Sleepovers, turned upside down

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I'm so sorry I've been so busy about school, GS and reading that I forgot about this. And I know you've heard that convrsation a million times but I'm running out of ideas so this chapter only includes the girls, so enjoy! And please comment and give ideas, anything helps.

I walked through the doors of the gigantic mansion with a backpack slung over my shoulders, wondering if I packed it for no reason knowing they probally had everything I need for at least five years. When I walked in a rush of cool air rolled acrossed my body. "Hey!" Called Angelica from the kitchen, she was making dinner I guessed. Eliza was sitting on the couch her hands gripping at her knee intensely, her head head down. She was wearing a pair of jeans and a loose blue button up shirt. I was surprised, I've never seen Eliza not wearing a dress. Angelica cleared her throat, Eliza popped up startled. "Oh, hey s-sorry!" She said stuttering when she saw me. She rose off of the couch and showed me upstairs, Angelica followed, we walked into there room where we found Peggy shoving smarties into her mouth doing musicals on, and Maria sitting up against the wall, upside down, with a dum-dum in her mouth, with her arms crossed against her chest. They both grinned towards me as I walked in. Maria was wearing a black shirt with some suspenders, and some dark blue jeans, and And Peggy was wearing a P!ANIC shirt with some light blue short, shorts. Eliza sat on the bed uncomfortably, "What's up with you?" Asked Maria. Her face turned red, "Nothing..." She said her voice cracking a bit in the end. "Ok!" Angelica said breaking the silence, "Why don't we all play 'The Board game' ?" She said emphazing "The", Eliza and Peggy's face's lit up. I looked at Maria who was doing her eyeliner. Umm... I though, What am I getting myself into?

~An hour later

"Ohhhh!!!!" Shouted Maria hand over her mouth. "Ugh!" Shouted Angelica. "I hate this board game!" "Come one Angie please!!" Pleaded Eliza with puppy dog eyes. "Fine," She breathed in. "Kill Thomas, kiss Aaron, marry Madison," There was stifled laughter throughout the room. "Wait!" Peggy shouted standing up knocking over the board game... "Sorry..." She apologized. "But we haven't given Theo the full Schuyler experience..." She announced staring at Maria they both smiled and looked at me with excitement sparkling in their eyes. "I'm sorry but I have to finish dinner, this is your cause Eliza," Eliza glared at Angelica as she walked away chuckling under her breath. Wait, does Angelica knows something about Eliza that we don't know.... My thoughts were interrupted though by Peggy and Maria laughing while dragging me towards the, bathroom?

Maria shut the door of their surprisingly huge bathroom, giggling. Peggy ran over to start the bath water, BATH WATER!! I was on the floor trying to break free from this prison but fail miserably as my shoes were thrown off somewhere. Well this is it Theo, this is how your going to die, as Maria gagged me with a towel to try and hold me still.
I walked down the hallway to my restroom whistling without a care in the world. Well, that was until I heard screaming from the bathroom. I burst open the door to find Peggy yanking Theo towards the running tub, and Maria gagging Theo as she's trying to run away. Poor Theo.
Eliza rushes into the restroom and started screaming at Peggy and Maria for almost drowning me. "WE WERE TRYING TO WASH HER HAIR!!" Screamed Peggy over the loud rushing home of bath water. "Really because it SEEMED LIKE YOU WERE TRYING TO DROWN HER!!!" Eliza fired back. Maria walked out feeling akward and Eliza apologized for them and shoved Peggy out. She washed my hair then put it in a loose bun. When she was finished she sighed, "What's wrong?" I asked curiously. She sighed again and looked around shocked like I woke her up from a dream, "Oh it's nothing," She replied. "Sorry!" She said again before rushing out the bathroom door after glancing down at her watch. I walked down stairs and saw Angelica talking to her boyfriend, Thomas Paine, Peggy and Maria were feeding eachother macaroni laughing at how hard they tried, and Eliza was scooting her food with her fork gloomily. I took a seat near an extra plate with some sweet-tea next to it. I took a bite of the macaroni, almost laughing when Angelica walked by to refill Maria's cup with tea, and Peggy try to slingshot mac-n-cheese into Maria's mouth with her fork but hit Angelica and landed in her hair.
I wanted to laugh so hard when Peggy slingshot macaroni into Angelica's hair, but was still depressed. I just wish, no not wish, hope that I could be with her one day, but I know that will never happen, Maria and Peggy are destined for eachother, and I'm over here just third wheel. I watched as Angelica laughed at the mess in her hair.
"Hey umm.... Angie I was wondering if I could take a walk, by myself?" I asked. "Of course you can Liza!" Replied Angelica.
Eliza bolted out the front door not saying "goodbye". "What's up with her lately?" I asked Angelica while helping he do the dishes. She just shrugged, but I knew that she knew something. When I was done helping clean the dishes, I went upstairs with Maria.
~ About two hours later of walking around the neighborhood.
I walked down the sidewalk. "Ugh! Why am I such a horrible person?!" I kicked a rock, "How can everyone be so happy?!! Why can't I just be happy?!! Why am I so selfish? Why can't I be who I am without being pressured?! Why can't all of this pain just.... just burn?" The last questioned ended with a soft voice. I heard a girl crying, I looked around, remembering where I was. I ran into a house that I've never noticed before and I ran upstairs to a bedroom where I saw a girl crying.
~Mean while.
"Hey guys have you seen Liza?" I asked the lovebirds with concern, it was a 11:13 and was dark outside. The lovebirds just kept ignoring be, "Umm... I thought she went on a walk?" Suggested Theodosia. "Crap! That was almost three hours ago!!" I was now yelling, pulling Peggy off the ground. "Call 911, call our lawyer, call-call Hercules, Alexander, John...."
Angelica started screaming random things, she was going mentally insane, Eliza is 20, she can handle her own life. I walked outside to get a breath of fresh air, when my phone started ringing. I knew it Eliza is fine, I thought while reading the name. "Hey where are you Angelica is-..." I started but was cut off by Eliza screaming. "Come quick leave Angelica please just go down the block to the light brown house!!!!" "Eliza what's going on?" I asked concerned. "No time to explain just come quick!" She replied before hanging up. Crap!
"Hello?" Called Theodosia confused. The girl was still crying, Theodosia walked in. She ran over and kneeled by the crying girl, "Hey you ok, what happened, what's your name, do you need help, are you hungry....?" Theodosia started asking the scarily skinny to the bone girl who looked abused. I got up and called John knowing he would know what to do.
~At Hercules's place
Hercules parents worked with Philip Schuyler and were really good friends before Hercules even met the sisters. So Hercules, Lafayette, Alex, and I were all in Hercules's room watching sad movies like The Fault In Our Stars, A Dog's Purpose, The Little Mermaid, and Moana, and any other sad or Disney movie his little sisters had, when I got a call from Eliza. I picked up and put her on speaker, "Hey Eliza! Your on speaker!" I called to her. "Hey I found a crying girl and I don't know what to do, and...." She replied. "Hold on we'll be there in a minute!" I cut her off before hanging up. "Come on emotionally unstable, French bread, and Coffee-keeps-me-alive," I said smiling at the nicknames I gave them, "This sleepover, both sleepovers are turning upside down,"
This is SO long, "Who's the girl? What happened to her? Is she going to be ok?" We'll wait and see I guess.

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