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I walked throughly the hall ways. The coolness of the classrooms and the richness of grown students gave me the chills. I walked into classroom 1779, hmm.. I thought walking in as I saw EVERYONE that I knew in my class. Aaron was hanging out with Thomas and them, the Schuyler sisters and Maria were on another side, Sam and "King" George III and all of his friends, and Lafayette, Hercules, and John were sitting. They saved me a seat, "Thanks," I whispered, "you guys are the only group of friends I've ever had," "SON!" Mr.Washington called interrupting my tran of throught. "Hey..." I said putting my hand up in sign of hi. "How are you?" He asked, a few people giggled, mostly the southern democratic republicans. "I'm good!" I said. "OK!" He said realizing he had a class to teach, "Hello class my name is George Washington but you can call me Mr.Washington. Today we are going to do skits about something you like, so let's get started, here are the rubrics," He said passing around a pile of thin papers," you can print the script in the library, but only two-three from a group," As he said that people groups the southern democratic republicans and Aaron, the Schuyler sisters, Theodisa, and Maria, Sam, "king" George III, and everyone else, so that left Hercules, Lafayette, John and I the smallest group.
Hercules and Lafayette pretty much figured the whole skit out, Hercules was going to be a dying turtle, Lafayette would be another turtle, and Alex and I would be ourselves. Hercules and Lafayette went and printed it out and since pretty much everyone else hated us everyone else did except for Peggy, she stayed and bugged Mr.Washington until he decided to leave. Before Mr.Washington could figure out what was going on, Theodisa and Aaron went to Theodisa's locker, Thomas and James went to the restroom, with Sam and George, and Maria went to check on Peggy and how she was doing. Sure that's what they were doing. "So umm... how are you?" Asked Alexander breaking the awkward silence Thank god Mr.Washington fixed the reading thoughts problem because Alexander looks pretty cute!! I thought looking at Alexander. "Good!" I replied. "How's life for you?" I asked. "Same," He replied wrapping his arms around himself shivering. "Are you cold?" I asked taking off my jacket. "You can wear my jacket," I wrapped my jacket around him, he grabbed it with his hands. "Yeah, it's just I'm not used to the October months here," He said. "IMMIGRINT!!!" Shouted Thomas somewhere on campus. "SHUTUP THOMAS!!" We replied in unison. We laughed. I reached in for a kiss, he kissed back, then ran out of the classroom realizing what he did. "Wait! Alexander!" I shouted chasing him, What did I do this time? I thought, What did I do to blow this, this time? I hope your satisfied John!! I reached him he wasn't that fast. I ran into the bathroom Please don't be the bathroom where JeffMads is... I thought opening the door. Alexander was curled in a ball on the floor crying in Thomas's lap, The heck! I thought "Don't you too hate eachother?" "Yes, and no," Answered Thomas, "see I'm the closest thing he had to family because I would always go on cruises in the Carribean and he always snuck on since he was an orphan, everyone that loved him died and everyone he loved died, so he doesn't trust people anymore, nor does he trust him own-self especially when it comes to care about someone else," "Alexander I will never leave you, because I love you a lot!! And no matter how hard I try to stop myself or not feel the way I do, it just gets worse, please, please, don't hate me, because you are my life," I told him holding his hand, kneeling. I looked at my hand and slipped of my ring my mother gave me before she died. "Here," i said slipping it on his hand, "this isn't a ring, nor a symbol, this is a promise that life will be better, and that you will have some form of family and friends," he looked up at me with his brown eyes now red from tears. "Promise, for-...forever?" He asked. "I promise forever," I said.

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