The New Kid

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Sleeping isn't my thing, so when I fell asleep first, I was surprised and happy. Well that was until the Schuyler Sisters, Maria, Theodosia, and Aaron walked in throwing pillows, clothes, and screaming our names. Aaron threw a pillow at my face, leaving me screaming into a piece of cloth filled with feathers. WAIT DO THEY KILL CHICKENS IN THE ROUTINE OF MAKING PILLOWS!!! My poor chickens. I got up after a while of screaming, John looked over at me sleepily, Aaron had another pillow in his hand. I looked at it, "John!" I called. "Count down from ten when I give you the code word Rochambeau," "Ahh... Finally, you get up," Said Aaron grinning. "Girls I don't think you want to stay, feathers will be flying," Said Aaron smiling. "Shutup Aaron, we have to go, we're going to be late to the semester's annocements from Principal Louis XVI," Said Angelica seeming agervated, "We'll catch up," I replied. "No you won't, you're going to end up in the hospital," Said Eliza, "there's a new student, he's a little younger than us, but Principal Louis XVI wants you to show him around," "Before we start this pillow duel, there's one thing you need to know, I'm a terrible shot," Said Aaron smiling, I chuckled at that. "Rochambeau..." I said softly. "," Replied John in a worried look. I threw my pillow up in the air, Aaron threw his at me, both of them knocked me down. Everyone ran to me, even Aaron, but Theodosia grabbed his arm. I got up laughing, Angelica slapped my face, "Don't ever scare us like that again," She said. "I don't mean to be a party pooper, but it starts in 2min." Said Theodosia from the doorway. John ran threw on his sweat shirt and kept his jeans on from yesterday, Hercules grabbed his bandanna and a jacket, Lafayette grabbed their French hoddie and some food, and I grabbed my thick jacket. We ran as fast as we could to the announcement.
"Hey Charles Lee," Said Aaron, John groaned. "Hey, you guys are early," Said Lee. "Wait what?!" Said Theodosia. "I thought it started at 11:00," "No... It starts at 12:30," Said Lee. Theodosia looked like she was going to punch someone, "They changed the time..." Lee continued, Theodosia almost tackled Lee to the floor, but Aaron blocked her. "LET ME HAVE AT HIM!!!" She said trying to push Aaron out of the way. Lee laughed, Theodosia gritted her teeth. "You know what, SICK EM!!!" Shouted Aaron letting her out of her grasp, she chased him, it looked like a scene from Tom and Jerry.
We all watched Theo chased after Lee for about another hour, Man that girl can run fast in heels, I thought looking at her. Laf started handing French bread around, and butter, we all sat on a bench watching Theo. Then Jefferson approached us with Madison, "Hey trader!" He shouted to Aaron, Theo stopped in her tracks. "You really want to go there?" She asked. "Shutup, we all know you were born a guy, I mean what girl is named Theodosia, and a boy named Alexander, oh I mean Alexandra," Jefferson said, Madison chuckled. Everyone got up and chased after Thomas, Peggy talked him to the ground, leaving him with a bruise on his knee. "MAKE FUN OF THEM AGAIN!!! I SWEAR..." Peggy said. "LANGUAGE!!" Shouted Angelica. "I didn't even say anything!!" Replied Peggy. "I know but I stopped you didn't I!!" Replied Angelica. "SHUTUP!!" Shouted Peggy. King George III and Seabury came upand started laughing.
~An Hour Later~
Before we knew it, it was packed. Principal Louis XVI went up on the stage, "Bonjour students," He said with a strong French accent. I looked over at Laf, they smiled. "We are gathered here today for the announcements of the new semester and our new, youngest student," "Hey everyone," A timid looking kid that looked a little like Alexander said.
"I put together a rap for everyone, because I like to talk a lot," Said the new kid who looked around 16 years old. "My name is Phillip, I am a poet, I wrote this poem just to show it, and I just moved here, you can try to scare me but I have no fears. I learned French and piano when I was young, I've moved here from the Caribbean so I've never tried a plum, I have a cousin somewhere around here, you can raise a glass but I can't have beer," Wow that kid Phillip is really good. "Everyone give a hand for Phillip Hamilton..." Said Seabury. WAIT WHAT?!!
"Ha! That's funny! That's our Dad's name!" I said to Angelica. "You ok?" I asked, she looked surprised. "Did you hear his last name?" She asked. "Wha-... OMG!" I replied.
"Thank you all for coming, Alexander Hamilton can you please come up to the stage," Principal Louis XVI said ending the ceremony. I gulped, John tried to follow me but I told him to sit back down. I walked up there, "Alexander, meet Phillip your cousin," Said Louis XVI. "Your kidding, my whole family died," I said. "Nope, this is your last family member, you have a pull out couch, right?" He asked. "Yes sir!" I replied. "Well your cousin is staying with you have fun!" He chuckled, leaving us there silent. "Hi..." Said Phillip holding out his hand for me to shake, looking at the ground.
I'm sorry about Theodosia being trans, I was just reading a fanfic and she was, and it was AMAZING!!! And I have been obsessed with adding Phillip in!!! EHHH!!! Philip is AMAZING!!!!
~My son.....
Thank you!!
Until the future Teddy Bears!!!

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