's name.

"Everything is going to be okay .. alright " I spoke to Hailey  while feeding her brother , I shouldve sent Hadden by his Grandma I thought at the last minute. I didn't want him in this environment ,full of sick people. But it's already to late as I heard the doctor finally announced Hailey's name. I was directed inside a room.

"Okay so what seems to be the problem?" the doctor asked while smiling. 

"Well , she seems to be couphing alot . No matter what I do it wouldn't go away"I said while he wrote it down he then stood up and took her and placed her on a bed in a sitting position.  He first put a thermometer under her arm ,and after listened to her heart beat.

"She seems to be wheezing a bit , she seems to have asthma. She looks healthy .. Then it probably runs in her family"He said,  then getting a machine and placing a mask on her with smoke coming out.  Oxygen I guessed.  Hailey didn't seemed to like it,  she tried taking it off but I stopped her.


Soon , the mask was off and she was given a needle and some purple medicine.

"The needle was to see if she has any other health conditions and the purple syrup is for the cough. Since her asthma isn't severe , it would only happen rarely.  But still keep an eye on her" He said while giving me a pump and a bottle filled with the purple syrup.

* .

We exited the hospital with both Hadden and Hailey both smiling. We made our way towards the car , and I buckled them in their carseat and placed them into the car securely.

"Where gonna see  your uncle Harry , Yay"I giggled while they only smiled and made my way towards their house .



This is not a great chapter but stay with me , I had to sneak my phone cause I got it taken away .. So I guess enjoy ...  Hope you guys had a great news year :))

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