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My power just went out so here's some stuff...

Later on, the rain continued, Herc and Laf came to our room. The news station flashed that noise whenever there are warnings of Flash-flood and Tornadoe warnings, which is what it was. Lightning strikes, Alexander moved from his bed where he was reading and onto the floor in a matter of seconds, clenching his legs closer and closer at each strike. I ran over and picked him up and put him on his bed, still holding him. He was crying in his hands, "HERC!!! LAF!!!" I called. "WE HAVE A PROBLEM!!!" "Hey only I can call Lafayette Laf-..." Hercules said walking out of the kitchen, stopping when seeing Alexander. "And I can only call Hercules Herc-..." Replied Lafayette repeating Hercules's steps. Both of them ran over and sat next to him, Lafayette was whispering French things in his ear and Hercules was rubbing his back. He jerked back at the next strike of lighting and started making crying-mumbling noises like the ones on those movies where people get kid napped. I held him tighter to where Hercules and Lafayette could barely see our faces because they were buried under blankets. I was so close to him I could feel his breathing and tears that were streaming down his face.
I know, I know, I'm supposed to be the "mom-friend" but to be honest I have never been good with comforting people. Ever. I looked over at Laf, I could tell he was confused about what to do next. "SPACE UNICORNS SOARING THROUGH THE SKY..." started blaring from the kitchen, My phone!! I thought."CRAP!!" I shouted at the top of my lungs, which sounded like a whisper compared to the horrifying, nonstop rain. I ran into the kitchen, George Washington? I thought, What would he want at a time like this? "Hello?" I asked holding the phone at my ear.
"Hey what's up?" Asked Washington.
"Well were in the middle of a storm and Alexander is dying while everyone os comforting him," I replied.
"That's cool!" He replied.
I ran over and put my phone on the coffee table and put it on speaker. I looked over, another flash of lightning filled the sky with bright light, Alex jumped back, Hmm... I thought, This reminds me of the Wizard of Oz, I'm the fluffy Lion, Lafayette is the hard headed tin-man, John is the positive scarecrow, Alex is small innocent Dorthy, and John's pet turtle Bill is Toto.(AN- Sorry if I spelt any of the names wrong.) "HEY YOUR ON SPEAKER!!" I called towards George.
"Okay!" He replied.
"Hey is that my son crying?" He asked.
"He's not your son he's mine, right son?" Asked Lafayette.
"R-r-ra-rawr!" Replied Alexander between sobs.
"Who's the other par-...." George started.
"SHUTUP!!!" Replied Herc, cutting him off. Everyone started laughing, even George and Alexander. "Thanks Mom, John, Hercules, and George," Said Alexander between laughs smiling. "Wow I see how it is!!" Said George, "I'm being replaced, peace out Smol Kids!" He said before hanging up. We all laughed in unison. Hercules got up and walked to the kitchen, I followed, pretty much just making sure he wouldn't burn down all the dorms, like Eliza and Angelica did last year, *Cringe* I thought. Girls these days don't take relationship problems well anymore, I thought. Hercules started making coffee, naturally, I started pulling out all the pastries and other bread-type-stuff that John has been hoarding and hiding from me. Hercules started smiling, he knew exactly what I was about to do, he put the butter on the table near me. He sat down next to me, he smiled towards me, I smiled. "Sorry, I'm socially awkward..." I said my voice cracking towards the end. Hercules smiled, "You're perfect," He replied, my face started heating up. "Wait!" I started. "Aren't we suppose to make sure those kids don't hurt themselves?" I asked. "Crap..." Muttered Hercules, I couldn't tell if he was muttering towards himself or to me. He walked in the living room.
~ A Few Hours Later....
Alexander fell asleep, then Hercules, it took John awhile before falling asleep, I guess he was trying to think and understand everything that has happened today. That's the last thing I remembered.

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