That's what they all say

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Author's Note-
Well howdy! Sorry it took so long to upload this I had to make it perfect, and I got grounded so I can only have it in the mornings and on the bus (school). Well there's still a bit of drama but it's ok it'll blow over, (like how Alexander Hamilton blew us all away). So umm... does anyone have request or suggestions on any characters from history they want me to include? Like James Monroe or John Quincy Adams (even though they didn't meet think how cool that would be)? And PLEASE feel free to comment questions, comments, and concerns, especially if it's a grammar or spelling error. (I love inside jokes). Well until next times Teddy Bears hope you enjoy!!

We got in the orange field again (aka Hercules's pickup truck) it was starting to rain this time Hercules drove the truck and Lafayette sat in the passenger seat Alex sat behind Lafayette and I sat behind Hercules. Alex hid his head in his knees, CRAP! He hates the rain!! I remembered, actually everyone in this car does, it brings back bad memories, or Anxiety. We pulled up to the hospital, a place I have probably seen way to many times this past year to be healthy, but yet here we are again.
Eliza sat in the back with me, and Maria drove with Peggy sitting next to her and Theodosia was with Aaron who came and picked her up in his car to take her to the hospital. We drove there in silence, except for Peggy flipping through all the radio stations trying to find something to listen to. Flying we pulled up to my second home, the hospital, a place that knows me to well, and I know to well.
Theodosia was quiet as always on the ride there. This is totally not akward.
We pulled into a parking spot smoothly, Hercules looked like he was trying to do a hair flip but realized his hair was to short so he looked like a chicken's neck was bothering him. "You ok, Herc?" Asked Lafayette worried. Hercules looked at them and blushed in embarrassment remembering that he was in public. Alex came out of the car last and we all walked in, Alex and I walked up to the counter.
I was so embarrassed curse the existence of the public and normal people. Johnny- boy and Alex walked up to the counter and started to talk to the lady at the counter. Lafayette and I took a seat when someone walked out of the room aggravated. "Well if it isn't Macaroni-head!" Said Lafayette standing up to talk to Thomas. "What'd I miss?" Asked Thomas I laughed getting up to talk to him, "What's ya doing here Thomas?" I asked. "Oh! James had ANOTHER asthma attack so I rushed him to the ER, so this is the third week this has happened, they're getting worse, probably pollen season," Said Thomas gesturing towards the hospital room. "Is he ok?" Asked Lafayette concerned. "Oh yeah, this happens all the time," Said Thomas naturally. "Ok!" Said Lafayette, he walked to the restroom calling someone on the phone. "Hey are y'all ok?" Asked Thomas, he put an arm on my shoulder, "Laf and I?" I asked. "I mean all of y'all," He said looking mainly at Alexander who walked over to a chair by himself. "Oh, yeah it's just Eliza found a woman around our age who looked hurt, she couldn't even say her own name," I explained. "No, I mean lately is EVERYONE ok?" He asked emphasizing "everyone", yesh what's up with him? "Yeah, we're, good bro!" I said patting his shoulder. "No one will hurt my friends when I'm around," "Ok, whatever you say," He said before walking back into the hospital room, I wanted to chase after him to see what he meant but my thoughts were interrupted by The Schulyer Sisters and Maria walking in the building. Eliza walked over to John and Alexander near the front desk, "Who are you here for?" Asked the desk-lady, which according to her name tag was named "Betty". "I-I really don't know," Replied Eliza her face still red from tears, "but she came in not to long ago, and she's about the same age as me, and long black hair," "Well, umm..." Started the nurse, "Please let us in," Interupted Alexander. "Fine, but if I hear..." "You won't," Said John. "Room number 1787, floor 14," She said before getting back on her computer.
Everyone rushed towards the elevator, which almost stopped on the way up because of all of us. The sudden jerking scared the life out of everyone but we gladly made it to the room in one piece. Eliza was the first to walk in.
I walked in the hospital room, still dizzy from the ride up. The girl looked tired, she had a tray of soup and bread on her nightstand and was watching some cartoon on Disney XD. She jerked and in her eyes full of fear when I walked in, "S-Sorry," I started. "I'm Eliza," I said, nice introduction. "Umm... Howdy! I'm Sally Hemings, if you don't mind me asking, "what are you doing here" ?" She had a strong country accent, similar to Jefferson's and Madison's and John's. "Oh, well, I kind of found you and called 911," I summed up. "Oh," She said in realization, "well umm, thanks I guess," She said. "I'll be right back," I said. I walked out of the room. Everyone was piled around the door with worried faces. I was so happy, although I hate hospitals, I was thrilled to see she was ok. Everyone gathered in a group hug. "What's her name?" Asked Jefferson walking down the hallway besides the fact that he scared the life out of me, "Sally, Sally Hemings is her name," I said looking at Jefferson. "I got to go!" He said quickly and darted down the stairs, Why the stairs? I asked myself. I looked over at Peggy who just shrugged.
I shrugged at Eliza. Things have been awkward recently, ever since Angelica's and Eliza's crush on Alexander has blown over. Angelica of course has her new boyfriend Thomas Paine, the author of Common Sense, and I have Maria who seems more distant than before. Maria came from an awkward family where she had an arranged marriage with her twin brother, James Reynolds, since Maria came out saying she was gay her family disowned her, and she lives with George Washington, (and "No" that does not make Lafayette and Alexander her older siblings). I hope that that is the reason instead of the thought that she loves someone else. But that can't be true. That's what they all say.

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