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Alexander pulled me to the side and called out that we'll catch up.
"Hey you ok, you looked worried," I looked at Alex's eyes and behind him at his cousin who surprisingly looks a lot like me.
Alex whispered something in John's ear, he ran in and whispered something to Herc, who whispered something to me that was about Alex's cousin. My jaw dropped. I rolled up my sleeve and started walking to Philip.
I tried reaching out for Laf's arm but he let loose of my tight grip around his arm.
A tall intimidating Frenchman from the crowd of Alex's friends, approached me."Hi I don't know if we've official met, I'm Marie-Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Motier de Lafayette, but you can call me Lafayette, and I'm nonbinary which means I go by they/them and that's my boyfriend over there," They said gesturing towards a muscular guy facepalming himself. "Wave Herc!" Herc waved. "His name is Hercules by the way. And that is John, he's gay," Lafayette said gesturing to a man who was holding hands with my cousin? The man's face was bright red and he bit his lip while waving towards me shyly. "Oh and how could I forget his boyfriend, your cousin, who is bi and transgender," My face must of looked shocked because Alexander ran to the bathroom. "We get it Lafayette everyone here is related in some way and are different," A tall man approached us holding a bag. "Hey where's my son," He asked them. "Oh he ran to the bathroom, but this is his cousin Philip, Philip this is Mr. Washington he's a professor at Kings College,"
This kid is Alexander's cousin? Really? He looks like John... hmm... interesting, "Nice to meet you kid I'm excited to see you in my class," The poor kid look shocked and scared. Lafayette leaned over and who whispered something in my ear that agitated me, which never happens unless I'm around Charles Lee or King George, chill. I walked out of the resturaunt leaving everyone quite and worried, wondering, 'Why I didn't I say 'Bye!' or something,"
Angel, I think is her name, stood up. "Okay Lafayette stop whispering and tell us what's going on," She said angry. "I don't know how about you ask Philip," They replied. "What?" Everyone said.
Hercules used his sign language to try to stop me, 'No!!' He signed. 'To late!" I signed back grinning. I got up and pulled Herc to the restroom to try to find the emotional unstable couple.
Before I knew it Lafayette was bursting throught the bathroom door yelling in French. I was cradling a crying Alexander who was muffling French back. Hercules shoved Lafayette into a stall and started stressing about his horrible decisions in life. Normal, I considered, but everything they decides to do we have taught them. Alexander tried to stumble to his feet, I caught him before he fell on his way to the sink. He looked like a a four year old that was crying about someone taking his book. Aaron walked in, "Guys I know you probally don't want me to help comfort this drama mess, but Philip isn't against homo, at all," Alexander got up punched Aaronin the face and walked out. Hercules, Lafayette, and I burst into laughter while Aaron just stood there calmly aggravated out of his mind. "There's a million things he hasn't done," I whispered, "but just you wait."
Crap! Why does this always happen to me! I thought as a girl (I think her name is Peggle or Paggy) was laughing, behind her hands next to her girlfriend. They looked cute together, but I can see that someone else wants to date her girlfriend. I think her name is Elly or Elsa (I'm really bad with names) kept looking at her girlfriend. "I'm pansexual," I repeated. "How is that funny?" The tallest girl standing next to the girl who keeps staring this way spoke up, "We thought you didn't like homo people," "WHAT!! You guys are nuts!!" I started freaking out. Alexander walked in, tears streaks on his face with a red face, with someone holding on to his shoulder that looks like an older version of me. "Hey...." I trailed off, "cousin." I finshed off with socially akward finger guns that never let me down. The other two guys started falling over the floor laughing, "Il est incroyable qu'il s'adaptera à vous avec des gens fous," said the tall Frenchman, "You all are more than crazy," I replied smiling. His face lit up, "You know French?!" They asked excited. "I learned French and how to play piano with my mother," I replied looking at the ground, remembering my mother, how much I missed her. Their face lit up and they squealed jumping up and down moving towards other arms. "Calm down Laf," said the other man who was three times my size. He patted their back and they calmed down, but the smile wouldn't wipe off his face.
We all paid the bill and walked out. Thomas, James R., Madison, King George III, Seabury, and Charles Lee approached us, "Hey loser number 1 and loser number 2," said Jefferson. Charles laughed, "Come on Jeffy leave them alone," said Madison tugging on his boyfriend's arm obviously sick. "Come on Jamie what's the matter?" Asked Thomas pressing a kiss on his forehead. "Don't call me Jamie," Muttered Madison angrily. "Yeah how about you listen to your boyfriend Thomas and leave us alone you..." Alexander was caught off by John's hand covering his mouth. "You don't need to step to his level Alex," Said John trying to stop Alexander from doing something he would regret. "Oh don't worry Johnny-boy he'll never be anywhere near my level at his rapidness in growth," Replied Thomas smirking, everyone in his group fell to the ground laughing except for Madison who looked as if he was irritated. "See ya immigrant!" Said Thomas walking by still wipping tears away from his joke. Peggy and I exchanged looks, we knew what we had to do...
Laf and Peggy exchanged looks and Peggy looked at Angelica and Laf looked at me as for asking for permission to do what was needed to be done. Both Angelica and I (being the momfriends we are) we both mouthed "NO!!" They ignored us though and grinned at eachother and made a run towards Thomas, I pulled Madison out of the way right on time, John letting go of the trying to be freed Alexander did the samething, John talked pushed Charles Lee to the ground, Maria and Eliza took down James, and Angelica shoved King George III to the dirt, while Philip, Aaron, and Seabury stood their akwardly until Aaron spoke up, "Well, why not?" And he punched Seabury to the ground. Madison who I had by my hand started grasping for air, "T-Tho-Thomas, is h-he going to be o-ok?" He asked. I have never been this close to Madison before but he shockingly looked a lot like me, I could tell he saw it too. He reached into his pocket and pulled out an inhaler started breathing heavily, "Hey you ok?" I asked worried, "Yeah this happens all the time," He said, I helped him sit down. We talked for what seemed hours, about the most random stuff, finally Thomas walked over limping with a bruise and a bloody nose, and Peggy and Lafayette cane over without a scratch looking proud.
"Well I got to take this little one back home, thanks Hercules!" Called Madison, helping his boyfriend back to his car. I stared at Hercules suspiciously wondering what was going on in his mind. My thoughts were broken though by Peggy dragging both Hercules and I over to the rest of their friends who looked untouched. "Well," Said Theodosia who was wrapped around Aaron's arm, "we best get going, nice seeing y'all, and nice meeting you Phillip!" She announced to everyone, she hugged Phillip and he waved back shyly.

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