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I woke up to a sleeping Lafayette on my shoulder, he's so cute, I thought while moving his head toward the bed that the lovebirds were sleeping. Lafayette's hair like a poof ball, I kissed the top of his hair, Maybe one day, one day.... I walked to the kitchen and started making pancakes for the poor new kid.
I woke up to the smell of My dorm burning? Crap! Hercules!! Lafayette was screaming at Hercules that he was messing everything up while Alexander was shuffling around on my bed making moaning noises, He's cute... CRAP!!!  Hercules and Lafayette froze in their tracks, I walked in the kitchen, slapped both of them on the face. As soon as I got back to the bedroom Alexander was on the laptop, "Ughhh!!" I shouted while falling onto my soft bed. When I fell on it a rainbow cover flew up. And over my head. "What the..." I said looking around, barried under the blanket. Alexander turned around in his chair which made a creeking noise which made him flinch some, he chuckled, "You ok?" He replied joking around. "Yeah," I replied, "but what happened?" "Well," he started. "You look like your being swallowed by my blanket," "Oh," I replied looking for the opening of the blanket. "PANCAKES!!!" Called Lafayette "or as French people call them CREPES!!!" Alexander got up and left is blank word document alone, we both walked to the kitchen.
I walked in the kitchen not knowing what to except, but what I found was amazing. A fluffy piece of food dripping in some thick syrupy liquid with fruit on top to form smilie faces and whip cream and cherries and chocolate with marshmallow and candy. I liked my lips at the beautiful sight, and in that moment I realized how hungry I was. Everyone grabbed a seat and we started eating, then Lafayette asked, "So umm... Washington is your father that's cool, I guess..." "Guys, thats a conversation for another time," John said cutting him off. "Ok Johnny-Boy!!" Hercules said. They all glanced at me to see how I liked it and they all laughed at me grinning up toward them. After laughing heads off Hercules starting choking his head, and Lafayette starting pumping his chest while John was calling 911, Oh well, more prancraks for me.... I thought. PANCAKES!!! AND YOU BETTER NOT EAT OUR PANCAKES!!! John and Lafayette thought. Too late!! I thought back.

Lams... why is college so dramatic? [•COMPLETED•]Where stories live. Discover now