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We pulled up to the Schuyler's mansion when Angelica ran out and hugged me crying. I stood there stiff not knowing what to do. Lafayette and Alex came over and joined the group hug too so I was just the socially akward person stuck in the middle of all of it. I could swear I saw John laughing before turning to Eliza.
We pulled up to the Schuyler's house right before the ambulance. Hercules, Lafayette, Angelica, and I were in the middle of a very akward group hug when the colors of the sirens flooded everything. Reds, oranges, and yellows, filled the very large driveway. Four men came out with a stretcher and picked up the skinny, girl on it who looked around our age, a crying Eliza pulled one of the men back with fear in her eyes,"Is she going to be ok?"
"Is she going to be ok?" Asked James, "Are we going to be ok?" He asked fear in his eyes while gripping to the man's hand, I was standing there with my stuffed Lion holding Jame's other hand wondering what was going on. I was tired, scared, and for the first time lonely. Looking at my brother's hands the man tried to hold back some tears, "We don't know," he replied barely in a whisper before allowing my brother and I ride with them to the hospital because she was all we had.
"We don't know," The man said with such a straight face, straighter than John's sexuality I wanted to punch him, how does that not phase him at all. The man turned around before running off, I grabbed Eliza's trembling hand, she fell into my arms.
Alexander pulled out of our amazing group hug, jerk. He ran over to a crying Eliza. I followed, Eliza fell into his arms, "Ang-.." He started. "I'm not here for you!" I said interrupting him while pulling Eliza into my arms, I could feel her smile a bit, while tears smudged here makeup-free face, thank god she decided not to wear makeup today or it would have been a mess. Peggy joined confusingly, with Maria. Eliza pushed us away, "We need to go to the hospital," She barely whispered. I smiled.
Sorry for the short chapter, but the next chapter is going to be amazing!!!

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