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Sorry I'm just obsessed with Waffle House...😂

I woke up with Alexander laying on me. I picked up my phone, it was 11:24 am. Crap, I thought. I ran over to Herc and Laf and woke them up, Lafayette was laying on Hercules his eyes still read from last night. I gave them their clothes, "Calm down Johnny-Boy we'll be fine," Hercules said trying to reassure me. "No we won't we're going to be late!!" I replied freaking out. "Ok fine but Lafayette is going to have to go everywhere I go," He said. "Fine! But can I talk to you for a second?" I asked. "Sure," Hercules shrugged. "How about I get the girls and we go to Waffle House?" I asked. "I like the Waffle House idea but the girls maybe to energetic for him right now," He replied. "Fine," I said looking at Lafayette. They was digging in Hercs backpack, they pulled out his sweatshirt and threw it on, they then took out their phone and put their's earplugs in and started listening to music. "Here," I whispered handing Herc some clothes. "Thanks!" He whispered back. "Come on Laf!" He said. Laf followed him into the bathroom. I woke up Alexander calmly. He woke up so peaceful, he smiled, which made me smile. "Are we a thing?" He asked whispering. "Do you want to-..." I started. "Yes!" He interupted. "Ok!" I replied. He pulled me into a kiss.
Laf was sitting in the corner listening to music, tears streaking down their face. I got dressed, they looked down the whole time. I pulled Laf up and kissed him on the cheek, they winced and cried and cried. I picked them up and carried them to the couch, I was cradling them the whole time.
The nurse walked in, she pulled John out of the room,"You can check out between now and 2:00pm," She told John. "Ok," John replied. He walked toward me and fixed me up. "I can fix my own self," I said pushing him away. "Ok, fine," replied walking away. He put his hair down and got up with my sweatshirt. "Let's go!" He said. John walked over to the counter, I followed him. He signed me out. I looked back at Laf I was worried about them. We walked outside and John drove Hercules' pick up truck that had random Pinetree stickers and quotes from history and Greek stuff. I sat in his passenger seat, Lafayette sat behind John and Herc sat behind me. His car smelt like oranges.
Why oranges? I thought. John pulled down a little TV, "Do you want to watch "Stranger Things" or reruns of "Gravity Falls"?" John asked Lafayette. He shook his head, "I just want to go back to the dorm...." He started lower than a whisper. "Hey, there's a surprise," Herc said toward Lafayette, which ended in a voice crack. Everyone laughed, except for Laf.
I felt like I was going mentally insane. I felt I haven't slept in a month Is this how Alexander feels? I thought. I felt like all of them were staring at me, even John who was driving this orange field. I hid my face inside a hoodie, wait I'm wearing Herc's sweatshirt, I didn't even notice it till now, like if it was an involuntary action. I looked over at Herc and over at Alexander, they were both staring at me Huh, I guess I was right, I thought, wait is John starring at me too? He's supposed to be driving this orange tree, I looked at where John who was sitting, he was driving, for the first time ever he was doing what he was asked to do, I'm surprised, I thought, wait why am I thinking these horrible rude things, these are my friends, they are actually more than friends, and Herc was more than that, but his car is an orange field, I think he knows it too.
We pulled into a parking lot that was surrounding a little yellow building. Waffle House, read the big bold letters on top of the small building. Lafayette ran out of the car, Hercules chased him inside. I followed John shyly, "Hey don't be scared Alex, this is Lafayette's favorite place in the whole world. You'll like it," John told me. John reached out for my hand, I grabbed it, we walked in together.
Lafayette and I ran toward our favorite booth, we turned sharply, he fell on me laughing, it was good to see him smile again. He then got up and sat down, I sat next to him, Johnny-boy and Alexander walked in holding hands like an old couple, Such losers, I thought, why can't they be as cool as Laf and I, I smiled looking at Lafayette, they was sitting listening to music with my hood on, my smile faded. I put my arm around them as John and Alexander walked up. John sat closest to Laf, Laf put they's head on my shoulder. A waitress walks up confused about what just happened. "I got this table Ana, there to of a handful for you to handle,"Anika, Laf's usual waitress walked over. "Ok..." she started,"let me guess, a dark coffee with extra sugar and a cheeseburger, another dark coffee with no creme and extra sugar and a breakfast bowl, and a French hazel nut coffee with a chocolate chip waffle. Now what do you want sir?" She asked gesturing toward me,"umm... I guess a dark coffee no creme and no sugar," I asked."Nope your getting food, you were just at a hospital over night," Said John,"he wants a waffle with that, I'll pay for it," Said John. Hercules gestured for her to bend down, he whispered something in her ear. She nodded and looked at Laf. "Ok, y'alls breakfast will be out soon," She said walking off.
I really wished Laf would at least look at me. They have been looking at his phone the whole time, listening to old sad French music. I sighed. Why. Why, why last night? Wait! I have an idea.
Food!! Finally, I'm hungry... I thought, watching Anika bring out some plates on a tray. She gave all of us our food and gave Lafayette their's last, he got a smily face with wip-cream and fruit. It was adorable, it looked like a creepy pixeled flower from one of the games Hercules used to play. I could tell Hercules saw it to and he was nervous about how Lafayette thought about it, the waitress felt the same way. "Excusez-moi," Said Lafayette lower than a whisper before he ran to the restroom, Hercules trailing behind him.

So umm... hi again. Ana and Anika are the names of Eliza and Angelica actors from the musical. So yep. And I'm sorry i just LOVE Waffle House!!!! So yeah see ya in the near future teddy bears.

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