We know....

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"Alexander just the person I've been needing to talk to," Said Thomas taking a seat next to me. "What do you want Thomas?" I asked him. "Yeah Jefferson what are we doing here!" Muttered Aaron by being near me, I rolled my eyes in response. "So Alexander, I mean Alexandra..." Madison said loudly grinning. "HOW DO YOU KNOW!!!" I cut him off, Herc stopped and looked at us. I gave him a nervous look, he walked toward us, "Backoff Jefferson unless you want to feel the same pain as a few days ago," Herc threatened Jefferson, "Yeash bro we were just checking if the rumors were true," Said Aaron. "What rumors?" Asked John out of breath, I stared Jefferson, How could he? I thought. "Nothing," I replied. "lets go play at the park near campus," "Nah! Its fine I'm tired anyways, that was fun though," Said Lafayette smiling his heart out. We walked toward the car, I held John's arm the whole time.
Hercules drove his orange-field truck and Lafayette rode in the passenger seat. Alexander fiddled with his hands, everyone was silent. Lafayette fell asleep on Hercules' arm. I looked at Alexander, he knew I was starring at him but he  looked down. We pulled up to the dorms, we walked up to Hercules and Lafayette's dorm to make sure he doesn't drop them down six flights of stairs. We all walked up, we helped Herc put Laf to bed. Hercules kissed his head, he made some coffee, "You guys can stay if you want to," Herc offered. "Thanks but we have to go," I told him. "see you tommorow," "Take care of my mom," Said Alexander smiling. "I will kiddo," He replied. "See y'all tommorow," "Bye," We called out before we left. We walked back down about two flights of stairs, Alexander could barely stay awake. When we got back to the dorm he changed into his unicorn onesie and started writing in his journal. I threw on a red plain shirt and some black joggers. I looked over at Alexander and smiled, he looked like a little ray of sunshine.
My eyes wanted to sleep, but my head was telling me "No, write,"I knew John would ask me what Jefferson and his friends meant, Ugh! Why did I ever trust that jerk! I thought, Because he was my first friend ever, at least as I can remember, I thought. I looked over at John, his freckles spotted his face like endless stars on dark night, as if the universe was calling me too stare at them and wonder how so much beauty could be on one face. How? He had his arm around me, "What are you doing?" He asked whispering. "Being bored," I whispered back. He smiled, and sat down in front of me. He held my hands. I looked at him, he looked back at me with his emerald green eyes. "Do you trust me?" He asked, still whispering. "Of course!" I replied also whispering. "Then tell me what Jefferson and then were talking about," He said. I winced back, a tear zig-zagging down my face, his tears doing the same. "You wouldn't love me anymore," I replied lower than a whisper. "Yes I will, I will never judge you, I will never hurt you, I will never scare you, I will for always love you though," He replied holding my cheeks whipping away any tears. I smiled. I pulled out an old photo album, the only one I had, and showed him a photo of me when I was 11, "Is that your twin?" He asked confused. I shook my head "no" trying to smile but more tears were rolling down. I pointed at myself, "It was me," I whispered. He pulled me in a hug, I cried on his shoulder, "m-m... my, n-n-.....nam-...name wa-...s Ale-..x-....and-....era," I replied in the middle of sobs he petted me, "I love you Alexander!" He shouted. I wanted to say I love you back but nothing came out, instead I cried more, wondering why I made him feel that way.
We sat their until Alexander fell asleep. I tucked him in, I kissed him on the head, he moved some, "I love you!" I whispered in his ear. I went over and looked at the clock. It was 3:00am, so I made some coffee and talked to Herc who I knew was awake, and even if he wasn't, (which was definitely unthinkable) I needed someone to talk to.
Rainbow peps🌈 (Groupchat)
Heya Herc!
Dude I was trying to sleep!
Me deux!
Sure, "sleeping"..
Herc.momfriend renamed Laf-our.Baguette, Sleeping.Beauty
Sleeping.Beauty- HERC!!! WHY?!!
Johnny-boy renamed Herc.momfriend Herc.Romeo and Sleeping.Beauty, They.Juilet
Smolchild- Guys, I'm trying to sleep!!
They.Juilet- Yeah, guys!!
Smolchild- and Them
They.Juilet- Are you assuming my gender?!!
Smolchild, Romeo, and Johnny-boy- REALLY!!!
Burning.Eliza- Sorry Peggy isn't in a good mood.
Sassy-Angle- Yeah she has been screaming the whole night.
(Everyone hear's a pillow hitting a wall and someone screaming "HEY!!")
MariaGURL- Sorry we have to go The Schulyer's are in a fist fight.
A..Burr- Yeah we heard!
LawJeff- Well this is better than the mind reading thing!
Nerdy-Mad.- *cringe*
Smolchild renames Nerdy-Mad. UR.CRINGY
LawJeff- Y'all are rude!!
Johnny-boy renamed LawJeff BROKEfarmer.
A..Burr- Lol! Suits you Jeff.
Johnny-boy- Do you even know why there are two . after A?
Wash.onelasttime- Ha I got it!! But why is my son Smolchild?
Wash.onelasttime- WHER DID U COME FROM!!
Herc.Romeo- You spelt where wrong.
Wash.onelasttime- Oh I thought that's what y'alls generation does?
St.Reynolds- *facepalms*
They.Juilet- How did you guys get this groupchat?
Smolchild- STALKERS!!!
Rainbowpeggy- Hey you guys what's up-....
Rainbowpeggy- Wow I missed a lot!!
Rainbowpeggy- I may or may not of told them about the groupchat...
St.Reynolds left Rainbow peps🌈 (groupchat)
UR.CRINGY- Wait you dated assistant principal James Reynolds.
MariaGURL- I gtg I'm tired night y'all.
MariaGURL deleted UR.CRINGY BROKEfarmer Wash.onelasttime A..Burr from the groupchat
MariaGURL disconnected from the groupchat
Well that was interest, I thought looking over the text messages. John fell back to sleep, I put a note on his desk near some croissants that Laf gave me, and left the dorm for a breath of fresh air.

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