Chapter 13.

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Author note :I love you guys for reading my book , thanks.  I decided to update even though I dont have enough votes :)


I heard screaming coming from one of the babies.  I sighed deeply and got up , I walked down the stairs and entered their room .

" Oh hey Hadden , I see your up early " I said speaking to Hadden , I put his pacifier in his mouth as I changed his diaper . It's easier then I thought. I powdered him and placed a new diaper on him , then I started to make him a bottle , I also did one for Hailey. For when she woke up , which is any time now.

I fed Hadden his bottle and woke up his sister so she can have hers .

" it's gonna be hard especially since I'm all alone , but I promise I will stay with you guys no matter what " I said to Hailey as I was rocking her back to sleep,  Hadden was fast asleep.

"I will not let yall face how unhappy I was, I just wish I was the one to give birth to you guys. But it doesn't matter cause you guys are mine."

After my speech Hailey went straight to sleep, I put her in her crib next to her brother's. I shut off the lights and made my way into the kitchen. I'm hungry. Before I started to make anything the door bell rung, I ran towards it and opened it widely with a huge smile on my face hoping that it was Alex , instead it was a girl around my age with red hair. My smile faded.

"uhh , hi my name is Rebecca and I now moved here . I'm your new neighbor , I baked you some cookies and made some fried chicken, I hope your not a vegetarian."She said smiling.

"I love both chicken and cookies , thank you so much.  Would you like to come in ? Don't worry I don't bite " I joked , it would be nice to have someone over for a while, someone that will respond after I speak to them. She nodded and entered the house.

" Your house is huge , how many rooms do you have . I only have three but thier huge" She said admiring the house.

"Well, I uhh have four. Anyways wanna watch a movie? Titanic? " She nodded and as the movie began we ate some chicken together. It tasted so good.

I then got up about half way towards the ending of the movie and prepared some milk it's been an hour ,they'll start screaming for milk any time now.

" your still hungry ? I shouldve made more then" Rebecca said pausing the movie and heading to the kitchen where I was.

" No , I'm full also. It's just the twins should be hungry , and they'll wake up ju-"Then I heard Hailey crying , luckily their milk was finished.  I learned how to detect who is crying ,Hadden literally screams when he wants something while Hailey cry is the opposite of Haddens, it's low but it still can able to be heard.

"Aww ,I didn't know you had kids. Could I see them ?"She asked puffing out her lips, I chuckled and pointed to their room.

I soon followed her with two bottles of milk in my hand , I let Rebecca hold Hadden so she can feed him and I fed Hailey .

" They look just like you " She said , I couldn't help but wonder how . I mean they aren't even actually mine but yet they have my hair and my eyes. I guess its luck so when their older they wouldn't have much questions or even better any at all.

" You think so? Well they actually do look like me " I chuckled holding Hailey , she then took my index finger and started holding it with her small hand then she did the most unexpected thing . She smiled.I smiled back at her.

I got to get them to the doctor soon  ,to make sure they don't have any diseases that I should be concerned about.

I put on Hailey all pink outfit and a white hat. With a gold necklace that said her name and Hadden into a all blue outfit with a white hat and a wrist band that said his name.

I quickly put on my sweats over my shorts and a sweater,  I then went to put on their jackets but Rebecca already did it for me .

I placed them into their car seats ,and let them have their pacifiers . As I was making my way to the car , Rebecca spoke.

"Hey, can I go with yall. I mean if you don't mind." I nodded in reply.

I saw Hailey start to squirm around , maybe she is having a bad dream . I placed back her pacifier in her mouth because it fell off and she seemed to calm down.

Soon everyone was strapped safetly inside the car , and I was about to drive off when I saw Alex making his way down the street with another girl .

Tears yet again filled my eyes. Did he really?


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