Night full of drama

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Hercules and Lafayette were sharing a blanket near the window laughing with a phone light in their faces. Alexander was writing but suddenly stopped. "Are you cold because I can get blankets," I said getting up. "No don't get up..." He said, "Ok," I replied. "OH MY GODS, ALEXANDER!! THOMAS POSTED SOMETHING ON INSTAGRAM!!" Shouted Lafayette who was very tired because he gets louder and stronger French accent. "WHAT THE FLIP DID HE DO NOW!!!" Said Alexander who tried to stand up but winced and fell back on the bed. "Calmed down," I said, I looked back at Lafayette, Hercules got up and knelt down on one knee,"WOAH NO NO!!" I shouted. "It's ok Johnny-boy its not going that fast, Marie-Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Motier de Lafayette will you be my umm... theyfriend?" Hercules asked, both Alexander and I were surprised. "Mom!" Cried Alexander. "Dad!" I cried. "It'll be ok and I'm not your father John," he replied. "Awww... but I wanted to be cool like Laf and Alexander," I replied. "SHUTUP JOHN!!" Herc and Alex said. I leaned back annoyed.
I was so surprised and I wanted to thank him for not saying "boyfriend" I guess that shows his true love toward me. "Y-Y.." I started. My phone rang it was my brother? Hercules froze when I looked at it. "Oh, it's fine I-I... Yes, Yes," I smiled the phone rang again, I looked down at it and muted it, John, Herc, and Alex looked worried about the phone call. Hercules gave me a cheap ring to indicate our past-friends-ship I smiled it was cute. I then told them I would be right back and ran to the bathroom and answered the phone call.
Before I knew it my love of my life was my theyfriend, I sighed, I loved this wonderful feeling. But then Laf started screaming and yelping and shaking and breathing loudly and crying all in French, I ran into the bathroom after my one love. I flung open the bathroom door I found Laf laying in the corner shaking and crying yelling at the phone. I picked Laf up and carried him to the couch and to the phone away from they,"Bonjour mon nom est Hercules Je suis le petit ami de Lafayette il tremble et pleure, dis-moi ce qui se passe o," I said proud of myself for speaking that much French. "Bonjour Hercules J'appelle Lafayette parce que sa mère et son arrière-grand-père est décédé il y a six mois et nous avons oublié de le lui dire et ne l'avons jamais saisi," Said the person on the other side of the phone. "D'accord, merci!" I replied hanging up the phone. I sat on the couch with Laf, they clinged to me crying all over me I cuddled with Laf trying to make they feel better and started whispering things to they in French telling they everything would be ok, even thought it wouldn't be. Because I know. Experience. Horrible, horrible, experience. I picked they up and sat Laf in my lap and held they like a child, cradling Laf in my arms.
I got up and walked toward the Mullet mess,"Who died?" I asked. "His great-grandfather and his mother," Herc replied still cradling him. "The only people who loved me, cared about me, excepted me, and treated me as a person, as a family, the last two people on Earth who didn't care what others thought but what loved ones thought," Said Laf trembling with a strong French accent that I could barely understand. "NOT TRUE!!" Yelled Alexander,"we except you we love you, heck Herc just pretty much purposed to you, you came in my hour of need, I'm standing up right now when the nurses told me not to all for you. Laf I have lost all of my family too ok, I'm a bastarded, bi, transgender, orphan, that no one understood or cared about, you guys are my first group of friends not including Thomas who hates me for no reason, ok we all love you and will always love you thick through thin. Now if you would excuse me I feel like I'm dying," Alexander said dropping to the bed. Laf got up shaking and walked over to his bed, "Merci," he whispered with all of his strength and fell to the floor which Herc went and picked him up again and cradled him kissing him, whispering things in French that were so low I couldn't make any of it out, which might of been for the best.

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