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I have realized I'm getting away from Lams a little so here you go. By the way I'm going to apologize for the time skip in advance. Also I'm sorry I was being stupid and got grounded so I'm sorry for how long it took.

*BEEDO BEEDO* my alarm waking me up. I look over at Alexander who was cuddled next to me, tear streaks all over his face from the night before. A hurricane hit.

"John, I'm scared," he held onto me. Tears pouring out of his eyes like waterfalls. "Hey it's ok, your safe with me,"

I walked into the living room hoping I wouldn't walk on something I'd rather not see. Thankfully, Hercules was reading on Wattpad and Lafayette was updating their story, like the nerds they are. I smiled walking towards the kitchen to make some breakfast.

"PANCAKES!!!" Whispered Hercules into my ear, from behind me. I rolled my eyes. "CREPES!!!" Whispered Lafayette into my ear, also.

I rolled over, the sweet smell of coffee waking me up. I got up and walked into the kitchen. "Thank you," I whispered into John's ear, he kissed me softly. "Your welcome," he replied in the way they did on Moana. I could hear Hercules and Lafayette sitting at the table behind us, gagging.

"Oh shut it, I don't want to know what you to do in your own dorm," John said looking at both of them. Hercules stood their frozen in fear, he gulped, Lafayette's face turn red, both of them turned and stared at eachother. John and I started laughing.

"I can't believe it's been three months since Maria and Eliza and Sally and Peggy have been dating," Lafayette said changing the subject. "Yeah schools ending," I replied. "Yep, we all gotta find a summer job," Herc said. "Oui, Alexander and I can go and look for some," suggested Lafayette. "Yes! Good idea, and Hercules and John can go and sign our dorm out," I replied agreeing.

Alexander went into his room and I went into mine. I grabbed a flowy French Flag tank top and some black jeans. I walk out and saw Alexander wearing a P!ATD shirt and some black jeans and he was putting on a FOB sweatshirt. We walked out of the dorm and to the car. I put on my American flag sweatshirt and hopped in the drivers seat, Alex in the passengers. I cranked up the car and let it stand their in park. Finally I turn to Alexander and he turned to me.

"I'm purposing to Hercules (John)" We both said at the same time.

Johnny-boy and I walked out towards the elevator, it was broken, "Welp, I guess we have to use the stairs," I said walking towards the stairs. The first two flights of stairs were awkwardly quiet.

"I'm purposing to Lafayette (Alexander)," We said at the same time.

The rest of the ride was quiet. I turned on the radio. "Girl/Girl/Boy" by P!ATD started playing. I smiled remembering that one time I couldn't sleep because that song was stuck in my head. "Could we turn the station to something else because I don't want this song stuck in my head," Alexander finally spoke. "Oui, same," I replied changing it to another station when we started to sing to random "Dear Evan Hansen" songs.

"Our friendship goes beyond, your average kind of bond,"

"But not because we're gay,"

"No, not because we're gay,"

"We're close, but not that way,"

We we're singing random songs when we got into a laughing fit, and couldn't stop. Finally we pulled up to the mall to grab some fancy decorations and lunch for later.

"Oohhh, Mom ami! Come look at this!" Lafayette called from the other side of the isle. We somehow ended up in Hot Topic. It was a Gravity Falls shirt. "Yeah, umm... let's not buy anything because we are trying to look for summer jobs," I replied, tearing them apart from the store.

We went to pick up some pizza after we signed our dorms out because we were hungry. got down there, there was this cute couple I recognized. "Evan? Connor? What are you guys doing here?" I said approaching them. They ran over and hugged me. "We go to an arts school here," they said. "Cool!" I replied. "Do you guys remember me telling you about Laf?" I asked. "Of course! America's favorite fighting Frenchman," Evan said joking. "I'm purposing tonight," I said. They're smiles grew. "We're so happy for you guys!" Connor replied. "Welp, we gotta go, nice seeing you guys!" I said ending the conversation. John and I walked back to the car. I started the car and John turned on the radio and "Waving through a window" from Dear Evan Hansen.

"On the outside always looking in"

"Will I ever be more than I've always been"

"I'm tap, tap, tapping on the glass, waving through a window,"

"I try to speak but nobody can hear"

John and I casted glances and started singing.

Hercules and John pulled up right after us.

"Herc, I need to tell you something," said Lafayette, "I need to tell you something too!" Hercules replied.

"Alex, I need to tell you something also," said John, "So do I," I replied.


We all screamed at the same time. We all looked at eachother surprised. And then we all burst out in laughter.

"Hey I thought all of us were already married," John said looking towards Hercules and Lafayette. "What?!" I asked. "Oh you weren't there, we got married in middle school, the look on our parents faces when we told them was priceless," John explained.

And then we laughed some more. And more. And more.

Finally we decided to go to meet everyone at Starbucks and tell them what happened. We all loaded the car with our luggage and headed out. I looked at the only place I ever thought of home, and smiled. I knew I would miss it, but that isn't home, these crazy people sitting next to me, are my home.

"I love you guys!" I said.

The END....
I'm so glad I finished it. Ok everyone this was really long, and boring, but I hoped you enjoyed. Umm.. this is my first finished Hamilton fanfic and second ever finished fanfic so yeah, thank you all who read it. Also stay in tune for more fanfics if you thought this one was good. And have a nice day/night. Oh and the reason why there's A LOT of "Dear Evan Hansen" references is because I just started listening to it about 4 days ago and I'm kind of obsessed.

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