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I found Lafayette in the corner on the floor putting their head against the wall, balling their eyes out. I sat newt to him facing the other way, I grabbed hold if his hand and squeezed it. They looked at me and jumped back. "You startled me, Herc," They said, their voice trailing off. "I know," I replied, I hugged. "Do you want to play in the rain?" I asked. Laf looked at me and smiled, whenever John's mother died, we played in the rain. When my parents got a divorce, we played in the rain. When Lafayette's brother died, we played in the rain. When Bill died on our favorite TV show, we played in the rain. Playing in the rain was the only way we coped with our feelings, not going inside and crying our eyes out in a pillow, but playing in the rain. We walked out holding hands like Johnny-boy and Alexander earlier. "We are going to play in the rain," I told John proudly, he grinned, Alexander looked like he was about to spit out his coffee. I paid the tab, even though John begged to do it, and we walked outside. Alexander walked to a bench, while John Lafayette and I played in the rain. And then Thomas, Aaron, and Madison approached Alexander.
Sorry super short!! But I just really wanted Lafayette to be happy again and I LOVE writing cliff hangers so yeah.... See ya in the future Teddy-Bears!!!

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